Search results

  1. Andy Nguyen

    FAQ: Advanced C++ and Modern Design Online Course

    The new advanced C++11/C++14 course is currently by invitation only. We will open to the pre-qualified members later this summer and one of the qualifications is completion of the C++ online certificate.
  2. Andy Nguyen

    FAQ: Advanced C++ and Modern Design Online Course

    Looks like you move it to a private discussion, fyi :)
  3. Andy Nguyen

    How to check days left

    You can now see a banner on the top showing number of days left. It has a red spinning icon. Please confirm.
  4. Andy Nguyen

    How to check days left

    Can you see it now?
  5. Andy Nguyen

    How to check days left

    You enrolled on 3/27. I'll fix the issue with remaining days display shortly.
  6. Andy Nguyen

    C++ Class Link Not Working

    Thanks. We updated the links.
  7. Andy Nguyen

    Getting an internship while in MFE Program

    Yes. The internship search starts the first day in the MFE program. Programs will a good placement service will help you with resume, job search, interview prep, alumni networking, etc. A lot of people found internship on their own but the good ones are via networking.
  8. Andy Nguyen

    Chicago MSFM Seeking changes, Chicago MSFM fired founding director

    Would be great if the current students, recent graduates of the program leave a review of the program. Chicago only has 3 reviews, the last back in 2013 and it seems a lot has changed since.
  9. Andy Nguyen

    STEM OPT will soon be 36 months

    Great news for MFE graduates. Beginning May 10, international students earning degrees in science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields in the United States will now be eligible to stay for three years of on-the-job training. This is 7 months longer than the current OPT rule. This...
  10. Andy Nguyen

    Question about proof of enrollment

    Yes. You can list it on your resume under Certificates, not under the formal education section where people usually list their bachelor/master degree. Hope it's clear.
  11. Andy Nguyen

    Question about proof of enrollment

    You are not technically enrolling at an institution since you are not a matriculated student. The correct way to describe it is to put "Enrolling in the C++ online certificate offered by Baruch College MFE program"
  12. Andy Nguyen

    Question about proof of enrollment

    As far as proof for enrollment is concerned, once you are enrolled you can request that the Baruch MFE program to provide a letter in PDF to confirm it. It has been done many times.
  13. Andy Nguyen


    Yes. You are correct :)
  14. Andy Nguyen


    CMU MSCF is now a full-time only program as they have recently eliminated their part-time and online programs.
  15. Andy Nguyen

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF launches Online program

    I was informed by the program director that this online program as well as their part-time program have been eliminated.
  16. Andy Nguyen

    Retaking Certificate

    I already sent you a message. Please let me know if I can help with anything else.
  17. Andy Nguyen

    QuantNet Best-selling Quant Books of 2015

    QuantNet has been compiling the annual list of best-selling quant books our members purchase every year since 2010 (see the best-selling book lists of 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010). The following list is 20 best-selling quant books of 2015 (both hard-copy and ebooks), compiled from aggregate...
  18. Andy Nguyen

    Minimum GRE score for entry into quant programs

    If you complete with similar applicants (most are from China/India), your GPA may not make the cut. I believe your best bet would be to differentiate yourself with a unique background story, accomplishment or something that can convince the readers to overlook that. Honestly, that won't be easy...
  19. Andy Nguyen

    Minimum GRE score for entry into quant programs

    Take a look at the Tracker and you should see the profiles of those admitted to any program. You can get a good idea of how much GRE you need for each program.
  20. Andy Nguyen

    Which Quant programs offer evening only classes?

    Most (if not all) programs that accept part-time students have courses in the evening to allow part-timers to take the same courses with full-time students.
  21. Andy Nguyen

    Chicago MSFM Is Henri Berestycki still the director of Chicago MSFM?

    No, he was interim director while they searched for a new director back in 2010.
  22. Andy Nguyen

    Internships as an Undergraduate

    A lot of our members have obtained internships as undergrad doing relevant things. Big companies may have more applicants and they can filter by the degree but many smaller places are always looking for qualified candidates who can program and quantitatively inclined. You should broaden your...
  23. Andy Nguyen

    2016 QuantNet Rankings of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    That section is based on the Employment data. As far as I know, QuantNet is the only place that obtains detailed statistics directly from the administrators of the programs we rank. Given MFE salary/admission info is not publicly...
  24. Andy Nguyen

    How i became a quant?

    I'm glad to hear that all your hard work paid off @Joy Pathak
  25. Andy Nguyen

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Q&A (ask a current student)

    That's the best endorsement of the C++ online certificate as it gets. Thanks guys. I heard that Ivan smoked through the C++ course with flying colors ;)
  26. Andy Nguyen

    Help! Advice?

    OP can certainly get a job in finance that can afford a good entry to a long career. But it may not be the high flying trading, front office type that she is aspired to. There are plenty of solid jobs in risk management, regulation that she should not overlook. Read what @Ken Abbott has to say...
  27. Andy Nguyen

    New FRM graduate program at University of Toronto Rotman School

    The University of Toronto's Rotman School of Management is launching a new graduate program in financial risk management. An intensive eight-month program for recent graduates with solid quantitative skills from undergraduate university programs, the Master of Financial Risk Management (MFRM) is...
  28. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE Updates rankings

    Tues 10/6
  29. Andy Nguyen

    Awa vs verbal gre

    I would put more weights on the AWA, writing part since it can show how one structures his thoughts into a coherent essay. You can easily show your command of the language better than how many vocabularies you can remember.
  30. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE Updates rankings

    Just programs in North America.
  31. Andy Nguyen

    Coding academies as gateways to $100,000 jobs

    I suspect these coding academies won't take international students so these will only work for domestic audience. It's easier for companies to hire Americans.
  32. Andy Nguyen

    Will I have time to play video games?

