Columbia University - Masters in Financial Engineering

Columbia University - Masters in Financial Engineering

Columbia MFE is a full-time program under the IEOR department

Reviews 3.30 star(s) 10 reviews

Interesting but lacking
Class of
1. Admission Process:
Columbia's MSFE was one of a handful of programs I applied to. The application was fairly standard (grades, experience, scores, essays, etc.) and the decision came back around mid-February which was ahead of most of the other responses.

2. Courses/Instruction Quality:
I think instruction quality could be greatly improved. Some professors were amazing while others skimmed the material, seeming to assume that we knew everything already. One thing to note is that much of the material is extremely theoretical, and so independent study is necessary to see how a lot of it can actually be applied. The material is very difficult as well, and I will say that most classes are graded on a curve, so don't freak out if you "fail" a test. For example, my overall grade in one class was a 59% and that came out to a B+.

All that being said, I think the classes are a great way to tell if you want to be in the industry. I had a difficult time with the material, but knew I wanted to pursue this path when I realized that I loved doing it anyway. The professors are smart and able to answer any questions you have, and I really feel like a whole new world of information was opened up to me through this program. I also feel like it pushed me to learn "how to learn" and increased my curiosity.

3. Career Services:
In this section, I can't say much. When I visited career services I got some guidance about how to write better bullets on my resume, but I didn't get much beyond that. I went again to ask about how to be better when looking for a job or networking and was basically told to keep doing what I was doing. Friends in the program told me they got the same thing.

I would also mention that every other week there are speakers from the industry that come to talk about what they do at work. One speaker in particular inspired me and I tried multiple ways to get in contact to learn more, but got nothing back. This experience was eye-opening for me and I think it would be accurate to say that unless you're a top student or unique in some other way, you're pretty much on your own when it comes to career matters.

4. Overall:
Overall I loved the material of the program and realize I needed it to learn more about this sector of finance. However, as a middle-of-the-pack student, it felt like I was a bit worthless in the eyes of the professors and admin.

5. Misc:
If you join this program, make sure to start networking with anyone and everyone you can as soon as you get the decision. Also make sure to start studying things like the green book and applying to internships/jobs as soon as possible so you have the best chance of finding something.
No, I would not recommend this program
Students Quality
5.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
Career Services
1.00 star(s)
If you think your life is too smooth right now, try Columbia MFE!
Class of
1. Career service with advanced AI techniques (tutors will use chatgpt to edit your resume)
2. Fast-selling career events, tickets are often sold out very quickly and no spot is reserved for FE (real target) students
3. Some professors' lectures (core module) are like bringing me back to my childhood. (Poor lectures, terrible recordings, poor notes, vague definitions and hard questions)
4. More opportunities to be with your family after graduation. Lower employment rate compared to other Top quant programs means you have to go back to your mother country.
No, I would not recommend this program
Students Quality
4.00 star(s)
2.00 star(s)
Career Services
1.00 star(s)