Search results

  1. doug reich

    TUTORIAL: Boost 1.37.0 + QuantLib 0.9.6 and Visual Studio 2008

    RTFM. I'm really not qualified to tell you the difference between the different install processes, however I doubt you'll notice the difference.
  2. doug reich

    TUTORIAL: Boost 1.37.0 + QuantLib 0.9.6 and Visual Studio 2008

    You know you can download pre-built boost libraries, right? Did you do this? Yacc is a "compiler compiler", and could definitely be in that SDK. Did you specify "msvc" in the build command to force it to use visual studio?
  3. doug reich

    Career Dilemma

    Just because you don't meet clients doesn't mean you work alone. Almost nowhere on Wall Street does one work alone; you're on a "desk" or in a "group" and it is generally around other people.
  4. doug reich

    TUTORIAL: Boost 1.37.0 + QuantLib 0.9.6 and Visual Studio 2008

    What are the errors? Did you follow the directions exactly? Which version of VS, Quantlib, Boost are you using?
  5. doug reich

    DISCUSSION on second rated MFE programs

    Go to the program web page, find the contact number, and place a phone call. Easily the fastest way to get your question answered.
  6. doug reich

    Happy Australia Day!

    Ace! I expect to see your face off this evening - just don't lair it up, you larrikin!
  7. doug reich

    New Quantnet Features List

    Cool! Is that the case on every page, including the front page?
  8. doug reich

    Russian Professor Predicts End of U.S

    Or, as your link suggests, in possession of a globe and a bottle of whiskey. I do think many of these analyses ignore resources and assume that only social relationships are important.
  9. doug reich

    Quantitative Interview questions and answers

    Correct. ( a^b^c \ne (a^b)^c = a^{(bc)} ), however (a^b^c = a^{(b^c)}) Of all the hundreds of people who have read this thread...
  10. doug reich

    Quantitative Interview questions and answers

    How do I circle my answer on quantnet? ;) There is a thread with this exact question from last summer with the solution, but not using binomial trees.
  11. doug reich

    Chicago MSFM Greetings from Chicago

    Agree with Ilya. 1 page without a doubt, Also, make it look more attractive. It should look like you spent time organizing and sprucing it up, not that you typed it out 15 minutes before sending it in. Use indentation, small caps/large caps, font sizes, anything else that gives a uniform and...
  12. doug reich

    Risk Management in NYT

    Incidentally, there was also an Op-Ed in the Sunday paper by Michael Lewis and David Einhorn: Mostly ideas and topic that have been discussed before, but I'd be interested in hearing anyone's opinion on it.
  13. doug reich

    Importance of programming

    Agreed, I added it to the FAQ; see my signature.
  14. doug reich

    Risk Management in NYT

    I see there is an article about Risk Management and VaR in the New York Times magazine this weekend. See the following link: It seems to accurately sum up the controversy over VaR.
  15. doug reich

    Your bailout dollars at work...

    There is actually precedent for dying firms to offer huge bonuses to their employees. I just got done reading about Drexel Burnham in Den of Thieves; after settling felony charges with the government in 1989, the CEO guaranteed all bonuses would be at least 75% of the prior year, including one...
  16. doug reich

    Your bailout dollars at work...

    Great reasoning. Nice avatar.
  17. doug reich

    Russian Professor Predicts End of U.S

    Ilya, I strongly disagree. Adam, I agree with you. The entire "analysis" and "conclusions" display a total lack of understanding of, well, everything. Going back to a thread a few weeks ago about Peter Schiff, this guy is a crackpot who, even if he gets it right, deserves no credit for his...
  18. doug reich

    Baruch MFE Baruch MFE Admission Discussion

    Actually, no need to cold call students; if you contact the program they will give you a willing person to talk to. I waited a month or two for an admissions decision; the interview was uneventful. Having compared notes with other students, the interviews can be quite varied.
  19. doug reich

    Interview Questions

    It is also possible that those questions will not be asked of you based on your experience and the level you are coming in at.
  20. doug reich

    Interview Questions

    Scroll to the bottom of this page, for related threads on this. Also, type "interview" into the live search box (don't hit enter, wait for the drop-down) and open all those threads.
  21. doug reich

    Chinese exploit western (finance) job losses

    Here's another article on China, from NYT (
  22. doug reich

    Top 7 Books to Read

    Yes, the Wilmott book.
  23. doug reich

    Top 7 Books to Read

    Master reading list for MFE - QuantNetwork - Financial Engineering Forum There are 3 books in "Master reading list". The first of the 3 is pretty good; we used it at Baruch.
  24. doug reich

    Mr. Madoff and his Ponzi fund

    Fairfield and many others, plus his Ponzi scheme that I described below. Here is some additional reading on Madoff, seems to be an increasingly popular take on the situation. Here's a funny coincidence: That's right, Madoff made off with the dough.
  25. doug reich

    Internship for summer 2009

    Different banks have different deadlines. From my research, some are end of December, some were end of October or end of November. Apply ASAP: why wouldn't you?
  26. doug reich

    Baruch MFE Baruch MFE Admission Discussion

    1. I think you can apply sooner and say that you are enrolled in the course now. 2. As long as they are willing to write it, seems like a good thing.
  27. doug reich

