Anyone watching Wallstreet 2?

Just to put it simple, it has nothing to do with Wall Street. Yes, they show you traders, multiple screens, CNBC reports etc, but all that is just a background for another love story.
The Town has been getting good reviews. Should have seen that.

If Machete is still in theaters, go check that one out. It is pretty awesome.
I just got back from seeing WS2 and I have to say I enjoyed it, I mean I have been waiting for a long time to see it. They could have done without the love story, but the movie was what I expected. Some of the reference situations where right one and some of them were over the top. What can I say, it's a movie. If you want the 100 percent truth, I suggest you watch a documentary.
A finance related website contacted me and want to give Quantnet members tickets to see the movie.

Is anyone interested in going to see it even for free?
A finance related website contacted me and want to give Quantnet members tickets to see the movie.

Is anyone interested in going to see it even for free?

With no strings attached? This is arbitrage at its finest! Sign me up! :P
Didn't you hear him? It just doesn't come with a lunch :P
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