Recent content by asdzxc

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    Some Recruiting Agents Exploit Chinese Students

    Yeah yeah yeah everyone is cheating so we should cheat too LOL
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    Some Recruiting Agents Exploit Chinese Students

    What apartheid? Such nonsense.
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    Some Recruiting Agents Exploit Chinese Students

    Everyone knows they cheat on Olympics... actually everything incl. baby powder. What part you don't get?
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    Some Recruiting Agents Exploit Chinese Students

    Nothing to do with the US government.
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    Some Recruiting Agents Exploit Chinese Students

    the Chinese cheated - 100% agree!
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    Google stops censoring web for China

    I cannot say any better than this. Bravo Stefan Zota! <spend a little time to browse around and learn something.> How about 1984 by George Orwell. <If there are at least 0.01% of Chinese population that are blocked from fair access to public information, then you should not talk on their...
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    Google stops censoring web for China

    An Open Letter From China By Jeff Macke VERY WELL WRITTEN :-) Dear American Capitalist Dogs, Much has been made of our recent decision to defend our populous against the corrupt brainwashing influence of the insidious Google (GOOG) organization. Ugly, defaming terms such as “censorship” and...
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