New Quantnet members say hi

hy quantnet community, i'm glad to be a member from your community. i hope to learn something from here
My name is Dionisis and I have attended the last Baruch information session on 17/9/2008, and they have told us about this forum then. Now that i'm back at my country i joined to see what is going on here and maybe ask some questions.

Also i would like to thank all the professors and the students of Baruch that presented this information session and answered our questions.
Hello from freeliu !

Currently working in equity and their derivate field and looking for a MFE program to further my career.
Quantnet is by far the most infomative quant site I ever came across.

Andy, thank you for your dedication to help the newbies!
Chemical Engineering student

Hi, I'm a PhD Chemical Engineering student, and I hope to learn a lot from this community.

Hi everyone! Just found out I can actually introduce myself in this way. :) Glad such a forum exists and I've already learned really cool stuff just by browsing through the posted threads!
Just wanted to introduce myself. I am a quantitative risk analyst, formerly of Bear Stearns.
Hi All , New Member to the Family

I gave GRE and got a score of 1330 and have done my B.E. in Information Technology with 75% aggregate.
I will be having 3 years of work-experience by the time I will be applying for the course.

I was thinking of applying for MFE course in certain descent universities.
Also the Tuition Fee, Job prospectus and Financial Aid are the foremost factors in applying for the same.

Please help me in this regard.

Saurabh Agrawal
Please take some time to look at the threads for candidates similar to you. See the FAQ in my signature.
HI,I am very glad to join this community

Hi, I am Xia Huang and I am an undergraduate. I am very glad to join this community.
Yet another currently former quantitative risk analyst, previously former modeller (pre-MFE days; APL/A+/K) ...
Hello Everyone - Kent

Hey Everyone!

I Just found this forum and I'm happy I did :) Been hopping around a few, but this one by far seems to have it together!

I'm an undergrad at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, CA. My major is General Engineering ( General? I know... It allows me to pick and choose from all the engineering focuses, the coolest if you ask me :) ) My focus is CompSci and Finance.

No idea which MFE program I'd like to shoot for yet...

I do all sorts of stuff.. Robotics, Web Development, Startups, Dreaming! but Overall I love Computers/Coding and Finance/Economics and I like creating strategies that prove I'm right :D

Look forward to Talking with you All!

P.S. Anything wrong with being on the other side of the country? I would very much love to be in NY, but I grew up in LA and gotta surf for a few more years....

Hello, I'm Daniel from HKUST! Glad to meet so many friends here! It's a good place for communication on techinical problems. In fact, it's from here that I learnt how to use the QuantLib. Thank you all!
P.S. Anything wrong with being on the other side of the country? I would very much love to be in NY, but I grew up in LA and gotta surf for a few more years....

There are a few good programs on West Coast (e.g. Berkeley).
Also San Francisco offers good oportunities as a financial center ...
I've been asking around about Stanford and Berkeley's program.. But I would like to venture to the east coast anyways. I've got plenty of time to shop around though, I'm still an undergrad. And Speaking of being young, can anyone suggest the right road for internships starting now? Are FE jobs looking for tons of experience in the big names or rather a collection of different practices? I know I'll have to do my time in some I bank before applying for an MFE program, but what should I shoot for now concerning short term internships?

Introduce myself

hello everyone.
i'm janix and work for bank as model validation quant.
please help me to solve the problem, if i leave a message.
and if you need any help, just send me a message
thank you all!
I've been asking around about Stanford and Berkeley's program.. But I would like to venture to the east coast anyways. I've got plenty of time to shop around though, I'm still an undergrad. And Speaking of being young, can anyone suggest the right road for internships starting now? Are FE jobs looking for tons of experience in the big names or rather a collection of different practices? I know I'll have to do my time in some I bank before applying for an MFE program, but what should I shoot for now concerning short term internships?


Work experience is just one part of your application.
First and foremost you need to take all advanced math courses and get high grades. Calculus, Linear Algebra and Probability are especially important. You need to have an inclination for Math.
Next you need to have a good programming foundation (it seems you already have a good start).

Next, I would advise to read some introductory books in quant finance. You can find examples on this forum (dedicated thread). Even if you don't understand in detail all concepts, it is still valuable.

In the end, all these directions will confirm if this is a career for you.
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