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What do you want to know from a High Frequency Trader?

Joy Pathak

Ben Van Vliet is quite a known person in the High Frequency Trading Field. He is often seen on finance tv shows and gives interviews on the topic of HFT.

He is the keynote speaker at the HFT Leaders Forum in NYC.

He also has several books written in regards to Algo Trading.
Amazon.com: Benjamin Van Vliet: Books

He has been gracious enough to offer his time for an interview with QuantNet.

Any specific questions anyone want to ask about high frequency trading and Algorithmic trading or about the market in general? This is the perfect time obviously to get a deeper insight into this field with what happened the other day and the constant bashing HFT is taking.
Who are the biggets players in the HFT arena?

What are the costs of running a HFT shop?

Thoughts on the big drop and recovery on 5/6?

Are there areas of the markets in general that appear to be more efficient than others? If so which ones and why is that?

What/Is there a new trend in HFT? Like something new that you see a bunch of shops trending into? Whats the current frontier of the HFT industry and where does it appear to be heading?

Could he briefly comment on a few common strategies that are used in the industry and how they work in general? I'm not asking for detailed specific answers, just an overview of sorts if that'd be alright?
@ Scoot

I have sent out the interview questions already. I will try to ask some of the questions you mentioned in a follow up. Some of them have been asked already.
Ya I understand a lot of what I asked was pretty basic but was better than nothing. Reading the article now...thanks for doing this!