    Mr. Madoff and his Ponzi fund

    It seems a lot of money went to other institutions. If there were no meaningful earnings from investment, then this is all investor capital.
  28. doug reich

    Excel: extract the values that meet a criteria

    1. Generate a list of dates you want 2. Use VLOOKUP() on your original data set (an additional column) to indicate whether each row has one of the given dates or not 3. use SORT or auto filter to view only those rows with valid data (and delete the rest) Use your ingenuity to figure out how to...
  29. doug reich

    Mr. Madoff and his Ponzi fund

    I suppose like any Ponzi scheme it basically worked like this: * He raises $100 in 1990 and pockets it. * He raises $200 in 1992, and returns that money to the investors from 1990, who have made a nice return. * He raises $400 in 1994, and returns that money to those from 1992. * etc. * He...
  30. doug reich

    Quants partly responsible for the crisis?

    Taleb's thesis is that these are unlikely events that are woefully underpriced in the market because of poor models. So, you are missing his entire argument, from start to finish.
  31. doug reich

    Mr. Madoff and his Ponzi fund

    My understanding is that $17 billion was principle invested, and $50 billion was total "net worth", i.e. principle plus "trading profits" that mostly never existed. Clearly Madoff was taking something out, because he has a number of homes and yachts. Therefore money in - money out > 0. You are...
  32. doug reich

    Quantitative Interview questions and answers

    It looks somewhat vulgar, but I might have a dirty mind.
  33. doug reich

    Random Member Photo Thread

    You're quick - it's still falling! My inner child likes the snow, my outer adult dislikes it for the hassle of shoveling. (It's a lie, I like shoveling the snow. I just don't like HAVING to shovel it.)
  34. doug reich

    Random Member Photo Thread

    Ooh ooh! I found you!
  35. doug reich

    Calculus- Request for Feedback

    c is easy: "lesser" is not good. There is consensus on that around here. Your singular focus on Berkeley may need some broadening, but dipping into (dun dun!) second tier schools will not gain you much. Otherwise, what would you do if you you were the admissions committee? "Here's a guy with 3...
  36. doug reich

    The End by Michael Lewis

    See this post; it was partly hidden there :)
  37. doug reich

    Bernanke cuts base lending rate to nearly zero

    Fed Funds Rate Cut Again The Fed has cut its target rate to 0.25%. I'm not economics maven, but why? Aren't we in a crisis of confidence? This is supposed to be an anti-deflationary measure, but we are at risk of deflation...
  38. doug reich

    Quantitative Interview questions and answers

    A very similar question was on the Putnam exam a few years ago (the player's name was Shanille OKeal) :) The answer is "No". See the solution from putnam below. Counterexample: he is 1/2. He makes the next one and is now 2/3. Original question (2004 exam)...
  39. doug reich

    Quantitative Analyst -CFA L1 helpful to get 1st job?

    This topic has come up before: Forum FAQ - Quantnet Wiki Also search the forum for many posts about CFA. Look at the tag cloud on the front page.
  40. doug reich

    2008 NYC Financial Engineer Mixer

    I know first year Baruch students will be few in number: there is a take home final exam that weekend.
  41. doug reich

    Quants partly responsible for the crisis?

    I think that is a terrible conclusion. The likely solution is going to be more regulation and lower risk appetite for investors. I think all the bonus cutting at banks is just the beginning of their trying to show that they can still self-regulate despite all the evidence to the contrary.
  42. doug reich

    GARCH Covariance?

    correlation significant - Google Search Google it
  43. doug reich

    2009 Interactive Brokers Collegiate Trading Olympiad

    I think it is generally advisable to get them to agree to this BEFORE giving up the goods. :) Otherwise they'll just say "I already figured it out.' I already figured it out. :) :) :)
  44. doug reich

    Alternative career after Wall Street

    I think one of the most important things is to increase traffic: get other schools to use the site for their students & teachers; try and keep people from disappearing when they get out of school; increase diversity of users; get some GS quant teams posting here so you can get some street cred...
  45. doug reich

    Alternative career after Wall Street

    Andy, your business model is that of all web entrepreneurs. You seem to be the registered owner of QN, so there isn't a legal roadblock as Dmytro implies.
  46. doug reich

    DISCUSSION on second rated MFE programs

    I worked with someone who had been at Kaplan. He said in a down market they saw an immediately increased demand for GRE, GMAT, a 1-year lag for LSAT, an d a 2-year lag for MCAT. (Based on the turn-around time for getting all the prerequisites down). We are already 1-year into the down-cycle, so...
  47. doug reich

    1m job losses a month?

    And only 11 9% down days until there is no market at all. Actually, the workforce is not the total population of the country, as 1/3 are children or retired. I think the working population is closer to 160-200m people.
  48. doug reich

    XLL Plus - toolkit for C/C++ programmers to write Excel add-in libraries

    XLL plus is probably better documented, but xlw (XLW - A C++ Wrapper for Excel) is cheaper (free).
  49. doug reich

    Sylvain Raynes: The State of Financial Engineering

    Raynes is correct in pointing out that the rating companies have a privileged role in the marketplace. I do not get to look at a company's financials with the same depth they do; I do not get to know every bond in the securitized portfolio they are rating. The market exists in the shape it does...
  50. doug reich

    Best blog of 2008?

