Search results

  1. darth


    You have quite valid concerns and I am not in the program so I can't answer them . What i say is based on what i hear from when I meet the students of the program. OR is a diverse field and so are its placements... from facebook to paypal to Goldman to AIG.... and the others that has been...
  2. darth


    Going by your logic no one should join any program that's not on QN top 10. Reason it is not there is that it is an Operations research program and not FE program.
  3. darth


    If you have not already , please go through I don't have any idea about UCLA, but one thing that I know is Columbia MSOR has good reputation and placements plus the Ivy league brand name. I would...
  4. darth

    Columbia MSOR Few clarifications regarding Columbia MSOR

    Advait : I am a Columbia student ( though not MSOR), will graduate in May and I am about to join a NY based CTA. I am from India and the students that I talked about having multiple offers are all Indians on F-1 visa. So, I don't think what OP posted holds only for US citizen or green card...
  5. darth

    COMPARE Columbia OR vs Baruch MFE

    I agree with Ross that its better if you took classes. I know people from OR at Columbia and most of them I meet have already 2-3 internships offer at places like AIG GS etc. Brand name and standard of Columbia is so good in the industry that no one from the university needs to fly half way...
  6. darth

    COMPARE Columbia OR vs Baruch MFE

    Believe me it happens in NY also... Not everyone in NY reads Quantnet....
  7. darth

    Baruch MFE My experience with Baruch MFE admission process

    Advait Since you are a probable MFE candidate>>Let me ask you a probability question : A school has following admission policy" We do not have fixed number of seats and admit as many we found suitable to our program". What is the probability that every year in past so many years will they admit...
  8. darth

    COMPARE Columbia OR vs Baruch MFE

    Its not fair to compare Columbia OR to Baruch specially at QN.. Go outside talk to people and don't be surprised if they answer you what is Baruch... I would not think twice selecting columbia out of the two.
  9. darth

    Baruch MFE My experience with Baruch MFE admission process

    after attending an ivy league...why did you even consider baruch...
  10. darth

    From a Goldman Sachs Quant interview

    All bottles numbered using binary digits.Assign each mice to one of the binary flags. 1024 bottles can be tested.
  11. darth

    Columbia MAFN Columbia MAFN decisions...

    Actually I also sent the same concern to the moderator of that group but he said that it's like Columbia Mafn (joining) 2012 :) ...Definitely on the lines of last year's group ...Columbia University M.A in Mathematical Finance class of 2013 would have been a better option
  12. darth

    Best algotrading school

    I though Andy had a different section for advertisements...
  13. darth

    Columbia MAFN Columbia MAFN decisions... Join this group if you are gonna join this fall...
  14. darth

    What course should I take to become a good trader?

    Or to be more successful buy high and sell higher.....trying to buy low can kill you :)
  15. darth

    Future of Finance Industry

    It's not a micro phenomenon rather a systemic one... During tough times all good programs have difficulties ...... Also its not the placement per se but the quality of placement that matters.
  16. darth

    Discussion about Singapore MFE programs.

    jackcoke : If you were to be admitted by all ( SMU NTU NUS and U of C) .... which one would you join?
  17. darth

    Chicago MSFM Chicago MSFM admission anyone?

    do you have any info on their career services singapore campus
  18. darth

    Chicago MSFM Chicago MSFM admission anyone?

    How would it lead to an increased batch size and also do you have any idea of career services @ SG
  19. darth


    I knew it.... It's my favourite restaurant ... Just love the food they serve...:)
  20. darth

    Stop Loss Strategy Does Not Make Money

    You have to be smart enough to decide where to put ur SL... For example while trading SnP futures, irrespective of where you bought ... Always put your sl below 0 :P
  21. darth


    I will take a guess's Mainland China :)
  22. darth

    COMPARE Baruch MFE vs NYU MathFin

    'coz joy studies there :P
  23. darth

    COMPARE Imperial RMFE or GA Tech QCF?