    Not if you are a professional gamer who do this for a living :)
  33. Andy Nguyen

    UNC Charlotte MathFin VS Buffalo MSF with QF Track

    Both are all relatively unknown programs as far as placement track record. UNC is a ranked program while Buffalo is not. Finance is a competitive industry and your life will be much easier to graduate from a competitive program.
  34. Andy Nguyen

    Coding academies as gateways to $100,000 jobs

    Interesting article on NYTimes today about coding academies that train people for several months for programming languages in high demand.
  35. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE Updates rankings

    Sept 2015.
  36. Andy Nguyen

    University of Miami - MS in Mathematical Finance

    Total cost of the program (for three semesters) - between $51,000 and $56,000 , depending on the amount of tuition rebate Program curriculum: 22 core credits, 12+ elective credits Semester 1 (Fall) MTH 642 (Statistical Analysis) MTH 647 (Introduction to Mathematical Finance) FIN 650...
  37. Andy Nguyen

    University of Miami's Mathematical Finance (MSMF)

    I got sent over some information about the new program at University of Miami which will recruit its first cohort for Fall 2016 in Nov this year. A few quick notes on the program 3 semester long, 34 credits All students eligible for 25-30% scholarship, resulting in a total degree cost between...
  38. Andy Nguyen

    Terry Tao, the greatest mathematician in the world

    A great read for many members here about a young math genius, the best of our time. I learned about Terry Tao in the year of 2004 during graduate school when my PhD advisor discussed the Green-Tao paper. The article author did a great job making the material very accessible even if you are not a...
  39. Andy Nguyen

    What books are you currently reading?

    Bringing this up to see what everyone is reading this summer. Link to the books on Amazon if you can. Thanks My most recent read is I love books about influential people in business, technology. Elon Musk is a great guy and...
  40. Andy Nguyen

    Georgia Tech Master's in machine learning vs GT QFE

    More here
  41. Andy Nguyen

    Analytics for Trading desk of BB vs Market Risk in Asset Management

    What are the compensations compared? The first role sounds more exciting but may carry more risk since big data is not as established as risk management but high risk, high reward. If you can make a name for yourself, you can be in a very niche market which jobs line up in the future. In either...
  42. Andy Nguyen

    Advise for quant career:bachelor's in physics, math, PhD, online courses?

    Many US programs were like that in the past until they discover that their admitted students couldn't get a job because they just couldn't speak English well enough to secure internship/job offers despite very high GPA, GRE, TOEFL scores. Now, many top programs do phone/skype interviews. I met...
  43. Andy Nguyen

    Cryptocurrency Quant Internship

    They probably fished your resume out of a database if you applied somewhere else before. Is there any match in skill set and interest between you and the employer?
  44. Andy Nguyen

    Seeking for advice please help:)

    I would caution against doing anymore expensive degrees that may get you no closer to your goal. If your goal is to get into an IB training class, the normal route is go through campus recruiting which banks do at target schools. Given that you are not in that target pool, your chance is lower...
  45. Andy Nguyen

    Georgia State University - MS in Quantitative Risk Analysis and Management

    The MS QRAM program is launched in August 2019 by Haci Akcin. Previously, the program was called M.S. in Mathematical Risk Management.
  46. Andy Nguyen

    Becoming a trader: MBA vs. MFE

    Do a search for the title of the discussion will get you the correct link MFE to trader?
  47. Andy Nguyen

    Using CQF or CFA for MFE admits?

    CFA L1 is very common among MFE applicants so its value of a differentiator is not much as one may hope. To a certain extent, CQF is similar but not as common since it has a difference purpose and for MFE applicants, the tuition is non trivial. You may get a better return on your MFE preparation...
  48. Andy Nguyen

    Master reading list for Quants, MFE (Financial Engineering) students

    That book is very old and many MBA students use it. There are more current books on that list by Wilmott, Joshi, Stefanica, etc that are more technical and useful for MFE audience.
  49. Andy Nguyen

    Master reading list for Quants, MFE (Financial Engineering) students

    Yes those books cover basic finance topics that you can use to prep for MFE interviews. Topics such as options, Black Scholes, etc. And the math brainteasers are pretty standard everywhere.
  50. Andy Nguyen

    Working as an international student in the US

    Career services play a crucial role in the success of a program. You can look at how involved the director of a program in helping alumni/graduates with internship/interview/etc. Every F-1 student has the same employment eligibility. The difference is how you maximize those time to secure a...
  51. Andy Nguyen

    So disappointed by risk management professionals

    Waiting for @Ken Abbott to comment on this. He is the senior one with the quantitative background. I don't know the percentage of people in RM with that background.
  52. Andy Nguyen

    Columbia MAFN Some Information about Columbia MAFN

    @Omar Felix Thanks for sharing. Really appreciate it. It would be a great help if you can repost your review and rate the program as well
  53. Andy Nguyen


    Did you look at the courses each program offers? Do they have any risk management track/concentration? Do they place graduates in RM roles?
  54. Andy Nguyen

    Math sub ranked at 77%, shall I do it again?

