Which Files to submit?

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Dear friends,

1-As Visual Studio builds alot of random files, is it sufficient if I only submit the .c files to the TA and ignore EVERYTHING else.
2-For exceptional cases such as Section 1.5 -> Exercise 3, submitting Main.c and Print.c is enough or because of header issue I must include extras?
3-My responsibility is to make sure that my .c file compiles and executes correctly and then send only that file to the TA, right?
4-Then, why there is a maze of forum questions regarding .vcxproj .vcxproj.filters .vcxproj.user .vs and etc? why should we care about those files specially that we do not need to submit them anyway?

Sorry for the Qs. The logistics are not intuitive to the newbies.
I am progressing. There are two (I suppose garbage folders .vs and x64) should I delete them when sending the HW to you?
hi, is that ok if we write the codes without header file?
I asked that question many times, and have Avi's answer ingrained in my brain forever. Answer: including the header file is always most recommended for best practice.

As personal advice, I would say doing so train's you for certain automatisms, that you don't form if you put everything in the source file.

Hope this helps!
With how I setup my folders I typically have three 'garbage folders.' 1xVS and 2x "x64".
One of the x64's is with the project code inside the file-within-the-file and the other is within the first file among the vs and .sln portion.

Figured I'd mention it in case that helps anyone.
With how I setup my folders I typically have three 'garbage folders.' 1xVS and 2x "x64".
One of the x64's is with the project code inside the file-within-the-file and the other is within the first file among the vs and .sln portion.

Figured I'd mention it in case that helps anyone.
Hi Mike. Thanks for your suggestion. I figured that in my case, I can safely remove x64 when submitting HW. In my case I get only one x64 (windows system). In the advanced HW questions (level 8 and 9), I found that "boost_x64_release" which we manually build for boost library connection has nothing to do with the x64 large folder. So, I am sharing back here, in case some soul on the forum is confused by the logistics. I am looking forward to catch up with you @MikeLawrence. I submitted my last HW, and am preparing for the final.
Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. I've got four groups left in the last chapter, and I think the first two will prove take far longer than the last four, correct me if I'm wrong, so I should be wrapped up soon.
Yeah, 100% agree. The first 2 groups took me 70% of the entire time. 30% of the time went to CDEF, which were mainly logistics and calibrating the specialized excel commands to the rest of the code. For A&B, I would always come back and figure that I have missed something, or there is an inconsistency, or sometimes the doubt that maybe I am using a good-efficient advanced technique somewhere and an overly-primitive technique elsewhere. I guess at my level just getting it to work, respecting most principles of OOP, keeping it generic and open for future add-ons, and applying some of the techniques taught in the course is sufficient. I think the course is one of the best repositories of C++ related beginner/intermediate knowledge, and the serious student must come back to it once in a while and redo/review the homeworks to appreciate the many elaborate details.
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