Search results

  1. Paul Mithouard

    COMPARE Baruch MFE vs NYU MathFin

    My answer to Laura. '' As far as reputation on Wall Street is concerned, most people know NYU, few people know CUNY/Baruch. This is just a fact I noticed when I came to New York, last September. Although it is highly regarded on the web, it is not the reality in New York, as of right now...
  2. Paul Mithouard

    COMPARE Please, need help: NYU MSMF v.s. Columbia MFE v.s. Cornell MFE

    Hello Wayn, I am currently studying in the NYU Courant program. If you have any question do not hesitate to contact me. Paul
  3. Paul Mithouard

    financial engineering and algo trading

    You have the Algorithmic Trading and Quantitative Strategies course in NYU s program. MFE is probably the best way to touch on that although the quality of course may vary from one program to another. Best, Paul
  4. Paul Mithouard

    Hurricane Irene

    Being on the route of a hurricane is a once in a lifetime experience. If I were you, I would be sad to miss that ;)
  5. Paul Mithouard

    COMPARE TOP 3 MFE programs in terms of Placement?

    If Baruch's Placements & Statistics are as transparents as you imply, why do you need any comment on them? Are you really asking for insights, or are you just making some basic advertising?
  6. Paul Mithouard

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission results

    What do you imply?
  7. Paul Mithouard

    2011 Carnegie Mellon University - Accepted

  8. Paul Mithouard

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission results

    Just finished with the interview. I do not know how it went. The interviewer definetely was an interesting person.
  9. Paul Mithouard

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission results

    I have an Interview in less than an hour. Wish me luck
  10. Paul Mithouard

    2011 Carnegie Mellon University - Interview

  11. Paul Mithouard

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission results

    Congrats to all of you! Is CMU your Target school?
  12. Paul Mithouard

    COMPARE NYU-Poly vs. Fordham MSQF

    @CrazyRussian, Have you considered reapplying next year. There is nothing to be ashamed of if you did not land your dream MFE program this year. Giving it another try next year, with better credentials, definitely is an option. Paul
  13. Paul Mithouard

    Which MFE program is your "Final Destination"?

    @Andy Sorry, by "Next Fall", I meant upcoming Fall (2011).
  14. Paul Mithouard

    Which MFE program is your "Final Destination"?

    I will start the program next fall.
  15. Paul Mithouard

    Which MFE program is your "Final Destination"?

    I will be attending NYU -Courant next year. Can't wait.
  16. Paul Mithouard

    NYU MSMF NYU Mathematics in Finance Admission Results

    By the time, you had not applied yet. By the way this is a 1 year old thread :)
  17. Paul Mithouard

    Requirements to Get into MFE/MFin

    In google NYU Math FI --> Current Student. " Deep Inside the website " or just too lazy to search for the Info?
  18. Paul Mithouard

    Requirements to Get into MFE/MFin

    Hi Kenny Lam, I suggest you to go on the websites of the Universities you just quoted above and surf on their website. You can definetely learn more about each program and which one best fits you. You have already done the job^^ I know for sure that NYU & Baruch post the profiles of their...
  19. Paul Mithouard

    NYU MSMF NYU Mathematics in Finance Admission Results

    If you want, I can apply to additional MFE programs to help you reach you goal. I am particularly interested in the new master opening in Hawai. They have a unique course on weather derivatives.
  20. Paul Mithouard

    NYU MSMF NYU Mathematics in Finance Admission Results

    There are much more acceptance on the tracker than rejects. Maybe you can adress it as a lucky charm. It actually worked for me and many others. Good luck @Lin
  21. Paul Mithouard

    COMPARE NYU MSMF v/s Columbia MSFE v/s CMU MSCF (pitts)

    There are a lot of threads regarding this question. They usually compare NYU VS CMU. Columbia MSFE seems to lag a bit behind those two. (This is a personal opinion)
  22. Paul Mithouard

    CMU MSCF (Pitts or NYC?) or Cornell MFE

    I do not know. I am from Europe. But at least it is well-known
  23. Paul Mithouard