    I wonder who is doing the photos every single time I see an article with a stock broker looking sad. THE BROKERS WITH HANDS ON THEIR FACES BLOG However, this guy has not been reading the news lately, because there are still plenty of sad brokers out there.
  51. doug reich

    hull-white model

    How far did you get? I don't see anyplace that is so tricky, but I admit to having not done it.
  52. doug reich

    Sylvain Raynes: The State of Financial Engineering

    I suppose his teaching distinguishes "private" from "professional", but I think the average observer (myself included) expects some level of earnestness in all actions. This does not preclude the possibility that he keeps his corner tidy but considers the rest of the ship a shambles. His profit...
  53. doug reich

    Sylvain Raynes: The State of Financial Engineering

    I appreciate the follow-up; I suppose the motivational tone the author intended was missing from the first piece. However, (not surprisingly) I take exception to this: Complaining only gets you so far. As an instructor in an FE program, I would expect him to offer solutions -- something he is...
  54. doug reich

    hull-white model

    Solve the ODEs for a, b, c, and then integrate dr_t and take the expectation and Var (try homogeneous solution of t^n). Use properties of Brownian motions in the integral.
  55. doug reich

    B's in the core math requirement classes

    Such good advice, that it is now in the Forum FAQ; see my signature.
  56. doug reich

    Sylvain Raynes: The State of Financial Engineering

    The obvious question is: how does Prof. Raynes defend himself while obviously being a cog in this FE machine he deplores? Or is Baruch "different"? Certainly, they charge less, but is the material better as a result? (I withhold judgment on the program's chacterization with only one semester...
  57. doug reich

    Interview with Tim Grant

    Here are some questions off the top of my head that current MFE students are probably interested in. They all have a certain bend to them... * where can I get an internship these days? * which departments are growing, which are shrinking? * what is the trend for quant employment in the next (or...
  58. doug reich

    Wall St jobs axe threatens 70,000

    I think the reference to the dotcom was to wall street, not silicon valley. Considering Wall Street firms were making record profits a few short years later, this seems to be an accurate portrayal.
  59. doug reich

    Bad news for Science Education

    For those who don't get it... google. And shame on you.
  60. doug reich

    Bad news for Science Education

    She was Karving her initials on the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: "The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink". </pre>
  61. doug reich

    Math quant jokes

    Peter I got it, although I always thought that joke was an abuse of notation...
  62. doug reich

    Bad news for Science Education

    A moose bit my sister once.
  63. doug reich

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    It should still be there, if you are unregistered.
  64. doug reich

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Just to top off the chastising, please take a look at the FAQ on my signature.
  65. doug reich

    RSVP: Black Friday midnight shopping trip

    Andy, that is hilarious! A friend of mine bought the same or very similar memory from Frye's (maybe PC2 6600?) also for $15, also 2 sticks of 2GB memory. :)
  66. doug reich

    Initial Screening at MFE Programs?

    Try contacting them and asking them directly, "what can I do to be more appealing to your admissions committee?" The directors of these programs make time to talk to prospective applicants.
  67. doug reich

    Back to India?

    1. While terrorism is everywhere, it is more prevalent in some places. 2. Do you necessarily want to be in the country during that phase? Do you want to leave a developed country to partake in the upheaval? This should be part of the consideration.
  68. doug reich

    Save tick data in Excel

    The nice thing about VBA is that Excel will do the first draft for you. Therefore you can accomplish this (and most other automation VBA projects) by 1. Record a macro of you copying and pasting the cells to the location you want, exactly how you want the program to do it. 2. Go into the VBA...
  69. doug reich

    Looking for derivatives book

    I think Stefanica may be a little much for someone who insists on his lack of math sophistication. Shreve may also be a stretch, but I haven't thought of it from this perspective.
  70. doug reich

    Is New York over the hill?

    BBW, here's something you'll be interested to see:
  71. doug reich

    Predictions for stocks before New Year is done.

    This list is getting a little tired. What every such analysis is missing is "order of magnitude". There is no real consideration of the dynamics of the market as they make lists of all the sellers (but there are lots of buyers as well!). Obviously, there is no omniscient player, which makes this...
  72. doug reich

    how to explain big GRE score jump

    It depends where you're going. If you work on a trading desk, you have to very quick with the arithmetic, not so quick with the PDEs. To succeed in an MFE, it is the other way around. There is no independent, intermediate test of mathematics between GRE General and GRE Math Subject, so the...
  73. doug reich

    Columbia MSOR some truth about the Columbia MSOR

    Hi financeguy, Thanks for your follow-up. It's great to get some good, solid feedback from people in the program, plus some straight talking. I am a little confused about your conclusion: Why do you say it's better to be in the program than in a job? What are you basing that on?
  74. doug reich

    So, no one saw this coming eh?

    The pope is a socialist? Who knew!
  75. doug reich

    So, no one saw this coming eh?

    Vladimir: I think you'll have a better shot at success buying lots of out of the money options. Or lottery tickets. However, the original strategy might bear some tweaking: 0. Be a very insightful, contrarian thinker. 1. Observe something that you genuinely feel very strongly about that...
  76. doug reich

    So, no one saw this coming eh?