    Forget about subject math GRE. Do the general GRE well, take some programming courses. You can't do anything about your previous math courses. Get an internship/part-time job that utilizes technical skills. Work on your application.
  55. Andy Nguyen

    How to improve my current profile

    Don't waste time on the exams (CFA/FRM). The consensus among senior employers here are that they are not useful without context and everyone has them so it does not provide competitive advantage. Get a hardcore skill instead. Be really good in programming. You will have more chance of...
  56. Andy Nguyen

    Boston MSMFT BU Admissions Thread

    You can wait a few months for our 2015 rankings then.
  57. Andy Nguyen

    University of Michigan - MS in Quantitative Finance and Risk Management

    The Department of Mathematics and the Department of Statistics jointly oversee an interdisciplinary Master of Science degree program in Quantitative Finance and Risk Management. The MS program focuses strongly on advanced mathematical and statistical methods and provides graduates with a...
  58. Andy Nguyen

    CMU MSCF? Second Master?

    It's a $100,000 question. What is the likelyhood that you will get a better job second time around? A lot of factor is out of your control. You obviously will do this part-time and by the time you graduate, 2-3 years down the road, you may already get a better job in your own. The only way I see...
  59. Andy Nguyen

    Boston MSMFT BU Admissions Thread

    It's going to be a long wait. Check out the Tracker for timelines of last year. They gave out 170 admits last year and got 68 enrolled so if you are waitlisted, you will have to wait for those admitted to accept/turndown their offer...
  60. Andy Nguyen

    Rejecting an accepted Intern Offer from IB

    You will get "at will employment" in this industry. They can terminate you for any or no reason at all. The usually advice for first job would be to go to a big name, get good training and start networking. The worst thing that can happen is start at a no-name company in a position that leads to...
  61. Andy Nguyen

    Collection of Admission Numbers from MFE Programs

    Updated the numbers. Click on the Overview tab to see.
  62. Andy Nguyen

    Can not open the website very often

    Can you send me a private message with the IP address of your home IP? I want to see if it's the same issue. While you are connecting to QN via home IP, can you open a terminal and ping
  63. Andy Nguyen

    Can not open the website very often

    I'm investigating to see whether you are connected via a shared IP that is blocked due to brutal force scanning attack against our servers from China.
  64. Andy Nguyen

    Can not open the website very often

    @linwang I would like to get more details on the error. A screenshot and the specific links that you had trouble with, the error messages from the browsers, etc. We have many visitors from China and I don't hear this issue often so it's hard to narrow down the issue. Thanks
  65. Andy Nguyen

    What problems does machine learning solve in Quantitative Finance

    We have a nice Big Data in Finance article written by Andrew Sheppard in our QuantNet Guide. Download it and take a look My feeling is that as it's a relatively new, the applications and...
  66. Andy Nguyen

    Worst and best fonts to use in resume

    According to a Bloomberg article, the worst font to use on your resume is Times New Roman. Using old faithful might send the wrong sign to your future boss, though. “It’s telegraphing that you didn’t put any thought into the typeface that you selected,” says Hoff. “It’s like putting on...
  67. Andy Nguyen

    2015 quant job market: CDS is dead, booming data analytics

    Too early to tell. It's similar to the early days of quant programs but at least, these data analytics programs don't narrow their target industry to finance. I'm curious to see how these master programs shape up in the next few years.
  68. Andy Nguyen

    p-quant? q-quant?
  69. Andy Nguyen

    2013-2014 QuantNet Ranking of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    Yes. There will be one for 2015 released later this year.
  70. Andy Nguyen

    Visiting Dehli in April

    Have a safe trip, Ken. It's great you get to be meeting QuantNet members in Dehli.
  71. Andy Nguyen

    Books recommended for brainteasers?

    From BOOKS FOR QUANT INTERVIEWS 150 Most Frequently Asked Questions on Quant Interviews by Dan Stefanica, Rados Radoicic, Tai-Ho Wang Quant Job Interview Questions And Answers by Mark Joshi...
  72. Andy Nguyen

    C++ Course Enrollment

    Yes, the course enrollment is on-going so you can pay tuition and enroll at any moment.
  73. Andy Nguyen

    Review of Boston University Mathematical Finance program

    Look at the Reviews tab right next to Discussion above.
  74. Andy Nguyen

    Can I make to a Quants program?
  75. Andy Nguyen

    Review of Boston University Mathematical Finance program

    Some new reviews have been posted for the program.
  76. Andy Nguyen

    Course length

    Given that you are on level 1 and already been more than 16 weeks since you enrolled, the only solution to earning the certificate would be to re-enroll. We provide discounted tuition at $1,200 to re-enroll which you will get a fresh 16 weeks and you can continue from where you left off. Please...
  77. Andy Nguyen

    Never come to Toronto MMF program. From a graduate of that program

    The program has 5 stars average from 4 reviews. We need some more comprehensive reviews that applicants can read both pro/cons in the program to make an informed decision. I hope you realize the importance of your input via a review and why I keep asking (begging) members to do so.
  78. Andy Nguyen

    Never come to Toronto MMF program. From a graduate of that program

    Let make your opinion counts, @Steve Wu Rate and write a review, please.
  79. Andy Nguyen

    Suffering from an acute case of quarter-life needed.