    CMU MSCF (Pitts or NYC?) or Cornell MFE

    You shall also ponder over whether you would relish an oportunity to stay in the US in the long term. In that case, if I were you I would go to CMU. Otherwise, I would go to Cornell which has a worlwide recognition (even in Europe where I am from), and particularly strong curriculum (I contacted...
  24. Paul Mithouard

    Recommendations for Masters admissions

    Look at the profile of the current student on the program's website. All of them have professional experience in the industry. An internship or some work experience would be very appreciated there.
  25. Paul Mithouard

    NYU MSMF NYU Mathematics in Finance Admission Results

    I think they are having a hard time figuring out who to admit. There may be many candidate with similar profiles. In such a case it is hard to pick one over others.
  26. Paul Mithouard

    MSF/MFE program selection, ideas guys

    Can wait to see how you proceed ! Later this year is pretty vague :confused:
  27. Paul Mithouard

    MSF/MFE program selection, ideas guys

    Isn't the new ranking supposed to be released next year? It would be funny to see how programs move upside down in the ranking? Maybe the Mfin of MIT is going to enter QuantNet ranking.
  28. Paul Mithouard

    Columbia MSOR or Cornell Financial Engineering

    If I had to make a choice, I would defintely go to Cornell ---> It is really a FE program and hosted by an outstanding Engineering College, and moreover with great career services. It is as known as Columbia as far as school reputaiton is concerned.
  29. Paul Mithouard

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    I do not know much about what it takes to get admission to the best programs. I think Berkeley is one of the best and is really hard to get in. To tell you the truth I did not even apply. But you should give it a try if you want to go there. Just remember that if you want to work in NYC it is...
  30. Paul Mithouard

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    You should not ask quantnet members where to apply, but ask yourself where you want to be next year. When you are admitted into a program you have chosen, you can not be disappointed since you have reached your own goals. So where do you want to go next year?
  31. Paul Mithouard

    MSF/MFE program selection, ideas guys

    What is career service purpose if it is not to gather Job/Internship leads?
  32. Paul Mithouard

    MSF/MFE program selection, ideas guys

    Why not Rutgers? it seems like a good school. i do not know about the placments but theyr are pretty aware of quantitative finance, since they have 2 programs
  33. Paul Mithouard

    Quantnet MFE Application Tracker

    With CMU & Berkeley round 3 & 4 everything is possible :) Columbia& Baruch &NYu seems to have so many applicants. I wish i could see the exact figures
  34. Paul Mithouard

    NYU MSMF NYU Mathematics in Finance Admission Results

    Thanks Andy, It will be my pleasure! I also updated all my applications and wrote a small note for each one. hope it will help new comers Good luck to you guys
  35. Paul Mithouard

    2011 Kings' College London

    Q780 French School in statistics/ Good GPA Application declined. Email saying that my profile does not "fit" the requirements for the master of Financial Mathematics @ King's College.
  36. Paul Mithouard

    2011 LSE

    Q780 French School in statistics/ Good GPA
  37. Paul Mithouard

    NYU MSMF NYU Mathematics in Finance Admission Results

    Grimknight, Siddarth, Alipay, Thank you for your message I wish you the best Paul
  38. Paul Mithouard

    NYU MSMF NYU Mathematics in Finance Admission Results

    I am in !! Look at tour email guyss! New round of admit coming it seems.. Good luck to you all
  39. Paul Mithouard

    7.7 Jane Street Phone Interview

    Without being indiscrete, could you pleaase share your profile with us ? :) Thanks a lot in advance Postelrich Paul
  40. Paul Mithouard

    2011 New York University - Accepted

  41. Paul Mithouard

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission results

    If you take a look at the tracker, you can see that interviews are usually set up between 2 and three weeks before the Admission deadline. If we follow this reasoning, you should be getting your interview in early may. Time is on your side.
  42. Paul Mithouard

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission results

    I applied in early march. I believe it makes me a round 3 applicant :)
  43. Paul Mithouard

    Columbia MAFN Columbia MAFN decisions...

    I can see a lot of reject / Wailist on the tracker. It seems to be a very selective program.
  44. Paul Mithouard


  45. Paul Mithouard

    Will you attend the program?

