I am assuming we will be prepared for production-level coding in industry after this?
Very interested in this course to up my skills from beginner-intermediate to intermediate-advanced. From what I see on LinkedIn the top buy-side shops likes to hire Quants who are very good programmers, oftentimes majoring in CS and having done software engineering internships, if they are coming in at the undergrad level (like I am).
Yes, the course is quite comprehensive in topics, and as you progress beyond level 1, it has some very practical 'toy' exercises and a case study to solidify your knowledge. There are also documents called 'Tips, Tricks, & Pitfalls' provided with each level, that contain useful pointers of issues that often come up in practice.
There are some additional 'production' topics such as unit testing, design patterns, and code management (i.e. GIT) that are beyond the scope of the course, but may be presented as followup 'mini-modules' in the future (along with other topics).
A 'very good programmer', from my experience, is one who has progressed beyond the 'science' of coding, and has mastered the 'art'. The course gives you the tools, practice, and guidance (i.e. personal code feedback) you need to get well on your way there; but ultimately, practicing and debugging through/reviewing other people's code is paramount.
It's also worth noting that if your goal is to become a good software engineer, versus simply becoming good at Python, then I'd recommend learning C++ first, as there are a lot of important, low level aspects of programming and design that get lost when learning Python first (see
FAQ: Python Online Course).
Disclaimer: I am the course originator.