How long have you being out of China? Your opinion might not carry as much weight just because of this.
Whether I am in China or how long I have been out of China is irrelevant to the topic. Understand? Anyone who has some knowledge of China's legal system, culture environment and internet market is qualified to join the discussion. Unfortunately many of you were so fast to claim things you don't know at all.
Again, Google is not pulling out. They just decided not to censor the searches, plain and simple. This is sort of a cat and mouse game.
Whatever you call it.
BTW, you keep avoiding the topic of the hack attack originated in China against Google which is the crux of the problem and why they decided to uncensor the searches.
What do you mean by saying "avoiding"? I didn't talk about that "hack" story because I wanted to be nice, not try to embarrass you by debunking such a empty claim. Google claims attack "originated in China", so what? Has Google provided any evidence before giving China s**t? Or like NY Times reported, the attack was found from Lanxiang (??) vocational high school, under "Chinese military support"? Do you know that millions of Chinese netizens laughed at this narrative? it was like a REALLY bad Disney movie. First China's PLA has its own research institute, college, high school...they don't have to leverage on "outsourcing" to a "vocational high school" . Second vocational high school (???in China is pretty much the place to go for students who are not able to enter the regular high school because of their poor academic performances. All you can learn in vocational high school is just some basic vocational skills to get you a low-paid job.
That is why there have been so much sarcasm about "hacking Google" on China's discussion boards. Chinese netizens joked "Go to Lanxiang if you wanna be a super hacker" (???, ????. See, that was what your mainstream media did to help your beloved searching giant.
BTW, let me know in case you have any more solid evidence. let me know. ^o^ ~~~~
BTW, i'm a quater chinese and my wife is full chinese. So I wouldn't be so fast to claim I don't know the system. I also lived in a communist country until my 20s so I might know more than you think.
It is "Chinese people's loss" if they decide to search in english. It might just be a small cluster of people but these people are losing that capability. That's not difficult to understand, right? And, again, Google is not stopping them.
Frankly, how "much" Chinese you are and whether your wife is full Chinese are irrelevant to the topic. Again, whether you have lived in "a communist country" is also irrelevant. You might know well about your homeland's system, but you failed to show that you know anything about China's system so far despite your family ties.
I don't care whether you have a close bond with Chinese. what i care is whether you can open your eyes to throw your blind ideology away for just two minutes, and learn something about China's law, culture, market... all those FACTS as long as you are interested in the Google story.
When people begin labeling things, you always know either they have no idea what they are talking about and thus they are afraid of a case-by-case discourse, or they are simply not interested in such a discourse.
Thank you for restricting like "a small cluster of people" otherwise we Chinese would think you are kidding. Again, anyone who claims "Chinese people's loss" without knowing anything about China just sounds funny. ^-^