2009 Quantnet Central Park Picnic

Sunday, Sept. 20th, if we wait too long it may start getting cold...
I agree with Mathew. The sooner the date, the better the weather.
Actually, I talked with Dan yesterday, and there was an idea to have this year's picnic in the Beer garden, in Queens. It's just two stops from Manhattan on the yellow line subway. The place is very big, so it can fit all of us willing to come, they have very good German beer on tap, a lot of different food. This can solve many problems with assigning to people what to bring, finding cars etc. It's an outdoor space in a backyard, so parents can bring their kids. This was just an idea, so your feedback will be appreciated You can check the Beer Garden's website here:

Studio Square
Its a nice place, though I could not find a place where we can do the activities that we usually do, like playing soccer or anything like that. From the photographs it seems that it confines you to your particular table. Though, this is just my view.
For people who don't drink, I'm not sure what they will do over there for a couple of hours. This Beer Garden thing is nice but we can save it for some special occasions like celebrating a new job, etc.
+1 for beer, but there needs to be something for non-drinkers.
Well, then Central Park is a way to go ;) The beer garden was just an idea. Let's keep the tradition and do a Central Park picknic. October is kind of late. September should be better.
Central Park it is; we will do Beer Garden at a later date; I was thinking of Doug when suggesting it ;)
Central Park it is; we will do Beer Garden at a later date; I was thinking of Doug when suggesting it ;)

I haven't gone in forever, but wouldn't really be suitable for the picnic as there is not so much open space.

Also, it's more like 7 stops into Queens at Astoria Blvd if we're talking about the same place.
There are 2 Beer Gardens
Traditional place is the one that Doug is refering. It is very large, Astoria Blvd stop. A month ago they've opened a "trendier" place called Studio Square. This is 36ave stop (3rd stop from 59 and Lexington). It is smaller, louder music, similar setup.

Even though I go often to both places, I don't think it is suited for a "picnic".
How about the picnic followed by Beer Garden?
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