    How come you are so diversified so as to get offers from both Law and Finance courses...
  24. darth

    NTU - Nanyang MFE 2012

    fewkb ...which of the NUS and NTU may be better according to you if a student were to be admitted by both?
  25. darth

    MSMF programs - My grades are... - Risk Management

    4 years relevant fin work.ex to get the regular membership and charter... you can get affiliate membership without work-ex tho
  26. darth

    Real Caltech course in Machine Learning

    options>> Under the bonnet >>clear browsing data >> cookie
  27. darth

    Real Caltech course in Machine Learning

    I just realised I will never be able to watch it live as it coincides with my work-timings but recorded lectures are as much fun :)
  28. darth

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission results

    Appears to be so .... :)
  29. darth

    CQF Career placement

    In India there aren't any good quant schools , so even a cqf could land someone a job in finance
  30. darth

    Underneath Brent Calendar Spreads

    Elementary my Dear Watson :) I don't guess... I deduce... Science of deduction :P
  31. darth

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission results

    Hopefully not to a color of longer wavelength :)
  32. darth

    Underneath Brent Calendar Spreads

    So would you rather be someone who can differentiate between livestock and preferred stock but can't make millions? If some one is trading LIBOR , how does it matter if he knows livestock from preferred stock :)
  33. darth

    Underneath Brent Calendar Spreads

    See... those spreads are exchange quoted.... But obviously they are based on the underlying contracts.... Now if you can make a better spread through outrights ( which will never be the case as second month will have a large bid -offer gap and moreover implieds will never let this arb happen )...
  34. darth

    Has anyone seen a fly on their screens?

    why are the browsers and OS biased against QN ? I don't see the fly while watching other sites...
  35. darth

    Has anyone seen a fly on their screens?

    or you can move your mouse pointer over the fly...right click and select kill Bill... the fly will be killed and the music " Bang Bang you shot it down " will play in the back ground in Nancy Sinatra's voice... This is a really awesome feature...
  36. darth

    Has anyone seen a fly on their screens?

    Mine has mutated into a dinosaur threatening to come out...Help me ! help..F1..F1
  37. darth

    Has anyone seen a fly on their screens?

    Nice ... first i thought its above my screen, then i realized its inside...then i changed my webpage and could see no fly... then i realized its fools day :)
  38. darth

    Underneath Brent Calendar Spreads

    Hi, I have been trading brent calendar spreads on ICE for 5 years now. I would tend to agree with what your manager says. Moreover brent calendar spread options are not as active compared to Nymex WTI spread options. I am not exactly able to understand your conspiracy theory so can't comment...
  39. darth

    MIT MFin MIT MFin extends admission deadline and adds partial tuition fellowships

    not necessarily... may pursue higher studies or may pursue their own ideas...
  40. darth

    Real Caltech course in Machine Learning

    I did not get the context...
  41. darth

    Real Caltech course in Machine Learning

    Insah Allah :)
  42. darth

    Real Caltech course in Machine Learning

    Hope you mean "see your names on the ranking board" :p
  43. darth

    COMPARE MFE from USA vs MBA from IIMs (India)

    No one can say exactly which would be a better choice . Both of them lie on the efficient frontier and since there is no risk-free asset, you will have to select from the upper curve of Markowitz Bullet :) . It all depends on how much risk you want to assume and accordingly you will have your...
  44. darth

    Want to study PhD in Finance - best way to go?

    You will invest 4 more years for a bachelors course?
  45. darth

    Academic Advice Needed!

    Check the tracker and see how many sub 3.0 have received admits.... I doubt other factors can compensate for low GPA... Uni's say that they do holistic evaluation but when it comes to reality I doubt that's the case...
  46. darth

    2011-2012 Quantnet Ranking of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    I think the ranking is transparent, QN has mentioned the criteria and weightage attached to each..
  47. darth

    Guess Number play

    So whatever I think they will think too , so all of us will always win irrespective of what i think... I dun suppose this logic holds...
  48. darth

    Guess Number play

    if you compare 1 to 100 , (I haven't studied game theory ever, so correct me if I am wrong) I think 100 also strictly dominates 1. So sushant now you have a reason why someone may choose 100 and actually win :p Although 100 isn't an optimum number to pick if you are trying to beat 1
  49. darth

    Guess Number play

    But I might think that everyone will select one .... so I will select 100 to win..
  50. darth

    Guess Number play

    its the maximum
  51. darth

    Guess Number play

    For that matter every1 can win if all of them select 100 :p but how can i loose if i choose 1 and i' chooses 0?
  52. darth

    Summer Internship : buy vs sell side?