    Wow, this guy called it, and was literally laughed at. For what it's worth, there now appears to be a youtube cult forming around him, judging by the number of videos honoring his forecasting. I like their financial picks: Merrill (at 76) and Bear in August 2007. Washington Mutual in December...
  77. doug reich

    Useful courses?

    What do you want to do? The means depend on the end goal. As you point out, there are many different applications for the subjects.
  78. doug reich

    What classes do you plan to take next semester ?

    Bump -- there is a description of 9842 here for those considering which electives to take.
  79. doug reich

    VC++ 6.0 or VC++ 2005??

    Express has a compiler. Go for the most recent version available. See this for feature comparisons. (For 2005, but it should be similar)
  80. doug reich

    An infinite number of mathematicians

    ...but then they have to share from the same glass! Oh, and they're countably infinite. :)
  81. doug reich

    Arbitrage any takers? C++/Java solutions Only

    The easy part of the algorithm is to find cycles (since it is a complete graph); the challenge is to find a lowest cost (highest return) cycle without exploring every single cycle.
  82. doug reich

    VC++ 6.0 or VC++ 2005??

    No, that won't be a problem. However, you can also download free versions of Visual Studio from the Microsoft website. You should be able to find both 2005 and 2008 -- they're call Express editions.
  83. doug reich

    How Unlikely Was the Historic 11-10 Score?

    I found this article highly enjoyable for the interesting modeling problem from the strange point system in football. You may have heard that the game between the Pittsburgh...
  84. doug reich

    The Rise of R: A Tool for Quantitative Analysis

    There is a free "Computation Finance with R" event on December 4, for those interested. Computational Finance with R
  85. doug reich

    Arbitrage any takers? C++/Java solutions Only

    vic, I used modified Bellman-Ford as well. I wrote it from scratch, not using Boost, but the key features to avoid repeated currencies for me was to add a std::set to each iteration that saves those nodes visited on that path. In my implementation I could check the set in constant time, since...
  86. doug reich

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Happy Birthday!
  87. doug reich

    New Quantnet members say hi

    Please take some time to look at the threads for candidates similar to you. See the FAQ in my signature.
  88. doug reich

    ICE and lunchtime talk

    FYI the talk by Hank Greenberg is tomorrow, Tuesday -- see the link below. EDIT: Never mind, it says it's been canceled. Too bad, I was looking forward to it.
  89. doug reich

    BusinessWeek Undergraduate School Rankings

    I got almost everything into excel by holding down CONTROL while highlighting the table (in firefox); the headings are messed up, and the school names are slight truncated. See attached. EDIT: beaten to it! The external data functionality... very clever.
  90. doug reich

    Future and Opportunity of Investment Banking

    I believe that post you quoted from me was sarcasm. I think it will be quite competitive and difficult going forward for the next year.
  91. doug reich

    Future and Opportunity of Investment Banking

    Hello Ray, Please look around these forums for the answer -- this is the question all students are asking today. Particularly look at the threads tagged with "current events" -- there have been some lively discussions.
  92. doug reich

    Bad time to get into financials?

    I have to ask the question: what are you talking about? Are you referring to the bear market? Are you referring to the financial crisis? Are you referring to poor quant hedge fund performance? Certainly the first two have little to do with the quants. The financial crisis, if you haven't...
  93. doug reich

    Post-midterm treatment

    I'm in. I have to ask, though, why wait? Incidentally, they just reopened on Friday -- I happened to go in there that day. There's not a lot of changes to the place, although the bathrooms are improved.
  94. doug reich

    Personal Statement

    One other thought: you should talk about it in a way that minimizes it as a liability. Say -- without sounding arrogant -- that it was a difficult course graded on a curve, and that you managed to beat out half the class despite missing a lot of class.
  95. doug reich

    Personal Statement

    I would say explain it in 2-3 sentences where it fits in your essay. If you just say that it's an accelerated course graded on a curve, that should get the point across.
  96. doug reich

    A Day at the Office?!

    The best way to find out is to actually sit in the office for a couple hours. If you interview at a place, and they like you, they will allow that. EDIT: reading over your post again, I guess you're not ready to interview; you're just researching. Then you'll have to ask really nicely.
  97. doug reich

    SIG phone interview

    I have a feeling the OP already had the interview...
  98. doug reich

    Voting is today

    Oh! You said Hitler first, you lose. EDIT: Darn! Beaten to it! I can't admit to know much about Hitler's tax policy and his rise to power, but you're looking at the microcosm of increasing taxes for the top 5% and lowering taxes for the rest (yes, yes, I know 45% don't pay taxes). Why don't you...
  99. doug reich

    Voting is today

    I don't want to suppose anything, but I'm guessing you do support some kind of graduated tax? You don't think someone making $15K should be paying the same rate as someone making $400K, do you? Then it's just negotiation. 250K and 39% are one possibility, and I think you'll be hard pressed to...
  100. doug reich

    What's the best way to ask for a recommendation?

