A film about var?

"Luke, I am your subadditive risk measure."
"No. No. That's impossible. That's not true!"
This actually looks pretty good. Much better than Wall Street 2.
Some favorable reviews over on Rotten Tomatoes. (The film is due out Oct. 21).

From what I can tell, the film owes more than a little to Glengarry Glen Ross, which if you haven't seen you really should.

"Coffee's for closers only."
How do you know it's about value at risk? There are endless equations they could be referring to in the trailer...
This is a very good movie... loved it!
having watched the movie now, I think it's quite good (strong allusions to goldman etc..)

i stand by my "film about var" statement.

benzb-whatever, if you are familiar with the context of the movie you would understand why var.

i don't understand why they kept showing the bofa tower in midtown as if it was around in the middle of it all....
I saw the film. It's just sort of hard to imagine that a professional risk management desk would hang their entire firm's portfolio on historical var. From the context in the movie I was under the impression that they were looking at a proprietary model of counterparty risk.
i found moneyball extremely boring, but maybe it's because i find baseball extremely boring.
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