    push me :P its pvt msg
  53. darth

    Guess Number play

    yes... But I come from School of divinity.... Best result for all :p If its 1, I win , If its 0 everyone wins...
  54. darth

    Guess Number play

    What if everyone chooses zero, every one wins... Governing dynamics, John Nash "Best result comes when everyone in the group does what's best for himself and the group" :)
  55. darth

    Guess Number play

    Depends on the location of classroom , I would choose zero if its a harvard or a yale classroom
  56. darth

    actuarial exams

    I think it gets really rigorous after MFE( Financial Economics exam)....
  57. darth

    actuarial exams

    Have you gone through the content of the other exams ?
  58. darth

    actuarial exams

    Agreed... I needed about a week's time for first three...
  59. darth

    MIT MFin MIT MFin grad looking for job in CNNMoney video

    I don't think this video deserves as much attention....No program claims a placement rate of 100%..its around 95% for top programs like there ought to be few ppl who would be looking for jobs...Don't base your judgement only on outliers....
  60. darth

    MIT MFin Admitted to MIT but not going ? To see the waitlist chances

    Round 3 is still there fate of Waitlisted candidates will also depend on how many strong applicants apply for round 3...
  61. darth

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission results

    No...dun wry :) Its just that I happen to attend this chat and due to my nature of work, over the years I have developed a photographic memory :) ... Btw I did not understand the scary part
  62. darth

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission results

    Tepper-Gwen: @Shuo - Unfortunately no, we do not release decisions earlier. We make our application deadlines and notifications very public and we stick to those deadlines. It does take us some time to do a thorough review of applications and want to make sure we do our due diligence in...
  63. darth

    CQF Career placement

    I was already working as a trader while pursuing CQF so i did not take much help from career services. I really like the classes, content and extra videos of CQF . So on that regard its really worth the money and an excellent course. In India there aren't any good quant schools , so even a cqf...
  64. darth

    CQF Career placement

    Well in that case I will not be of any help :) ... If you have any other query (Apart from placements in chicago) about CQF , I would be glad to answer...
  65. darth

    CQF Career placement

    Jayanthan.. I am a CQF alum...Are you based out of India?
  66. darth

    CQF Career placement

    You should not change your thinking just 'coz some one said something... You should still think they are IT companies :p Btw to find a common ground they are actually software consulting firms. But I don't think one can transition from them to hedge funds for fin role..
  67. darth

    So I created this software...

    Aren't we supposed to quote our returns net of Transaction costs , 'coz if thats not the case I can give you whatever gross returns you demand....
  68. darth

    COMPARE multiple admits need opinion in choosing school

    not necessarily knock out.... round robin
  69. darth

    Drop out rates at MFE programs?

    Remember your life span is limited so you can not try endless things... And thing you love right now may not be the same after 4-5 years. And you need to spend time with something to decide whether you love it or not... You can not just enrol in a program claiming you love FE in your essays and...
  70. darth

    Drop out rates at MFE programs?

    Reason could be anything from not being able to cope up with the demands of the program to their girlfriend complaining of less time..So it need not be necessarily strong. And they should find better ways to achieve their goals before joining to qualify as smart ...The point is MFE is not a...
  71. darth

    Drop out rates at MFE programs?

    So if they figure that they don't need an MFE after enrolling in the program and paying their tuition what measure will you call them smart...
  72. darth

    Aerospace Engineer To Quantitative Analyst?

    January... May... September... Next post is in December. He has extra-ordinary power of finding out when a thread will have a new post.
  73. darth

    Profile Evaluation : In a terrible situation

    "I guess in some cultures, it's taboo to talk about failure. But this is America." I read this on QN somewhere , so you should not loose heart .... Do your best and I am very sure you will land up in a top MFE program.
  74. darth

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission results

    . "We will allow you the option to switch prior to matriculating, provided we have space in the other campus, but we prefer that it be done at the time of accepting the offer of admission and once you matriculate you are not allowed to switch campuses. Additionally, if you are an international...
  75. darth

    Merton's no early exercise theorem

    The above does not mean that you should hold the option . It just means that selling the option will get you a higher profit than exercising it early. Also for stocks without dividends : a) An american call option is worth the same as a European call option. b) An american put option may be...
  76. darth

    Toronto MathFin UofT MMF Students

    If you got this notion by reading Andy's active replies , he is the owner and Moderator at Quantnet. Also a graduate of Baruch college :)
  77. darth

    Everyone.......suggest me a safe University for MFE??