    Will you attend the program?
  46. Paul Mithouard

    COMPARE Cornell vs Chicago vs NYU

    What would be the best option according to you (Ph.D. out of competition)? And of course, could you argue :rolleyes:
  47. Paul Mithouard

    COMPARE Cornell vs Chicago vs NYU

    except the fact that it may merge with NYU poly ;)
  48. Paul Mithouard

    NYU MSMF NYU Mathematics in Finance Admission Results

    @ Andy Indeed @ Grim : Your fingers are gonna be ok?
  49. Paul Mithouard

    NYU MSMF NYU Mathematics in Finance Admission Results

    @ Andy High Probability ^^ @Moksha I got the email too. At least, we know we will have to wait a bit longer. It is nice from them to get us informed about the admission process
  50. Paul Mithouard

    NYU MSMF NYU Mathematics in Finance Admission Results

    It seems that this year is a record year for Quantitative Financne masters. Almost, all the masters have reached their highest number of applicant this year. I read on the net that NYU got more than a thousand application this year.
  51. Paul Mithouard

    Columbia MAFN Columbia MAFN decisions...

    I might come with you too. I contacted an alumni and she gave me an enthusiastiuc review of the program. She went there during the crisis year (2008/2009) and found a good associate position in structured products in a BB in NY. Sounds not bad at all ^^
  52. Paul Mithouard

    NYU MSMF NYU Mathematics in Finance Admission Results

    Do you know are far have they processed application and when are we expect to hear from them. I sort of rushed them almost 2 weeks ago and got no news excep that the file is complete and has been sent to department. Thanks Andy
  53. Paul Mithouard

    NYU MSMF NYU Mathematics in Finance Admission Results

    Do not worry they only notice you when solethig was missing' To tell you that tour file is now complete
  54. Paul Mithouard

    Cornell FE Cornell M.FinEng

    You still have a chance to get in. All the people whose first choice is not Cornell may leave an empty seat and you could get in. Wait and see Good Luck
  55. Paul Mithouard

    Job prospects for international students without work-ex

    You should not look at the University but rather @ the program. Before being interested in MS in FE I had no idea about NYU, Baruch and Cornell @ all. You may have outstanding program with great placement record in less known faculties. School Fame in the world ---> not necessarily correlated...
  56. Paul Mithouard

    COMPARE How to Choose between Columbia MAFN, Umich MFE and Columbia MSOR

    I heardColumbia MAFN can be extended ... Did you check for it?
  57. Paul Mithouard

    NYU MSMF NYU Mathematics in Finance Admission Results

    I received my ID a long time ago. On the 4 th of january to be more specific :)
  58. Paul Mithouard

    New Quantnet forum software

    Fan of latex (not to be mistaken)
  59. Paul Mithouard

    NYU MSMF NYU Mathematics in Finance Admission Results

    It is time for rejections now :)
  60. Paul Mithouard

    NYU MSMF NYU Mathematics in Finance Admission Results

    it is called SMTS. Stands for "Supporting materials tracking system". You can check whether your test scores & transcripts have been received.
  61. Paul Mithouard

    How did you know about Quantnet

    Complete hazard ! i am a lucky man.. Hope to be just as lucky in the upcoming hours and days ;p
  62. Paul Mithouard

    NYU MSMF NYU Mathematics in Finance Admission Results

    optimistic or pessimistic siilypig? ;p
  63. Paul Mithouard

    NYU MSMF NYU Mathematics in Finance Admission Results

    Good news Andy ! How do you know?
  64. Paul Mithouard

    Awesome Quantnet Newsletter

    everything in the post title
  65. Paul Mithouard

    COMPARE Oxford or Imperial

    French and Congrats for getting in Imperial & Oxford
  66. Paul Mithouard

    COMPARE Oxford or Imperial

    I would go to imperial --> very well established program & math department + possibility to network easily in London.
  67. Paul Mithouard

    What do I do?

    They do not require a math degree? Where did you see that? I do not have a math degree... Ask other people but I think that CS is OK
  68. Paul Mithouard

    NYU MSMF NYU Mathematics in Finance Admission Results

    So many People are waiting for NYU, is admission more competitive than @ Columbia?
  69. Paul Mithouard

    What do I do?

    1) No need to look for the reasons why you got rejected, you did not match or was not good enough. 2) Cass is definetely your better option ;p
  70. Paul Mithouard

    NYU MSMF NYU Mathematics in Finance Admission Results

    Are you full timer or Part Timer?
  71. Paul Mithouard

    Columbia MAFN Columbia MAFN decisions...