    The future of financial industry will be heavily influenced by regulation and more regulation. So if you want to have a long lasting career, follow @Ken Abbott and read everything he has posted. Free advice from a top Wall street executive is a God send for people outside of the industry like...
  80. Andy Nguyen

    MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

    Lot of rejections today. Very sorry for those didn't get in MIT MFin program. If you guys have applied to other programs, please update them as well and I hope you get in a program of your choice.
  81. Andy Nguyen

    Is Quant a good choice for me?

    Take your summer internship seriously and enjoy it. I'm sure you will have a much better idea of what you like and dislike at the end of the summer. Consider the long hours, the mundane tasks, the pay, the new knowledge, etc. A lot of what you think is ideal job won't have the same luster after...
  82. Andy Nguyen

    MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

    I don't have numbers for 2014 but in 2013, they admitted 175 students. They probably interviewed a lot of people. 400+ is a reasonable guess.
  83. Andy Nguyen

    msf/mfe career options

    Sounds like it will be looked at as MSF more even with some FE courses sprinkled in. Not enough for a quant job but more corp finance jobs.
  84. Andy Nguyen

    MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

    The next few days should see more updates on the Tracker.
  85. Andy Nguyen

    Toronto MathFin UofT MMF Students

    Goodluck and let us know the results via your Tracker. Hope to see it lit up with green. :)
  86. Andy Nguyen

    Michigan MFE Michigan MFE has been closed down

    Got words from Michigan today that the new program Quantitative Finance and Risk Management (QFRM) is the replacement of the old, now closed MFE program. The program just got its approval few weeks ago and will be enrolling the first class in the Fall...
  87. Andy Nguyen

    MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

    Guys, excited to see some of our members getting interviews soon. I hope the rest of you will get theirs. Anyone who got a date for their interview, please update their Tracker. Thank you.
  88. Andy Nguyen

    MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

    Please update the Tracker as soon as you guys hear anything. For most people, the only updates they get is from the Tracker.
  89. Andy Nguyen

    What books are you currently reading?

    Probably this one on Amazon
  90. Andy Nguyen

    Poll: for how much would you buy a book on "Getting Started with QuantLib"?

    Every single one that has been enrolled so far. :) I'm pretty sure there are easier ways to get GARP CPE credits. The 15 CPE credits is a great recognition by GARP that just happened few weeks ago. Our course started in Sept 2011 and a vast majority of the students took it to join MFE programs...
  91. Andy Nguyen

    Collection of important documents for risk management

    The video is embedded above as well.
  92. Andy Nguyen

    QuantNet Best-selling Quant Books of 2014

    Click on any of the book on the list and see the unique tag assigned to QuantNet in the url.
  93. Andy Nguyen

    What MFE Schools I be considering.

    Would really love if you can share your timelines of admission to Birkbeck MFE program on our Tracker
  94. Andy Nguyen

    CMU Interview Invites

    The type of interview questions will depend largely on your interviewers. For CMU, it's Rick (director), Gwen and other people in admission office. They surely won't quiz you on stochastic calculus or C++ functions. UCB MFE would have students interview you initially and those guys would more be...
  95. Andy Nguyen

    QuantNet Best-selling Quant Books of 2014

    QuantNet has been compiling the annual list of best-selling quant books our members purchase every year since 2010 (see the best-selling book lists of 2010, 2011,2012, 2013. The following list is 20 best-selling quant books of 2014 (both hard-copy and ebooks), compiled from aggregate...
  96. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE Georgia Tech QCF vs Boston University Mathematical Finance
  97. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE Georgia Tech QCF vs Boston University Mathematical Finance

    They are only useful metric when we have enough reviews for each ranked program. We have a way to go until that point.
  98. Andy Nguyen

    Just finished the online C++ course, here's some tips for fellow coursemates

    @Christopher lee If you have no prior programming experience, you should expect to spend 20 hours per week for the course. Some levels are easier than others. I put up a list of the number of homework, video clips on each level so you can have a better sense and can plan accordingly...
  99. Andy Nguyen

    Starting over. Looking for feedback.

    While you angle for the quant world, you should get a degree in hard quantitative subject, stats is a good choice. Get heavy dose of programming, data analysis, etc. It will open more doors to you than the few that quant niche opens. Along the way, you will discover your true passion. Until...
  100. Andy Nguyen

    Brokerage connection

    Interactive Brokers do offer data/API. You can ask your instructor to contact IB and open students account for you.
  101. Andy Nguyen

    I know what you mean as I saw how it was used on WSO. I will see if it's feasible to make it here.

    I know what you mean as I saw how it was used on WSO. I will see if it's feasible to make it here.
  102. Andy Nguyen

    master or master+Phd to be a financial engineer?