    In this video Dr Mayer talks about the benefits of being surrounded by smart people and the drawbacks of being surrounded by adorers.
  78. darth

    Everyone.......suggest me a safe University for MFE??

    If you don't go to Universities in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and Iran , I guess you will be safe in all other universities :P
  79. darth

    discussion about NUS MSFE at Singapore

    Innovation is a Science?? I thought it's an art...
  80. darth

    The Life of the Number-Crunching Analyst Finance Isn’t as Amoral as It Seems : Robert Shiller
  81. darth

    Columbia MFE Columbia MFE admissions results

    Survivorship bias :P
  82. darth

    When Futures is higher than its Underlying Index

    Futures price = Index + cost of carry Many Indices ( e.g., dax) are total return index their basis is always positive. For them Futures = FV (index)..
  83. darth

    COMPARE Stanford FinMath or CMU MSCF with scholarship

    Or you can flip a biased coin and have more than 50% chance of getting it right....
  84. darth

    Minimum GRE score to get in

    I guess the difference between a 160 and 170 would be atleast 6-7 questions ....
  85. darth

    COMPARE Princeton or MIT for Master in Finance?

    I guess 8 out of 10 applicants (defined as "average person" ) with both offers will chose Princeton over MIT. I tend to differ on this....My guess would be around 9.5
  86. darth

    Aerospace Engineer To Quantitative Analyst?

    What is so intellectually stimulating in finance which is not there in aerospace engineering
  87. darth

    All the extraordinary humans out there, tell me if i can become a quant this fall.............

    But why have you directed your question only to extra-ordinary people...Can't a hoi polloi like me provide some input :P
  88. darth

    NTU - Nanyang MFE 2012

    If you are from SG , could you tell me which has a better local reputation or say if you are accepted by both..which one are you more likely to join?
  89. darth

    NTU - Nanyang MFE 2012

    Did you guys apply to NUS as well?
  90. darth

    COMPARE Princeton or MIT for Master in Finance?

    ok..yes... They will have to offer money to withdraw admission this year as well in that case .
  91. darth

    COMPARE Princeton or MIT for Master in Finance?

    Is it 146 admitted or 146 accepted?
  92. darth

    MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

    I reckon he might have missed submitting his reccos on time and hence round 3...
  93. darth

    COMPARE EPFL MFE vs Barcelona GSE MFin

    By what standards CGU and Bocconi are comparable to stanford's program...Is it some kind of proxy advertising?
  94. darth

    interview question

  95. darth

    interview question

    every integer is a sum of at most 3 signed squares...the basis set for representing positive integers with positive squares is , so 49 is never used.
  96. darth

    interview question

  97. darth

    Why are there so many international MFE/MFin students?

    It would be cool in most parts of the world...
  98. darth

    Cornell FE Cornell M.FinEng

    Looks like Adcoms keep an eye on quantnet.
  99. darth

    A Goldman Sachs programmer was found guilty

    But when you would be giving the command to print screen, the key logger will have it and it can be used as an evidence?
  100. darth

    A Goldman Sachs programmer was found guilty

    I guess taking screen shots , saving and mailing or copying to an external drive could be detected by command logs.. Robopool's idea of stealth cam seems more appealing till someone comes up with a better idea :P
  101. darth

    A Goldman Sachs programmer was found guilty

    "You just don't hear the success stories because the winners do not make it to the news for their felony" "Behind every great fortune is a crime : Mario Puzo " More aware we are about the methods of copying ,greater are the chances we can detect it . So there's nothing wrong in coming with...
  102. darth

    A Goldman Sachs programmer was found guilty

    If i remember correctly , the evidence that was given in the soc gen trader's case was that he took few pages (<100)of print out which was captured by the CCTV footage . Who would take 40k pages of print out in his/her ofc...
  103. darth

    A Goldman Sachs programmer was found guilty

    We are not talking about the SDLC . I am saying that once it is finally converted into a successful project you can carry it in your brain than a piece of paper.Anyone can memorize 100 pages of anything written on it in less than 10 days .
  104. darth