    The best way is to just go and ask them. Not sure what the question is there. Your probably need a few recs, so it should be easier to ask all of them, or pick 2 or 3 rather than 1 or 3... As for which, it would have to depend on who will say things that complement or reinforce your application...
  101. doug reich

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    We do not rate your chances of admission. Please see the FAQ in my signature for more resources.
  102. doug reich

    Voting is today

    You can be a real stick in the mud ;) Our system may be flawed, but failing to participate in it won't improve it. Actually, I don't know what could improve it. That moose song lost me after 2 seconds. How could a person watch that video?
  103. doug reich


    Incidentally, this is covered in Joshi's Design Patterns and Derivatives pricing. The "clone" is called a "virtual constructor".
  104. doug reich

    Voting is today

    that was ... informative, but I meant to say learn more about the history of the voting machines :) There was an interesting history on voting in this country in the New Yorker recently. Who know voting was so perilous! Annals of Democracy: Rock, Paper, Scissors: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker
  105. doug reich

    Voting is today

    It's some ancient paper ballot system from at least the 1960s. I don't think there's a computer involved in the entire process. (But I would be interested to learn more about NY's balloting!)
  106. doug reich

    Internship for summer 2009

    Company websites: even the major investment banks (RIP) have internship programs listed and hiring seasons scheduled. How many people they will take is another matter. The other place I can think of is to monitor job boards for the on-campus recruiting of places you may not know about.
  107. doug reich

    ICE and lunchtime talk

    For those of you who attended the Mitsui lunchtime forum yesterday at Baruch (I can't find a link to the flier -- it seems to have fallen into some kind of purgatory; neither listed as a past nor present event), this article in today's FT might be interesting...
  108. doug reich

    Short-Selling `Math Geek' Not Naked, Covered in Blame (Update1)

    It seems you have some good things to say on this blog, but where is it? Perhaps you can share a link?
  109. doug reich

    gre math required?

    Good call Alain: those posts are actually tagged ON THE FRONT PAGE OF THE FORUM! Please use the search features before posting! QuantNetwork - Financial Engineering Forum - Threads Tagged with gre math
  110. doug reich

    undergrad student in need of help!

    I think you should look in the marketplace--talk to professionals, not students--and perhaps work for a little while to get a perspective before making a decision on a master's degree. I am a big proponent of finding the application for the tool, and not the other way around. There are fairly...
  111. doug reich

    Cost of living in NYC- a break down

    311 is pretty sweet. They told me there was no uniform way of reporting traffic violations as I see them. (I so hate right turn on red jokers.)
  112. doug reich

    New Quantnet members say hi

    Best answer: I don't know the right answer, but I know the wrong one when I see it. :) Uninformed opinion: MBA or Accountancy. The way to decide is to find some people doing what you want and talk to them.
  113. doug reich

    Cost of living in NYC- a break down

    South Bronx. Places with riots associated with them. New York is quite safe. If you are very worried, I bet you could call a police precinct or otherwise research crime statistics. It is easier to evaluate specific candidates as opposed to providing a comprehensive list. Do you have...
  114. doug reich

    New Quantnet members say hi

    Just to be clear: you're talking about fundamental analysis. If so, an MFE would be the wrong route.
  115. doug reich

    Energy Vs Finance

    Speaking of trends... I just noticed how much the dollar is up against other currencies. If we have jobs, soon we'll soon be the ones taking trips abroad... USDEUR=X: Summary for USD to EUR - Yahoo! Finance USDGBP=X: Summary for USD to GBP - Yahoo! Finance The opposite recent trend with the...
  116. doug reich

    Hedge Fund Liquidation Sale

    There's a simple reason to 'blame' hedge funds and not FNM and FRE: hedge funds are in the equity markets and those companies are not. FNM and FRE also have their debt backstopped by the government at this point; hedge funds are the open sore that are draining bank reserves.
  117. doug reich

    Does Quant MS/PhD Make Sense?

    I beg to differ: this problem goes much deeper than low interest rates. It is about opaque derivatives markets and misplaced incentives from mortgage originators to hedge funds. I would put interest rate policy pretty far down my list of things to learn here. Perhaps you can elaborate on your...
  118. doug reich


    That's a non-starter -- it takes 5 minutes to get these online programs working. That's not an exaggeration -- download software, register on website, organize files. Completely uncomplicated -- why be the IT guy when you already have one? (let's not pretend making windows software work together...
  119. doug reich


    Eugene - why add that extra requirement instead of an online hosted solution that has the added benefit of online backup? What does groove offer that these other services do not? Another couple such "cloud computing" programs: gspace, nomadesk.
  120. doug reich


    This seems like a real life-saver -- Dropbox. It continually backs up & mirrors your files, as well as providing versioning, sharing, and a web interface for remote access. If you have two computers and you ever say "Darn, the files are on the other one," I definitely recommend it. Even if you...
  121. doug reich

    synthetic bonds

    Clearly you have an opinion on how this might be done. Why don't you put something out there on how one would make it more tax-advantaged than munis.
  122. doug reich

    Creating Account for Application

    Try using a different browser, turn off ad blockers, etc.
  123. doug reich

    The Bailout Plan

    1. Short term is the next year or two, long term is after that. I'm talking about life, not economics. 2. Numbers will decline because the old business model is gone, regulation will increase, and margins will be squeezed. 3. The rescue plan is not about efficiency, it is about confidence...
  124. doug reich

    The Bailout Plan

    Pay will decrease in the short term, be unchanged in the long term, but the number of people in those positions will decrease.
  125. doug reich