    Master FE is a terminal degree so you take it to get a job. PhD requires different qualification/career long term goal and a devotion of time that not many people can do.
  103. Andy Nguyen

    Phd in Financial Engineering (Stevens Institute of Technlogy)

    It's really hard to tell. I know they put some effort into marketing the program (MFE specifically) better recently but without recent data, not much I can tell. PhD program is longer and graduate fewer students so data points are rarer. Usually, you will get a more research-oriented roles. Try...
  104. Andy Nguyen

    C++ online certificate approved for 15 GARP CPE credits

    With great pleasure, we'd like to announce that the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) has approved our "C++ Programming for Financial Engineering" online certificate for 15 GARP CPE credit hours. These 15 CPE credits will be only available to those who completed our C++...
  105. Andy Nguyen

    SMU MQF (Singapore)

    @KB Would be great if we can get more info and alumni reviews for SMU
  106. Andy Nguyen

    Rotman international trading competition 2015

    I see @Yike Lu on the opening scene of the video ;)
  107. Andy Nguyen

    Trading at Wall Street by 2016-17

    As I mention before, it may be overwhelming for OP but he needs to start somewhere. I already pointed to the QuantNet Guide (admission advice, list of programs worldwide, career guide, etc). He should take that first step and ask more focused questions after done with his first assignment, then...
  108. Andy Nguyen

    Chances with degree from Denmark

    It is so great of you to offer a hand to new members to the field. We need more contribution from senior members like you.
  109. Andy Nguyen

    How the hell do you network from a non target
  110. Andy Nguyen

    Trading at Wall Street by 2016-17

    One can dream but gotta be realistic. Getting a trading job at one of the bulge bracket Wall Street firms is one of the most competitive job, even for people with all the credentials in the world. What @Rahul Jaikar needs is some background reading from our master reading list, beef up on his...
  111. Andy Nguyen

    How to set myself up for admission into a MFE program?

    That's the best scenario. Work a few years and it will open doors to many top graduate programs should you choose to do so.
  112. Andy Nguyen

    MBA Programs move into Big Data realm

    An interesting article on NYTimes about the changing landscape of business schools where it's increasingly important to teach "skills like A/B testing, rapid prototyping and data-driven decision making, the bread and butter of Silicon Valley." According to the article, the study body at MBA...
  113. Andy Nguyen

    The Interview (2014) movie

    It's now available on youtube, google play store, and in some small theaters.
  114. Andy Nguyen

    C++11/14 what do we need to know?

    According to, C++14 is the informal name for the most recent revision of the C++ ISO/IEC standard, formally "International Standard ISO/IEC 14882:2014(E) Programming Language C++". C++14 is intended to be a small extension over C++11, featuring mainly bug...
  115. Andy Nguyen

    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Results Discussion

    Some good info on pre-courses at UCB.
  116. Andy Nguyen

    Help on deciding about the programs

    Moving from BO to FO is much less likely now, thanks to many episodes done by insiders (guys who stole code, hide huge loss from the books, etc).
  117. Andy Nguyen

    Jane Street Research Internship Requirements

    You plan sounds good. Hit those interview books in our master reading list. Knowing C++ inside out (as far as common C++ interview questions) is a big plus as well. You probably get to work with huge amount of financial data, clean them, feed them into some engine so SQL/VBA would be helpful...
  118. Andy Nguyen

    List of Wall Street themed movies

    Watched Interstellar in theater couple weeks ago. I stop going to movie theater so Netflix is my main source. They have some nice documentaries and original series. I don't think I have watched any recent movies more than once. Going to watch Inside Job tonight.
  119. Andy Nguyen

    Risk model validation

    Definitely take the job. It would look good on your resume. You will learn some relevant skills. As you don't have any industry experience, this could be an ideal start for later positions that fit better with your goal. You will know a lot more about what you want to do once you start working...
  120. Andy Nguyen

    Considering a career move to something quant related... Start there. The rosy pictures you get on programs website may be because they haven't been updated since 2006? Realistically, you can get a better picture here because majority of members here have been there, done that. Quant is a very technical field so you need to measure...
  121. Andy Nguyen

    Can You help me choose between those two ?

    @didje Maybe you can contribute a "day in the life of GS Structuring analyst" for our audience similar to those before you
  122. Andy Nguyen

    Best Letters of Recommendation

    2 minimum. 3 better.
  123. Andy Nguyen

    Can You help me choose between those two ?

    Don't be slave for brand names. We see this happens too often on QuantNet where students pick the more famous universities over the lesser known but better quality. Pick one where you will learn and grow the most. Many people just pretend that big names will automatically do all the hard work...
  124. Andy Nguyen

    MFE after Ph.D. worth it?

    People do MFE as a way to break in quant finance sector if their current credentials are not enough. If you already get an offer out of your PhD, I don't see any good reason to do MFE. That time is better spent making money and moving up in the world. Everything you need to learn, you will learn...
  125. Andy Nguyen

    What major

    2013-2014 QuantNet International Guide to Financial Engineering Programs DOWNLOAD GUIDE
  126. Andy Nguyen

    Intern as Credit risk analyst

    Read everything @Ken Abbott posted on the subject. Learn the documents in his signature and you will have a long and prosperous career.
  127. Andy Nguyen

    test engineer

    If you can get this job without CS degree than I suggest you can work a few years, see if you like it or not, move around, learn some valuable skills and evaluate if you want to go to graduate school. You may get your company pays your tuition and then you will have a better idea what skills you...
  128. Andy Nguyen

    AM at a BB or Software Dev at a startup for Quant / Quant Trading?