    A Goldman Sachs programmer was found guilty

    I would narrate another anecdote : I currently trade crude oil for a very large UK based prop firm. When I joined the firm around 5 years back , the first lesson they fed in my brain was we always exchange fear and hope. Say when you buy a stock and price goes down , you start hoping that it...
  105. darth

    A Goldman Sachs programmer was found guilty

    " I am afraid you would have difficulties in one of my interviews." Thanks for the concern.But after reading my confession why would you even want to interview me :P I am 27 and don't memorize codes now :)
  106. darth

    A Goldman Sachs programmer was found guilty

    See.... the point is why would you take a 100 page print out of a code and risk prison when you can do that by carrying the code in ur brain if you really have malicious intentions. When I was 14 years old , I did't understand even the logic behind any code but I could score 95% in my computer...
  107. darth

    A Goldman Sachs programmer was found guilty

    well I agree with you... that's why that emoticon after the line :)
  108. darth

    A Goldman Sachs programmer was found guilty

    lol... No dude ... People who know me say that I am the most ethical person they have ever met. ( Also I have always scored high in all levels of CFA ethics exam :P) Law should take its own course and no company should be bullying an employee with the clout they wield.
  109. darth

    Columbia MFE Columbia MFE admissions results

    You should call right away and give your interview .... Before the mistake if any becomes evident :)
  110. darth

    A Goldman Sachs programmer was found guilty

    Yes... stealing code is never ok... But Stealing is a subjective term and open for interpretation
  111. darth

    A Goldman Sachs programmer was found guilty

    yes... :) ..There was another similar case of an Indian Soc Gen trader.... Hope that case also meets a similar end.
  112. darth

    A Goldman Sachs programmer was found guilty Sergey Aleynikov, the former Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS)computer programmer found guilty of espionage for stealing the firm’s code for high-frequency trading, had his conviction overturned by...
  113. darth

    Should I take GMAT a 3rd time for Rutgers MQF and GTech QCF?

    if you are not good at quant why not do MBA ..Y an MFE?
  114. darth

    Startup Business

    It all depends on you where you want to apply your knowledge , Game theory has its wide applications in Biology.... MFE can be used in even to determine where to open a restaurant :)
  115. darth

    Baruch MFE Is is too late to apply?

    I don't think you will be at a disadvantage , Dr Stefan himself has mentioned in many chats that they don't have a limit on number of students to admit and they admit everyone they deem worthy of an admit. However during the last couple of weeks due to plethora of applications you might be at a...
  116. darth

    Engineers break into Investment Banking (IB)

    Kweku Adoboli incident... Trader who lost $2 billion ..
  117. darth

    Michigan MFE How to choose between Michigan and UIUC

    I have a colleague in my office from Michigan MFE 2009 batch I guess.... If you want I can connect you with him...He may be able to better answer your queries.But as I can infer from tracker , you have applied to other places as well..Y not wait for their results :)
  118. darth

    Michigan MFE How to choose between Michigan and UIUC

    If you are an intnl , you will have a really difficult time landing job from either of the places. I know couple of michigan grads who are unemployed even an year after their grad even tho they had top GPA's in their MFE.
  119. darth

    Baruch MFE Baruch MFE interview vs acceptance

    At this rate Baruch would admit 1 student in million years.
  120. darth

    Baruch MFE Baruch MFE interview vs acceptance

    well it might have been( e^x dt) ..concentrate :)
  121. darth

    Baruch MFE Baruch MFE interview vs acceptance

    All I can say is All the best... May the force be with you..
  122. darth

    Baruch MFE Baruch MFE interview vs acceptance

    I would not say that probability is zero if you don't get an interview call...
  123. darth

    Baruch MFE Baruch MFE interview vs acceptance

    Better than the probability of getting admitted when You don't get an interview call :)
  124. darth

    Vassar College mistake The U.S. Education Department is probing complaints that Harvard University and Princeton University discriminate against Asian-Americans in undergraduate admissions.
  125. darth

    Imperial MathFin Imperial College FinMath admitted

    My 2 cents : Don't make a hasty decision... Wait until you get a reject from all the choices above Imperial and if that's the case then you can re-apply imperial next yr and meanwhile have some work-ex ....
  126. darth

    Sending in the CFA Results to universities.