    Implied Vol smile roll with spot

    Can you post the paper?
  126. doug reich

    CDO and morgage backed securities

    I think you're mistaken; I was being facetious. What they call "losing money" is not really; it's expressing the downside of the hedge. If you look at the article, something like 20% of their hedges are underwater; it is costing them an additional 1.5% of their fuel costs with the decrease in...
  127. doug reich

    CDO and morgage backed securities

    ...and some of them go out of business for the same reason: United may not be alone with fuel hedge loss - AP - National Business News -
  128. doug reich

    PhD or MFE

    See FAQ in my signature -- there are a few threads on that.
  129. doug reich

    America the Banana Republic ---- so says Christopher Hitchens

    Has there been a grand awakening among people who formerly had no interest in markets (and all of whom have been quoted by bbb)? Or is this a lot of jumping on the bandwagon to denounce the perceived cause of modern problems? I can't claim to be well-read (or at all read) on the work of...
  130. doug reich

    Need your help with this problem please....

    Wouldn't the vector tangent to the contour be the gradient? So the contour is x = -3t - 2 y = 4t + 5 z = 1 or, equivalently ( \vec T = \vec{ \Del f } t + \vec x_0) (can't seem to find the gradient latex, so Del will have to do)
  131. doug reich

    Excellent time to get into stock market

    Have you ever heard of day traders in the 1990s? You should read a little history about how they all lost their shirts since the market "always rebounds". Remember, the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent. Are you in it for the long term? You're talking about trading...
  132. doug reich

    Short-Selling `Math Geek' Not Naked, Covered in Blame (Update1)

    I'll add my opinion: it was counter-productive. There's an article out there about how the short-selling ban reduced liquidity in a number of markets that hitherto functioned perfectly, namely equities and options. Volume was down 40% in the equities; transaction costs raised. Options...
  133. doug reich

    Short-Selling `Math Geek' Not Naked, Covered in Blame (Update1)

    The short selling ban is over, folks. Let's see if the thesis was right. Here's one position: Short-Sale Ban Ends to Poor Reviews - Short-Sale Ban Ends to Poor Reviews The Securities and Exchange Commission's ban on short selling, which sparked a series of similar bans...
  134. doug reich

    What is in the Future now???

    It's sticky in the Careers forum EXCLUSIVE: Interview with Tim Grant of UBS - QuantNetwork - Financial Engineering Forum
  135. doug reich


    Now I'm confused -- historical simulation is model independent. You're basically asking how to (a) fit a GPD to your historical returns (of the underlying), and (b) create a simulation of returns under that model, correct?
  136. doug reich


    So is your approach monte carlo or something else?
  137. doug reich

    Undergraduate student: 2-page resume a death sentence?

    I don't have the energy to go through many iterative rounds here, but let's do a thought experiment: You are looking to hire someone. You have certain characteristics of this person in mind: C++ ability, basic working knowledge of finance and derivatives, mathematics and science background. Has...
  138. doug reich

    Undergraduate student: 2-page resume a death sentence?

    You don't have coursework? I wouldn't want to seem like I'm bragging that I did a project in 50% of the allotted time (project 1), which is how it sounds when I read it. I think you've cut some fluff, but you should include more awards, courses, education, GPA, degree. People want a snapshot...
  139. doug reich

    Undergraduate student: 2-page resume a death sentence?

    Yes. This may not apply, but when we read resumes at the fund I worked at (look to fill a notch above entry-level), it was usually a quick skim and then yes-or-no. I'm not hiring you on account of the resume. Rather, I am looking to see that you have the skills and intellect I want...
  140. doug reich


    What are you looking for exactly? What do you have so far?
  141. doug reich

    Question for the Part-timers . . .

    Kind of describes FT as well...
  142. doug reich

    Question for the Part-timers . . .

    Just to follow up: since you are in the job market from the beginning of the program, depending on your prior credentials, you may move into a relevant position before graduation. This will keep your skills current.
  143. doug reich

    Libor Rise to Boost Subprime ARM Defaults 10%, Citigroup Says

    A vicious cycle: borrowers default, lowering worthiness of financial institutions, which boosts LIBOR, which causes more borrowers to default. I believe the bailout gives the government the power to rewrite the loan terms on those that it buys (to minimize the chance of defaults). They better...
  144. doug reich

    Is C++ enough to get interview for "Quant Developer"

    I think the conventional wisdom is to do self-study from a book like Hull, etc. to learn the background. (See master reading list in the FAQ in my signature)
  145. doug reich

    The Bailout Plan

    Read the primary documents. The website for congress will have the text of the bill. The reason those articles are vague as you say, is because the bill is not very specific. It gives a lot of power to the treasury secretary to do as he pleases with a variety of tools.
  146. doug reich

    What is in the Future now???

    Everything will be completely back to normal on February 19, 2009. Congress will have restored the country to its last "save point" in 2005 on that date. Please wait until then to enter the job market; otherwise you will meet with calamity. Just kidding; right now the future of this industry and...
  147. doug reich

    Quant internship

    Another route is if you make a list of companies in which you're interested, they will have an application or listing for positions on their website. They will almost certainly have an interview.
  148. doug reich

    Baruch biz plan competition: join my team?