    There is a risk of your startup going broke in the next few years. Statistically speaking, many startups fail within the first few years. That risk is much smaller with a BB. That said, you may get pigeon-holed into a narrow skillset as an AM analyst while the big data skills you learn can only...
  129. Andy Nguyen

    Advanced Matlab Programming Book

    Numerical Methods in Finance and Economics: A MATLAB-Based Introduction
  130. Andy Nguyen

    What major

    If you live in NYC metro area, there are not enough time to attend these events. These range from workshops, talks by MFE programs in the area (Baruch, Columbia, NYU, CMU, etc) to talks by banks, professional societies (IAQF, GARP, SQA, QWAFAFEW, etc). Take a look at the QuantNet guide which has...
  131. Andy Nguyen

    Wall Street vs Sillicon Valley

    I'm sure quite a few engineering majors at Columbia bought into the GS sales pitch. They probably never utter the word back-office at that presentation :)
  132. Andy Nguyen

    What major

    Utilize everything he has from the university resources, personal connections, etc. You may literally have to go and knock on doors. I know some smart kids here who is from some public university in NJ. He went to a couple of QuantNet meetup, impressed enough people and got a nice job at GS that...
  133. Andy Nguyen

    Wall Street vs Sillicon Valley

    As recent as few years ago, who've ever thought that people technical skills would turn down Wall Street for tech firms? It's a reality now and a growing challenge to big banks that they start to do outreach campaign like one happened recently in New York City. I'm sure a lot of QuantNet...
  134. Andy Nguyen

    What major

    Given the OP doesn't mention or realize the technical aspect of "quant/trading" jobs, I can't help to point out that the crowds hanging around on QuantNet is more technical-oriented than the usual liberal art/finance major crowd. So being the best programmer in that demographic doesn't say much...
  135. Andy Nguyen

    UCB MFE Are UCB MFE questions all technical?

    Usually, you will have first phone interview with a current student/alumn who will ask based on your resume/profile. That will be mostly technical so make sure you review all the requirement (math/finance/programming). It's hard to know what you will be asked because it depends on the background...
  136. Andy Nguyen

    What major

    Can you be the best programmer out of the group? If you are thinking of quant/trading, you can't not ignore the technical aspect of the job.
  137. Andy Nguyen

    CMU MSCF What's the idea structure of essay B?

    I just did a quick search for "essay B" and there are dozens of threads from CMU MSCF applicants on this topic so you should get plenty of info from it.
  138. Andy Nguyen

    Software Companies (FINCAD, Super Derivatives) vs IBs

    We have a database of salary for MFE graduates here. It's US-centric but you can get some idea. It becomes more useful when you enter your own data (anonymously) and be able to compare where you stand with your peers who have the same degree, work in the same kind of firm and roles, etc...
  139. Andy Nguyen

    GaTech QCF Georgia Tech QCF Admission Results

    Waitlist doesn't mean rejection yet so let's hope for the best. Meanwhile, prepare for other applications.
  140. Andy Nguyen

    Low GRE score. Do I still need to apply?

    Are you a native speaker or got you undergraduate degree in the us? If neither, gre verbal is your only proof of language competence. If yes, it may play a smaller role than you think.
  141. Andy Nguyen

    GaTech QCF Georgia Tech QCF Admission Results

    There doesn't seem to be any pattern to which applicants they interview? Looking at the previous tracker timelines, my guess is that they only interview borderline applicants because many got admitted and rejected without an interview.
  142. Andy Nguyen

    Username change request thread

    Already taken.
  143. Andy Nguyen

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission results

    Almost all I don't know if those admitted that does not include the interview date info in the Tracker simply forgot it or did not have one.
  144. Andy Nguyen

    Early Application to MFE Programs

    It's a knowledge learned over the years by talking to administrators, applicants, etc. The easiest for you to do is to look at the timelines on our Tracker, you can clearly see how long after submission is the file looked at. Usually, the shorter overall time suggests that a program uses a...
  145. Andy Nguyen

    Any online university financial math courses?

    Some universities provide online version of their MFE degree but I'm not aware of any that is shorter than their brick-and-mortar version. They may not be significantly cheaper. If you need career services to get internship, first job than the on-site degree is the way to go. If you only want to...
  146. Andy Nguyen

    Early Application to MFE Programs

    Some programs that have only 1 deadline and they will only evaluate all of applications after that deadline so applying first may not provide any edge. Some programs have rounds and round 1 usually has a large number of applicants so your will be evaluated against more people. You need to learn...
  147. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE Columbia financial economics vs financial engineering
  148. Andy Nguyen

    NTU MSc Financial Engineering

    Usually, programs with strong placement stats or good career services will put up detailed numbers on their website. Absence of those info, it's indicative of many other things, none of it is boosting confidence in prospective applicants. It's a problem with not only Singaporean programs but...
  149. Andy Nguyen

    Programs starting dates

    Majority of these programs start in the Fall (late August, early Sept). Few start in Spring (Jan-March). Some require you to take summer refresher courses prior to enrolling in Fall. For specific date, go to each program's website to do the research.
  150. Andy Nguyen

    Advice on risk quant offers

    Nobody here is more qualified than @Ken Abbott to give you advice on this. This is your first job but surely will not be the last one. Just get in, get your bearing and move up and about with your career. Congrats.
  151. Andy Nguyen

    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Results Discussion

    @Baixue , @Shameek Agarwal Check out the timelines on the Tracker
  152. Andy Nguyen

    How to get more from MFE? & Career plan suggestion?