    Well this might be true for Canada as someone told me that CFA exam's are the national pastime in Canada but I dun think you can generalize this observation :)
  127. darth

    API Weekly Statistical Bulletin anyone?

    Even I think the overnight data is somehow factored for EIA release ... Where are you based out of?
  128. darth

    API Weekly Statistical Bulletin anyone?

    yes... Ok yes ..Are you surprised by the post data rally?
  129. darth

    API Weekly Statistical Bulletin anyone?

    I think you are asking about EIA.... API comes out on tuesday and does not have as much market moving effect as EIA statistics. I use reuters for charting and get both API and EIA data there....
  130. darth

    Index Arbitrage

    yes , you are right :).... that's the limiting case .
  131. darth

    Index Arbitrage

    where did you get the figure of 3.5% that you have used for calculating the FV of money borrowed.
  132. darth

    Quantnet MFE Application Tracker

    I think there should be a "/" symbol in GPA column . With GPA's like 4.53 and 6.04 it becomes difficult to guess the scale.
  133. darth

    Baruch MFE Spring 2012 Baruch MFE Facebook Contest

    Can we have the question posted on QN as well at the same time for people who do not have a facebook profile. Moreover facebook is locked in many offices , so it will make it difficult to post a quick answer. Also if the best answer is submitted within 5 mins... Will it get 5 points?
  134. darth

    Can I get into a decent MFE program?

    I would agree with you on that.... Actually I went by the headline...
  135. darth

    Can I get into a decent MFE program?

    if you say so... I thought likes of princeton might be difficult...
  136. darth

    Can I get into a decent MFE program?

    depends on the definition of decent :)
  137. darth

    MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

    ohh...k :) .. I thought they will have to come up with new questions for every candidate if the questions are being circulated... But I agree that questions are standard and hence it should not matter.
  138. darth

    MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

    Just crossed my mind : Is it ethical for a candidate to release his interview questions as some interviews require the candidate not to divulge any details of the interview.
  139. darth

    Columbia MFE Columbia MFE admissions results

    I have seen this movie ... Battle of Iwo Jima... But I guess you got it wrong... This icon depicts an Important event during India's struggle for Independence when these people fell to british bullets but did not let the tricolor fall....
  140. darth

    Columbia MFE Columbia MFE admissions results

    I just wanted to know how can one possibly take offence from that icon...
  141. darth

    MIT MFin 2011 MIT MFin Placement Report

    This absolutely makes sense. MIT receives very large number of applications and has an impeccable and Immaculate reputation. It's just that they have not polished or sugarcoated their placement stats like other schools.
  142. darth

    Inexpensive European masters' programs?

    look at some programs at the Ulm university , germany....
  143. darth

    MIT MFin 2011 MIT MFin Placement Report

    Which is like cost of 3 MBA's at Indian School of Business.... :)
  144. darth

    MIT MFin 2011 MIT MFin Placement Report

    Yes... That's precisely the case according to me... A salary of 15-20 lakhs in India is what a fresh grad from a reputed college gets. Among the list of companies is the name of ICICI bank as well..(Indian bank) , so the dots connect and since MIT has a very global brand name , many alumni might...
  145. darth

    Engineers break into Investment Banking (IB)

    No...... FBI , CIA , and NYPD or you could try apple's I-banking
  146. darth

    Using an MFE for a different line of work

    You can't make a generalization that CFA is easy... It depends on how many and which actuarial exam are you comparing CFA with. I have done both and found preliminary SOA exams to be pretty easy..
  147. darth

    Oxford MFE results

    I would believe on both the claims... iff a) The claim of jobs was written on a website of school like princeton b) Anti-ageing claim came from Kera Skin Esthetics. :)
  148. darth

    Oxford MFE results

    MFE is a very specialized course. MBA is generalized. See what you wanna the blogs and FAQ's on all university's websites and that will give you a fair idea of what you want. But I would say grass always looks greener on the other side. CA is an equally good option. Weigh all of them.
  149. darth

    Oxford MFE results

    You are quite confused and I would advise you to do some soul searching... How will marketing fit into your career after an MFE ? In that case your priority 2 will be useless... Apply to MFE the day you think your only priority is finance and not only finance but say a particular field inside...
  150. darth

    Oxford MFE results

    If you want a career in marketing why even bother thinking about MFE... Apply directly for the MBA programs and choose finance or marketing...
  151. darth

    Who Owns the Future?

