2007 Interactive Brokers Collegiate Trading Olympiad

That is amazing Andy. So why does Google-bot not get tripped up when it tries to access Barron's content? For example, when googlebot tries to examine that Trading article, why wouldnt Barron's system just direct it to a login page the same way someone like me would be directed there?
I would guess that the Barron's system is not designed for bots or crawlers. They are designed for humans who clicks on what they see on screen where google-bots follow some secret algorithms that can read way under the hood. Did you read about Google binary search feature where the Google-bot can read the binaries of all the exe files inside your website? It's just crazy what these features can do. There is a company using that feature to detect adware,virus,etc.

I have set up our forums so that spammers, bots can't log in certain forums. There are several layers of security involved and I'm not sure if I know enough to explain with authority.
Whatever features you see around this forum it's not for fun or eye candy, it's for spam control. As long as it works, i guess nobody will complain and just leave the dirty work for the Quantnet Team right?
Frank, I've done some search engine (SE) work previously (blackbox testing and analysis, etc.), and this is my guessed answer to your question.

All commercial websites (and even many personal ones) want visibility (i.e. high ranking) on a search-result page provided by engines such as google. SE's basically rank pages by factors such as contents, keywords, layout, fonts/styles, linking popularities, etc to rank a page/site for the searched keyword/topic. For Barron to stand visible in the cyber space among all other competent competitors, Barron (at least for now, I'm guessing) needs to show its contents or whatever available to google and prove to the SE that it is or can be the most relevant site/page regarding the topic. This way, when people do certain searches, they will see Barron (and this can bring lots $$ to Barron).

So, my guess is....Barron can't afford to hide content pages from google, even though it would like to.

Any second opinions?
Bridgett said:
Barron (at least for now, I'm guessing) needs to show its contents or whatever available to google and prove to the SE that it is or can be the most relevant site/page regarding the topic.
It's exactly what Barron did. It's a double-edged sword. By allowing search bots to crawl its contents; they may even intentionally do so (bots follows algorithms so it's easy to open back-doors for search engines only), Barron has its contents show up on the Google search results page. Those who click on the link will be ask to sign up for the service and if it's valuable enough, they will (at least that what Barron hopes for). Those who know how to work around Google cache will just read the content from the cached without paying for the content.

The cached content is updated every xx days. I can verify that because I have seen our old QuantNetwork cached website and the new cache now.
Andy said:
The cached content is updated every xx days. I can verify that because I have seen our old QuantNetwork cached website and the new cache now.

Agreed, and I think that "xx days" depends on how fast the bot works and how often it comes to visit your site/page. And this could lead to complicated discussion on how SE's decide its speed and timing of visiting pages.
If I remember correctly, somebody mentioned that a member of this forum and an alumni of the program, Mr. Robin Romeo works for Interactive Brokers and that's how we get to know about the olympiad. Hopefully, he can contribute to this topic.
Anyone takes a look at the IB's API?
By the way, if anyone wants to get familiar with the Interactive Brokers Trader Workstation, you can use the demo. You can even use it with your own API if you want to get some form of headstart. You can find the demo here: http://www.interactivebrokers.com/en/software/demo.php?ib_entity=llc
Select the individual demo. For API's you can eitherdownload the desktop version or log in from the homepage under login and select TWS from the dropdown menu. The username is edemo, and the password is demouser.
I'll make another post when the next Olympiad is announced.
robin said:
By the way, if anyone wants to get familiar with the Interactive Brokers Trader Workstation, you can use the demo. You can even use it with your own API if you want to get some form of headstart. You can find the demo here: http://www.interactivebrokers.com/en/software/demo.php?ib_entity=llc
Select the individual demo. For API's you can eitherdownload the desktop version or log in from the homepage under login and select TWS from the dropdown menu. The username is edemo, and the password is demouser.
I'll make another post when the next Olympiad is announced.
I downloaded the software as well as tried to log in online with the id and pass you gave but it either timed out or reported wrong password.

The first log in will take a few minutes, at least. I just tried for the first time on this computer. It took me about five minutes altogether, and two tries. Give it another try. It should work.
By the way, the second college trading olympiad has been announced.
robin said:
Try also going directly to the home page www.interactivebrokers.com, and at the top right select TWS next to the login button.
I got in within a minute this way. I spent a good part today trying the other method. Thanks so much Robin. The system looks very nice.
Couple of questions:
1) How long is the delay time of the data?
2) What is the limitation of the demo system? Is it still good for the purpose of preparation for the Olympiad?

Prof. Stefanica mentioned the Olympiad tonight during the class and I believe we have quite a few people interested :D
The demo does not have real data. It is not even delayed data. However, for the olympiad, it will be real data available. The demo system is exactly the same as that used by IB's customers. The only difference is the limitation of tickers. Only the most actively traded of each product group is available. You can find info about hooking up your front end here: http://www.interactivebrokers.com/en/software/apiReleaseNotes/api_86.php
Thanks for the valuable info Robin. I'll take some time to read the API, write code to hook up with the IB data feed, design to investing strategy. :smt024
Hopefully it works out and give me some positive return ;)
Looks like we need to create some window applications to hook up with TWS using the socket protocols.
To link to TWS using the TwsSocketClient.dll

   1.      Create a Windows application using MS Visual Studio (version 5.0 or higher).
   2.      Add C :\jts\SocketClient\include to your project's include path.  This should be done for any individual project that accesses the TwsSocketClient library's header files.
   3.      Add the C :\jts\SocketClient\lib\TwsSocketclient.lib file to your project's libraries path.  This should be done for any individual project that accesses the TwsSocketClient library.
   4.      Include EWrapper.h and EClientSocket.h in any Visual C++ source code that accesses their functionality and data structures.
   5.      Subclass the EWrapper class.
   6.      Override the following functions:
          *            Override tickPrice() and tickSize() functions to handle the market data.
          *            Override the orderStatus() function to receive order status.
          *            Override the error() and winError() functions to receive error information.
          *            Override the connectionsClosed() function to be notified when TWS terminates the connection.
   7.      Instantiate the EClientSocket class.
   8.      Call the following functions:
          *            Call the connect() function to connect to TWS.
          *            Call the reqMktData() function to request market data.
          *            Call the placeOrder() function to place an order.
          *            Call the checkMessages() function frequently (every 1 second) to process data received from TWS.
          *            Call the reqOpenOrders() function to request open orders.
          *            Call the reqAccountUpdates() function to request account data.

To run the program, ensure that the TwsSocketClient.dll is in the same directory as your executable, or in your path. By default, the TwsSocketClient.dll file installs into your C:\Windows\system or C:\WINNT\system32 directory.
Andy said:
Okay, I'm officially registered for the trading contest. So is Max. :smt023
Now, on to developing a trading plan and some real coding. :smt024
Did you submit your strategy already?
alain said:
Did you submit your strategy already?
No. We have till the end of Dec to submit it. We can modify, change it before the trading opens. As soon as you submit your plan, you can receive real data from them so I may just submit something to get my models going and then modify the strategy accordingly.
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