    A lot of MFE graduates are doing risk management, reporting, regulation these days. Forget about HFT or quant/trading jobs. Those days are long gone and those jobs are far and few between. Read more about regulation, Dodd Frank to see if you still enjoy working in those roles...
  153. Andy Nguyen

    How to get more from MFE? & Career plan suggestion?

    Hey Cheryl, It's a long journey and there are plenty of new things to learn. A lot of people pickup the knowledge before they even apply by frequenting forums like QuantNet and from reading books, magazine. We have a very popular reading list that link to many PDF guides (free) that explain the...
  154. Andy Nguyen

    Need advice to choose my next job

    I believe @GoIllini can be a good person to advise on this as he went through a similar transaction a few years ago.
  155. Andy Nguyen

    GRE- raw vs. scaled official scores?

    You can always retake the test.
  156. Andy Nguyen

    How do you view Fordham's MSQF program?

    Quant master programs are terminal degree so it's not the ideal path for PhD.
  157. Andy Nguyen

    2013-2014 QuantNet Ranking of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    I'm not sure where in the ranking methodology did you see the tuition is taken into account? It's there on the ranking table because people keep asking about that info.
  158. Andy Nguyen

    Which of the two options is better?

    Go get work experience asap, the years doing postdoc is important if you plan for career in academy, otherwise, it's better spent getting relevant skills that move you up the career.
  159. Andy Nguyen

    GMAT or GRE for the MFE ?

    If anything GRE is a more standard for MFE programs now. GMAT is for MBA.
  160. Andy Nguyen

    Profile evaluation for UK quant programs

    I heard good things about the Mathematical Finance program at University of Birmingham. Prof. Colin Rowat who runs the program is a good director from what I heard.
  161. Andy Nguyen

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Q&A (ask a current student)

    This is the area you need to address immediately. I know some applicants are given conditional admission until they complete a C++ course or certificate. We have many of those students successfully completed our online C++ certificate and been enrolled in the CMU MSCF program since then. You can...
  162. Andy Nguyen

    What determines admittance into an MQF/MFE program?

    Programs are actively seeking out domestic candidates for several reasons: placement/visa advantages, diversity (more females, more Americans, etc). No program wants their brochure to look like an advertisement for some Chinese university. So while it's an advantage you need to utilize, keep in...
  163. Andy Nguyen

    the life style of guys doing risk management in Toronto?
  164. Andy Nguyen

    need to know financial details of the programs please help!! Tuition is usually quoted on the program's website. Total cost depends on many factors (housing arrangement, food, transportation, etc)
  165. Andy Nguyen

    Columbia MSOR Spring Interviews?

    @MTK Did you check the Tracker and add your timeline there to compare?
  166. Andy Nguyen

    Looking for Suggestions of MFE Program

    It can depend on which country you are from. Some applicants from certain countries are known to have very high GRE/TOEFL score but can't interact in English. It helps if you have taken undergraduate courses in English-language environment. That's why you see a lot of applicants take summer...
  167. Andy Nguyen

    MSF Profile Evaluation

    Look at the Tracker and filter it by MIT MFin admits.
  168. Andy Nguyen

    Freshman Interested

    Yes, you can get an entry level job with only a bachelor through hustling, networking. At some point you may reach a glass ceiling in term of knowledge and upward mobility. You can consider graduate school then. Keep in mind that many technical jobs require a master these days.
  169. Andy Nguyen

    New rankings?

    Usually September every other year so the next one would be Sept 2015.
  170. Andy Nguyen

    How important are recommendation letters in the MFE admission?

    It was discussed in our QuantNet Guide by director of admission at several MFE programs. You can find it on page 53 onward.
  171. Andy Nguyen

    Computer Science Minor Worth It (On Top of MFE Degree)?

    I have met many students graduated from top MFE programs and can't program. These students had a hard time finding a job. So CS minor is a signal to employers that you are more technical than the average graduate. It may get you an interview but you will have to prove yourself during the...
  172. Andy Nguyen

    Hi Mat, Thanks for asking. Please see You can enroll as soon as...