    You should probably just email Anittha directly, as her email is given in the post. Rules and regs are also linked directly at the top of the first post, so that will answer your question about eligibility.
  149. doug reich

    Algorithmic Trading Conference

    I don't have any copies; you'll have to google for them, although I can attach them as they are tracked down.
  150. doug reich

    Algorithmic Trading Conference

    Notes from the conference Not knowing a lot about the people actually doing research in algo trading beforehand, it appears that a lot of big researchers in the field (who know each other, not surprisingly) presented here. I feel smarter just for having listened to some of the things said. I am...
  151. doug reich

    Voting is today

    I watched it, I have to say I like Joe Biden having missed all the primary debates. All the coverage leading up to the debate was about right on Palin. She certainly studied hard. Skip the pundits, they knew their lines before the debate started.
  152. doug reich

    Lehman Merrill Lynch AIG Fannie Freddie WaMu Madoff Citibank saga

    I was trying to look up historical market caps, which means you need share to know their share issuance; it's a little harder. (Although you should be able to get that on a quarterly basis from the 10Q, which may be good enough for comparison).
  153. doug reich

    The Bailout Plan

    BRK bought $3B in preferred from GS, so there's a sensible match up there. Barclay's bought Lehman; MS was going to get funding from Mitsubishi UFJ Will Fed broker an arrangement to save Wells Fargo? I agree a lot of them are one-sided, but this isn't actual basketball...
  154. doug reich

    Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending

    I'll bet that's part of the reason it resurfaced -- someone was looking at old news "X years ago today". Just a conjecture. They could have been googling around, trying to stir up trouble the way UAL had their 7 year-old news RE bankruptcy churned up recently... any google search for those...
  155. doug reich

    Lehman Merrill Lynch AIG Fannie Freddie WaMu Madoff Citibank saga

    OK, but you need a membership to do that, it seems. (I assume the link is the $400b writedowns one) EDIT: Or a trial issue?
  156. doug reich

    Lehman Merrill Lynch AIG Fannie Freddie WaMu Madoff Citibank saga

    A very interesting collection, Andy. Where did this come from?
  157. doug reich

    Does Quant MS/PhD Make Sense?

    I would venture a guess that the average person working as an academic is not only not interested in the questions wall street has to ask, they don't even want to deal with the culture. Those that are interested already have the connections you say, come to think of it.
  158. doug reich

    Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending

    I got this in my email today (I guess it's making the rounds) -- I had to check the NY Times archives to make sure it wasn't a hoax. It really is quite prescient as you observe. (Note the date, everyone!)
  159. doug reich

    The Bailout Plan

    They're called riders, and it's the primary MO of our elected representatives. I believe another name for these things is "earmarks".
  160. doug reich

    Regression Tesing

    That's a very general question. What are you looking to know?
  161. doug reich

    Algorithmic Trading Conference

    Ok, Jovee and charlesdwright, you've both had your fun. Please keep this professional.
  162. doug reich

    The Bailout Plan

    The Numbers Guy makes the same point: The Numbers Guy : Monday's Stock-Market Decline: For the Record
  163. doug reich

    Algorithmic Trading Conference

    Heh... actually I registered today by phone (and email), so there's still time. Who else is going?
  164. doug reich

    Algorithmic Trading Conference

    An answer on Chaz's behalf: go to the brochure posted here, the form is there. Telephone also works (as the registration deadline is either today or yesterday.
  165. doug reich

    Holidays class schedule?

    The Academic Calendar Academic Calendar and Due Dates - Office of the Registrar - Baruch College
  166. doug reich

    The Bailout Plan

    No, I wasn't passing judgment on how this was an insignificant event, if that's what you mean. Overblown, perhaps, but not insignificant.
  167. doug reich

    The Bailout Plan

    Alain made the same point immediately after me. "Nominal", as in the amount in which the index is quoted, not in value or percent.
  168. doug reich

    The Bailout Plan

    Nominal drop, anyway. Certainly a historical time.
  169. doug reich

    The Bailout Plan

    I would say he still loses; if the company gives a match, it's their money you're losing, not yours!
  170. doug reich

    2009 Interactive Brokers Collegiate Trading Olympiad

    You're right... it's the same philosophy as the Nigerian princes! Which is why I err on the side of openness with my personal information (can't get if you don't give a little!)
  171. doug reich

    Problem with FireFox

    Do you have an adblocker? You have to make an exception for the amazon links.
  172. doug reich

    2009 Interactive Brokers Collegiate Trading Olympiad

    Does anyone else find it irritating that they want your social security number?
  173. doug reich

    The Bailout Plan

    More coming soon... Everyone involved got a little something: ownership interest, pay caps, less money up front... Nancy Pelosi also released this: Summary of the Draft Proposal To Rescue U.S. Financial Markets - REINVEST, REIMBURSE, REFORM IMPROVING THE FINANCIAL RESCUE LEGISLATION...
  174. doug reich

    The Bailout Plan

    Lawmakers Reach Tentative Bailout Deal - Top U.S. policy makers emerged from hours of tense negotiations with a clear message just after midnight Sunday morning: A deal to bailout U.S. financial markets has been agreed on and all that remains to be done is to commit the legislation to...
  175. doug reich

    Export Lotus email

    That's not true. I have never registered on that site. I just search google, click on a link to experts exchange, and I can read the entire thread just by scrolling to the bottom of the page. Go and try it. Magic!
  176. doug reich

    Export Lotus email

    In general if you go to an experts exchange page through google, the answers are always hiding way at the bottom of the page. (probably so the site is searchable; don't know why they don't hide it from user agents that aren't search engines...)
  177. doug reich

    Export Lotus email

    Scroll to the bottom: Exporting Lotus Notes Address Book : lotus, notes, address, book, export Other sources: export lotus notes - Google Search
  178. doug reich

    Export Lotus email

    You need to create an account there? I thought everything was available if you google it. :)
  179. doug reich

    Multiple Quantitative Finance Programs at Columbia???