    Informal admission by email and then a few weeks later an email saying decision available.
  72. Paul Mithouard

    Columbia MAFN Columbia MAFN decisions...

    i got my admit on a sunday afternoon :)
  73. Paul Mithouard

    NYU MSMF NYU Mathematics in Finance Admission Results

    looking at the forum you can wait until july :).
  74. Paul Mithouard

    NYU MSMF NYU Mathematics in Finance Admission Results

    After sending email to the GSAS ---> application complete waiting for outcome!
  75. Paul Mithouard

    2011 Imperial College London - Accepted

  76. Paul Mithouard

    2011 LSE - Accepted

  77. Paul Mithouard

    Quantnet MFE Internship Tracker

    Very good Idea! It would provide a good insight on programs that do not release career placements! Keep going with your great work. Paul
  78. Paul Mithouard

    Question about the math gre subject test

    Do not know yet. Very hard to choose! What about you? Have you reached a decision?
  79. Paul Mithouard

    2011 Cornell University - Accepted

  80. Paul Mithouard

    Question about the math gre subject test

    I applied without the GRE subject test (It was not available in my homeland) so you should not bother too much. Taking the GRE subject is proof of your high motivation ---> You should definitely report it
  81. Paul Mithouard

    2011 University of Chicago - Accepted

  82. Paul Mithouard

    2011 Carnegie Mellon University

    NYC Campus With Scholarship Q780 French School in statistics/ Good GPA Round 3 applicant. Result will be out on May 24 th Interview Requeston the 05-17-2011
  83. Paul Mithouard

    2011 Carnegie Mellon University - Pending

  84. Paul Mithouard

    Columbia MFE Columbia MFE admissions results

    No news from MAFN too ...
  85. Paul Mithouard

    Chicago MSFM When Chicago MSFM candidates expect to learn application result?

    Last year all admission result felt within the same time frame.
  86. Paul Mithouard

    NYU MSMF anyone received their NYU MSFM application ID yet?

    Do you have any idea of when will be the ad be released?
  87. Paul Mithouard

    Columbia MFE Columbia MFE admissions results

    Will Bear, Do you pay more I you extend the length of your program? This sounds weird to pay more for the same diploma ...
  88. Paul Mithouard

    Please evaluate my profile

    Dear Aiflin, In order to have a better idea of the strengh of you application, maybe what you can do is compare yours to the other applicants one from IIT. My 2 cents ;) Wish you the best, Paul
  89. Paul Mithouard

    columbia masters please help?

    @vashok I strongly believe that you have to go to a master which you will be happy in and where you are sure to suceed You definetely should make your decision according to your preferences and how much you like quantitative reasoning. A part of your choice should also depond on your...
  90. Paul Mithouard

    2011 New York University

    Q780 French School in statistics/ Good GPA Sent email to Courant asking for an early decision Admission via email on the 7 th
  91. Paul Mithouard

    2011 University of Chicago

    V780 French School in statistics/ Good GPA
  92. Paul Mithouard

    2011 Imperial College London

    Q780 French School in statistics/ Good GPA Long admission process : one of my referee sent hisreference letter with a personnal email adress. Received mail asking me to check status online.
  93. Paul Mithouard

    2011 Columbia University - Accepted

  94. Paul Mithouard

    2011 Columbia University - Pending

  95. Paul Mithouard

    2011 Columbia University

    Q780 French School in statistics/ Good GPA received email from Mr Smirnov director of the program. Columbia has one of the best application process. You get an answer to your application pretty quickly after you apply. Moreover, the application form is easy to fullfill.
  96. Paul Mithouard

    2011 Cornell University

    Q780 French School in statistics/ Good GPA Results send by email + official letter by mail two days later Tuition = 90 K. No scholarship
  97. Paul Mithouard

    2011 Imperial College London - Pending

  98. Paul Mithouard

    2011 University of Chicago - Pending

  99. Paul Mithouard

    2011 New York University - Pending

  100. Paul Mithouard

    2011 Cornell University - Pending

  101. Paul Mithouard

    2011 LSE - Pending

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