What's considered to be a good profile to get into top quant program?

Can someone please enlighten me, i'm preparing for the GRE right now, just want to know what's considered to be a good profile to get into top notch quant program.

Thank you.
Go to the Tracker, filter the profiles of people with Admit status and by the programs you want to apply. You are likely to get a good idea of their profiles and see how you stack up against them.
Thank you for the prompt response.
I have been following the tracker for sometime now, what's interesting is that when I look at the ones that got rejected VS. the ones that got accept I can't tell that many differences. For instance, an international student who has no work experience in the related field got accpeted while someone who has internship experence graduated from a U.S. college with samilar GRE score got rejected. So I'm just curious that what's considered to be a strong candidate to most of programs ? Can you give the requirement in precedence? Like one requirement is more important than the other etc.
Thank you.
Different programs have different preferences and the type of applicants they want to target. Luck may play some role. Two identical profiles may not get the same results.
You just have to do research, ask the programs during their open houses/online chat, read the profiles to see the trend. It's not something anyone can answer in one post.

The good thing is that once you know what a specific program is looking for, you can tailor your profile to get in. It's been done many times before. Assembly line approach is not going to work.
it'll also help if you're actually interested in finance and can communicate that (and how the degree will help you achieve your goals) effectively.
I want to become a trader.
I currently i have about 4 years of algo strategy development experiences in a major investment bank.
GRE Quant 164, minor in math, and I got pretty much all As in Math back in college, what's my chance ?
I want to become a trader.
I currently i have about 4 years of algo strategy development experiences in a major investment bank.
GRE Quant 164, minor in math, and I got pretty much all As in Math back in college, what's my chance ?

what kind of math did you study? where did you attend school? and mfe might not be the best choice if you want to become a trader (in the pure trading role sense unless you want to do algo or options trading).
I studied cal 1,2,3, linear algebra, stat 1 ,2 matrix, numerical analysis. I went to Penn State, and yes I want to do algo or options trading, i'm developing algo strategies for the desks, that's where i get the inspiration. Thank you.
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