    Andy: Beat me to it! I was about to post that link! Some good stuff in there. BTW, the calculus refresher this year also had people going back & forth in real time. It was a sight to behold.
  180. doug reich

    Multiple Quantitative Finance Programs at Columbia???

    Some of those programs -- especially the MSOR one -- have been discussed here. Please use the search feature and browse the Education forum for past discussions. The "live search" results for "columbia" are -- which hit at least two of your programs. Reflections from a columbia Don MA -...
  181. doug reich

    QuantNet Picnic In Central Park on Sat 9/20

    The portraits, lower down look amazing. Great pics!
  182. doug reich

    So I'm calling a...

    If it's not a job (phone or in person) interview, then don't worry about "asking the right questions." Ask the questions you care about. Use the opportunity to find out about both the industry, and, more importantly, what people there do, exactly, on a day-to-day basis. Don't ask him for a job.
  183. doug reich

    US 'will lose financial superpower status'

    That article seems to a string of breathless metaphors. Its style is well-suited to a marginal publication. Seriously, though, the only concrete point, aside from doom and gloom about the crime perpetrated by financiers is: which goes unsupported, and isn't a clear outcome.
  184. doug reich

    QuantNet Hiking

    ... so the European edition of the hike goes on!
  185. doug reich

    SEC Presses Hedge Funds

    The market price does have something to do with a firm's solvency: it is a key source of funding for the firm. If the market price is too low, then the firm is not going to be able to raise money. This is especially true for all instruments if investors believe the firm is about to fail. Why...
  186. doug reich

    Something I completely do not understand...

    No it's not, it has been happening. Developments : Foreclosures, and Crime Rate, Rising in Charlotte, N.C. Vacant-Property Fees Add to Mortgage Firms' Woes - This was big news for the past year, but I guess you missed it.
  187. doug reich

    Bad time to get into financials?

    Car crashes happen looking out the front window, too. It is easy to lampoon people from the peanut gallery, but everything makes some kind of sense in the fray.
  188. doug reich

    Libor's Accuracy Becomes Issue Again

    LIBOR rates is the actual lending rate among major lenders. It is self-reported; I suppose it is an average of those rates reported. The problem is not technical, it is human. London Interbank Offered Rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The "again" refers to this, also from wikipedia:
  189. doug reich

    Anyone know where to get a copy of Statistical Arbitrage by Stephen Smith?

    You can join the parade on Wilmott looking for the book: Wilmott Forums - any books on statistical arbitrage or algorithm trading?
  190. doug reich

    Lehman Merrill Lynch AIG Fannie Freddie WaMu Madoff Citibank saga

    None and no? Barclays withdrew their bid on Sunday. Lehman declared bankruptcy immediately afterward. Markets played no role at that point, and the deal was a last-ditch effort to salvage the business.
  191. doug reich

    Let's talk politics and Wall Street...

    Actually, I believe Ilya put his full name out there at one point... I have to second Tigga's remark Ilya.
  192. doug reich

    question about mortgage related securities

    They'll be shut down by the regulators or IRS if they don't mark to market. They'll be both lampooned for being incompetent as investors as well as businessmen. They may go to prison for fraud. That's not to say they don't try to game the system, but once investors are getting harmed by the...
  193. doug reich

    QUANTNET Supporting Members

    I didn't realize that's what those awesome little avatar things were all about. I'm going to donate now just to get one :) (EDIT: D'oh, don't have my wallet here now... but you just wait!) Thought I would bump this so all the new members (students?) could become aware of the costs associated...
  194. doug reich

    Fordham MSQF Fordham MSQF Admission Discussion

    JPast, Fordham may be a good program for what it focuses on, but it is not an MFE. Someone going there for that purpose will be disappointed. From their website, the courses covered are: It seems to be closer to an MBA than a MFE. Perhaps you could say more about it?
  195. doug reich

    Book: Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives

    Hull covers many instruments; the primer does only options, if I recall. So, you'll want to look at both.
  196. doug reich

    question about mortgage related securities

    As charles implied, you are talking about "mark to model" accounting. Yes, we can come up with a good approximate value of an asset if we held it to maturity. But these are not investment securities; they are trading securities, and as such they are marked to market. That is the rule. If the...
  197. doug reich

    NY to regulate credit default swaps

    Ilya, Steve Jobs micromanages the products at apple. That is not a model that works for a company with as many orifaces as an investment company. Good control is one thing, but micromanagement is another. Almost every hedge fund and investment bank has the managers investing their own money; in...
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