Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science

Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science

Reviews 4.89 star(s) 28 reviews

Rigorous course. Definitely met my expectation to be better coder.
I think the course has its uniqueness in that it challenges you more than other courses.
So you would spend a lot of time thinking about how to solve exercises and this is how you improve as coder. The course definitely met my expectation for being rigorous and covering lots of topics. I would say that the only downside is that students with no previous experience will suffer, as well as those who work full-time to complete the course on time.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Capstone project was extremely helpful.
I started this course after having completed the C++ for financial engineering course. I found to be very helpful as an introduction to the syntax and Python specific features and the capstone project is an extensive case study which was extremely helpful.
Yes, I would recommend this program
An excellent and memorable course.
Good course that helps me improve my python skill. And for second part, data science, is relatively complicate compared with the first part for those who unfamiliar with pandas. This is a forum based q&A course,I believe it will get better and better as more and more people take this course.
Yes, I would recommend this program