    Hi Mat, Thanks for asking. Please see You can enroll as soon as you make tuition payment. The tuition is $1,450 which you can get full refund within 14 days for any reason. Ask me any question you still have.
  173. Andy Nguyen

    Career path related to quantitative research job in financial industry There is much reading to be done, both via books, free guide or online articles.
  174. Andy Nguyen

    How to complete this course to get a certificate(Urgent)

    Welcome to the course @Yifan Jiang Justine gave a very comprehensive answer. Now, all you need to do is complete and submit all the HW from level 1-9 and take the final exam with your TA. As soon as you are done with that, you will earn a certificate. You have 16 weeks to complete the...
  175. Andy Nguyen

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Q&A (ask a current student)

    Hi @Ivan Nikolenko Love what you are doing. Thanks for giving back to the QuantNet community. Just a personal question since I know you completed our C++ online certificate prior joining the CMU MSCF program. I know a lot of other people completed our C++ certificate in CMU and other MFE...
  176. Andy Nguyen

    Set Date for C++ Course

    You can only request changes within 14 days of your enrollment.
  177. Andy Nguyen

    Application for a master of financial engineering without math courses?
  178. Andy Nguyen

    C++ Online Programming Course Testimonials

    Right here seems like a good place.
  179. Andy Nguyen

    MSU starts new bachelor financial engineering program

    From their press release A group of students at Montana State University are in their first semester of a new financial engineering program that will feature professors from two colleges. The new program, approved by the Montana Board of Regents last year, will allow MSU undergraduate students...
  180. Andy Nguyen

    Profile evaluation : Do I have any chance at CMU MFE/Princeton MFin/ MIT MFin

    You may want to widen your selection to include more programs that you have a realistic chance. You may want to focus on programs that have part-time students and faculty where you can network with people already in the industry and take advantage of the opportunities. Being in a big city like...
  181. Andy Nguyen

    Alternatives to careers in quant finance

    If you are in the NYC area, there are a lot of things to use your technical skills for. You may have to network a lot and aim for a wider net, outside of finance even. Data analysis, big firms that process huge of amount of data would be something you should look into. If you are good with...
  182. Andy Nguyen

    Best master's degree in quantitative finance

    It's a good suggestion from @TehRaio to get an idea of where the graduates end up. On the flip side, you won't find graduates from these programs who do not use or update their LinkedIn for various reasons (unable to find a job is one of them).
  183. Andy Nguyen

    Letter of recommendation submission

    Some systems will allow you to upload part of your application before you click on the submit button. You can enter your GRE score and other information for the pending course, etc but as far as your application is concerned, it will be considered incomplete. You will have a deadline to submit...
  184. Andy Nguyen

    Minimum GRE score for entry into quant programs

    Take a look at the Tracker and sort the profiles by programs and Admit, you can then see the GRE Q of those getting admitted to those programs. There are instances of people getting admitted with GRE Q of 163 but they have something else special to compensate.
  185. Andy Nguyen

    General Education Advice

    If your goal is to enroll in a PhD program eventually, your path is different than most members here. To get into a PhD program, your research experience counts more than anything that is regarded as job training experience. As such, doing a undergrad FE degree may not be viewed as positive...
  186. Andy Nguyen

    Toronto MMF - any recommended computer?

    As for OP question about computer, I used a Thinkpad T60 to get through my MFE years without any issue. It was a work horse but I suspect machines are not built like they used to anymore. I have MBP nowadays.
  187. Andy Nguyen

    Toronto MMF - any recommended computer?

    @MiloRambaldi You probably referred to this discussion which is linked under the Discussion tab on the Toronto page
  188. Andy Nguyen

    Enrollment Error

    You are now enrolled as well.
  189. Andy Nguyen

    Do you even lift? What are your hobbies outside of the quant world?

    Count your macro, get your protein. Eat calories surplus if you are bulking. I just started my program about 3 months ago and I'm bulking to around your weight now. I do squats, bench presses, bent-over rows, overhead presses,stiff legged deadlifts, barbell curls and calf raises each session in...
  190. Andy Nguyen

    Enrollment Error

    Hi Timo, Try to pay with a different credit card. I know many students have similar problem with using one credit and enrolled fine with another credit card. EDIT: Looks like you have done that and now enrolled successfully.
  191. Andy Nguyen

    Do you even lift? What are your hobbies outside of the quant world?

    I used to carry paper notepad and pen with me and saw lot of guys did that but I have been using this Android app and quite pleased with it. I like it so much I bought the pro version. One less thing to carry with me to the gym
  192. Andy Nguyen

    Quantnet NYC Roommate List

    Add your contact info to the spreadsheet in the first post. EDIT: Merged two threads now.
  193. Andy Nguyen

    MIT MFin or others -Profile evaluation

    NYU Math finance program
  194. Andy Nguyen

    Quantnet NYC Roommate List

    You will be spending most of your time at school so finding a location with reasonable commute time in safe neighborhood is important. Everyone wants to live in Manhattan but you can do better by living in other boroughs (Queens, Brooklyn) or Jersey and commute. We have a roommate list before...
  195. Andy Nguyen

    What does it take to get hired by Goldman’s hot ‘strats’ group?

    If you’re someone with a mathematical bent, for whom ‘challenging’ maths questions are elementary and differential equations are fun, there is – allegedly – one place where you’ll feel especially fulfilled in banking: Goldman Sachs’ ‘strats’ Group. All banks have mathematical wizards, but the...
  196. Andy Nguyen

    Do you even lift? What are your hobbies outside of the quant world?

    I'm on my C3W1 with this program. After a few cycles, I'll see if I want to switch to a new program.
  197. Andy Nguyen

    Model Validation Interviews

    The link to that document is in Ken's signature, fyi.
  198. Andy Nguyen

    Do you even lift? What are your hobbies outside of the quant world?

    I do my weight training M/W/F and play tennis whenever I can. I know members here who train for marathon or play soccer. NYC has 24/7 gyms so there is no lack for opportunities to workout.
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