    Bad politics.. education system... wonder why they count India to be among the emerging superpowers...
  152. darth

    Who Owns the Future?

    A word of caution for people extremely bullish on India : Fifteen-year-old Indians who were put, for the first time, on a global stage stood second to last, only...
  153. darth

    How to 'demonstrate knowledge of Finance'?

    You will definitely make it if the test felt smooth :)
  154. darth

    Profile Review

    Just curious..How much did you get on P and FM exams?
  155. darth

    Profile review for MFE

    Hi shantanu First of all , any member of the admission committee would be impressed by your test scores. I don't have much idea about Columbia and Stanford but I think you have a very strong chance with CMU and UCB. Couple of FF traders are in current batch of CMU , you can mail them. Their...
  156. darth

    Profile review for MFE

    I don't think an 8.1 GPA at IITK is bad by any standards.... Btw were you with FF?
  157. darth

    CFA with no accounting background

    I don't think FSA is 35% .Check the curriculum for break-up. Also if you feel you can do it , you will . I did not even know what inflation and balance sheet was when I started my L1 preparation , but I could manage to pass it in around 20 days of study. So it all depends on you .
  158. darth

    CMU MSCF Calculus based probability course

    May be you can consider Probability and statistics exam P conducted by Society of Actuaries/Canadian Actuarial Society.
  159. darth

    Traders’ brains Berlusconi has uncovered the reason for market volatility in recent days....
  160. darth

    Well I'll be - Greece might actually do it...

    From free Greek to free Greek, the word was spread that bold Leonidas and his 300, so far from home, laid down their lives, not just for Sparta, but for all Greece and the promise this country holds. Now, here on this ragged patch of earth called Plataea, Xerxes' hordes face obliteration!.Just...
  161. darth

    BBC - The impending crash - Trader tells it like it is

    Can't blame them if that's the state of economy....
  162. darth

    BBC - The impending crash - Trader tells it like it is

    zerohedge just rockss...I have recommended it previously as well in couple of threads..
  163. darth

    Traders’ brains

    Some closely watched economic indicators including latvian hooker index to gauge the economy :)...
  164. darth

    2011-2012 Quantnet Ranking of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    and in what capacity may i ask , can you make those comments.
  165. darth

    Any suggestions for good books for preparing the GRE- New Format

    Does anyone has an idea whether one needs to get all correct on quant to get a 170?
  166. darth

    2011-2012 Quantnet Ranking of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    You have a very valid viewpoint here. This ranking has been developed on the basis of a set of criteria , which has also been disclosed alongwith the rankings. People have had very valid concerns and excellent viewpoints about the drawbacks of those criteria and they have been posted before...
  167. darth

    2011-2012 Quantnet Ranking of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    Well.. You may be having a better analogy than mine's but it's still possible that the new crunch chocolates that hershey has started producing still has not achieved the acceptance and quality of the lesser known regional brand which has a good if not great name in the field of producing crunch...
  168. darth

    2011-2012 Quantnet Ranking of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    It's like....... say if BMW (read MIT) started producing chocolates( Read MFIN) , it won't necessarily mean that the chocolates will be better than those of Hershey's (Baruch ) just because BMW is an excellent car manufacturer.
  169. darth

    Chicago MSFM Chicago MSFM Prep Course

    You can get it at Baruch . Its written on their pre-mfe site : "Upon request, the instructors will provide letters of recommendations detailing the performance of the student in each seminar." But they are selective in their pre-mfe program as well , so until you are accepted in the pre-mfe...
  170. darth

    2011-2012 Quantnet Ranking of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    I have been following this website for many years now...QI ( quantnet index) has hit lower circuits for the past few days in this thread... Regular members who have been very rational and helpful to people all these times are just refusing to see any logic which may contradict with Andy's or...
  171. darth

    2011-2012 Quantnet Ranking of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    I would disagree on that, baseball rankings like any other authentic ranking definitely help people. One, it may help a professional baseball player to decide which club to join , two, it may be a yardstick for the baseball clubs to measure themselves , they could strive to get to the numero uno...
  172. darth

