Advice from previous MFE/Mfin Students on April to August Timeline

Joy Pathak

I was just wondering on possible advice regarding what to do between the time we all accept offers by April ish, and begin programs sometime in August...

What did you do? When did you secure housing? When did you move? What do you wish you'd done differently? Did you apply for loans and if so, when? Did you begin reading textbooks for your field? Did you take stats or maths courses? Did you realize this was the end of your free time for a year at minimum and embark upon leisure travel around the world? Anything and everything, what say you?

Is it advisable to start in the summer at the university and try to take whatever courses to try and reduce the workload throughout the year?

I'd like to travel -- but as I will need to make a loan to pay for my studies, I think my best option would be to work!!

So now, I'm trying to look for internships in the field (more general finance oriented - or risk mngmt).

I'll also be looking at books and review my probability/statistics class and probably real analysis. As for housing, I'll start looking for something in april or may.

And for my loan, it's already taken care of.
Spend more time with family, take a vacation. Do things to get your body and mind full of energy. Once you start the program, it's a whirlwind.
Think of it like tuning up your car before a long and hard road trip. Other things are important but it's all for nill if you get broken down a few months later.
Andy gave a great piece of advice.

Your graduate studies should be a time of fast accumulation of practical knowledge, as well as a pressure packed time, given the interviews you will be going to and the beginning of your career.

Try to come in full of energy. And start preparing for your studies right away, by refreshing any material you think would be useful.
I wish I got acquainted with stochastic calculus last summer before classes began.
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