    2011-2012 Quantnet Ranking of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    After going through all the points I would like to make few points... No one can come out with a ranking to which everyone will agree.As someone who has studied ethics for three years now , I would like to say that this ranking does definitely need disclosure of any conflict of interest that it...
  173. darth

    Rogue Trader Lost $2B at UBS

    It amazes me...I am a prop trader at one of the largest prop house ( by no. of people employed) and I have never been able to put on a position greater than my sanctioned limits even if I wanted to .... How can these Ibanks employ such poor risk measures...
  174. darth

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Low GPA coupled with Low gre quant score may spell trouble.
  175. darth

    Baruch MFE The 2011-2012 Pre-MFE Program at Baruch College

    Thanks for your reply sir. But can they be taken by someone willing to travel to states and already possessing a B1/B2.
  176. darth

    Baruch MFE The 2011-2012 Pre-MFE Program at Baruch College

    I have few queries regarding the pre-mfe programme : 1) I am based out of India and have a B1/B2 visa . Am i eligible to take the programme. 2) Also I want to apply for all the three courses , what can be done to mitigate the chance of getting selected for advanced calculus and rejected for...
  177. darth

    University of Oslo

    BBW can give good advice about Norway... :)
  178. darth

    Online Trading Platform

    Has anyone availed the services of advantage futures?
  179. darth

    CFA Thread

    Got to know about it after L3 exam..browsed till results.. But its quite popular among cfa candidates i guess...
  180. darth

    Corruption in India

    It was for your general knowledge :)
  181. darth

    Corruption in India

    1 lakh = 100,000 .. Its an accepted english word
  182. darth

    Corruption in India

    See.... sjain is not Kadar khan of bol radha bol that he can't see after 6 o clock ( read after 2 words) , all he meant was that your highness has written such nonsense that he didn't want to read after 2 words... And i beg you please don't rate my analytical skills to zero... My career will be...
  183. darth

    Corruption in India

    Sounds like a nursery kid ...and talking of offensive language , if i may remind you sir that it was you who started calling people delusional if they did not agree to your viewpoint. The analytical skills of people dropped to zero (according to you) if they thought british rule did more harm...
  184. darth

    CFA Thread

    In levels 1 and 2 , I used schweser Question banks though did not have the time to solve the entire question bank. But from my experience and specially for level 3 , CFAI books are the best.Supplements may help you pass the exam with less efforts but there is risk to it and moreover the amount...
  185. darth

    Corruption in India

    I would request you to kindly enlighten me on what Mr. Bernanke has done.... I thought only Indian policy makers and politicans did wrong things... Are you implying there is one outside India also?
  186. darth

    CFA Thread

    CFAI books are the best..
  187. darth

    Corruption in India

    But that doctor should not be Indian as India is full of corrupt people and would be quants who have no analytical skills... Go to some other country and get the medical then only you will be believed...
  188. darth

    CFA Thread

    Hi .. I have cleared all three levels of the CFA exam ... Would to be glad to reply any specific question you may have..
  189. darth

    Corruption in India

    India used to contribute 33% of the world's GDP and look where it was after brits left it...
  190. darth

    Rotterdam School of Management , Erasmus University Netherlands

    They have an over-friendly admissions office replying fast to anything and everything for the programme I mentioned.
  191. darth

    Corruption in India

    "No-one pays a bribe willingly" I beg to differ on this for the cases involving traffic policemen. He catches you for some offence and takes out his challan book to write a challan and you start pleading that please don't write me a challan(as it may cost say 1200 rs), lets settle for 100 rs...
  192. darth

    Corruption in India

    It's easier to point flaws in others rather looking inwards. Government is not something which has come from Mars. It is the people of India from where they have come. Citizens are corrupted , so is government. Half of the people protesting don't even know what they are protesting for. I know of...
  193. darth

    Rotterdam School of Management , Erasmus University Netherlands

    Thanks vuze. Even the current alumni have quoted similar average salary figures. And yes 20k is less compared to many US universities but I guess Uni's in US don't discriminate as much in their fees structure. Say if someone wants to work in EU for couple of years to gain some international...
  194. darth

    Rotterdam School of Management , Erasmus University Netherlands

    Thanks for your valuable inputs vuze. The tuition for the program in question would be 20k after scholarship. Do you by any chance have any approximate idea of salary levels your friends got after graduating from the program.
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