Are you readyyyy for some football ?

Harrington is horrible!!! I'm really sorry about the Falcons. Leftwich was great in Marshall and when he is on, he is very good. His main problem is that he doesn't move at all. I think a light pole in the wind moves more that Leftwich in the pocket.

A funny exchange from an NFL board I read:

Petrino says Harrington is taking too long to get rid of the ball... so they try to sign Mr. Windup???


Nah, Lefty takes about 1 1/2 - 2 seconds to determine who he's throwing to then about 2 more seconds to actually release the ball.

Harrington can fire bullets but he just hops around behind the line like a bunny for about 8 seconds until his offensive line can do no more.

If I were running the particular zoo that's the Atlanta offense, I'd take Lefty over Harrington any day. The problem, though, is that unless your receivers are open, it doesn't matter who you've got throwing the ball. Atlanta has the hands-down worst receiving corps in the league--and they have for at least 3 years.
Where is the D, Big Blue ?

Rumor has it that Falcons are talking to Leftwich. Heck, even senator Larry Craig is a big upgrade over Harrington. Apparently, Harrington loves to stand still and get sacked. 13 sacks in 2 games must be some kind of record. ;)

Well Larry Craig is good with hand signals.

And his wide stance may help when he is in the pocket.
Well Larry Craig is good with hand signals.

And his wide stance may help when he is in the pocket.
Geez, Ed
You really crack me up with that one :D

I don't know how good he is with the hand signals but his hands actually were looking for the ball(s )

In either case, how about them Yankees. Now 2.5 back of the Redsox :dance:
Not to flood this thread with unrelevant info, I've posted an article in my Blog on Mourinho exit from Chelsea.
Not to flood this thread with unrelevant info, I've posted an article in my Blog on Mourinho exit from Chelsea.

Absolutely insane. Now if only my Spurs could land him....
who cares about soccer? WHAT ABOUT THOSE YANKEES!!!! :D
Last night was a great night. The Red Sox didn't lose and the Yankees didn't win.
The Yanks are definitely having an exciting year. I hope the momentum can carry over the playoffs. And wow how about Joba Chamberlain? That guy is amazing. He made Mora look like a rookie this past Wednesday with his pitching.
The Yanks are definitely having an exciting year. I hope the momentum can carry over the playoffs. And wow how about Joba Chamberlain? That guy is amazing. He made Mora look like a rookie this past Wednesday with his pitching.

I hope the momentum carries them to the World Championship!!!

The young kids are really good. Kudos to Cashman for not trading the future.
What a great Sunday for the NY teams. Yankees, Mets, Giants, Jets all won. the second half for the Giants is outstanding. Scored 21 unanswered points to go win. The defense won the game.

Yeah, the Redsox lost ;)
Once the Red Sox clinched a playoff spot, they are working towards their next goal - finishing second. Beckett is much better on the road. Its all part of the master plan.
Once the Red Sox clinched a playoff spot, they are working towards their next goal - finishing second.

Exactly.. finishing second in the American League :D
What will happen to the Yankees today ? Will they release the bug army to disrrupt the Indians ?
Why has ARod been so disappointing in post season ? Will this be his last with the Yankees ?
Andy, how about a baseball thread?

Football-wise, must be nice to be a Pats fan :)
Anyone anxiously waiting for the Pats-Cowboys game today ? One of them will no longer be undefeated.

And the Giants-Falcons game tomorrow night. Luckily, both games are via CBS, Fox respectively.
Anyone anxiously waiting for the Pats-Cowboys game today ? One of them will no longer be undefeated.

And the Giants-Falcons game tomorrow night. Luckily, both games are via CBS, Fox respectively.
Pats-Cowboys should be very interesting: The Pats are -6 on the road, which seems a little generous to me. I mean, the Pats are good, but an undefeated home dog by almost a TD? The opening line on this one was Pats -4, so the money is definitely chasing NE. I'll take Dallas +6.

As for the other game: Giants -4 in Atlanta. On paper, the Giants look to be cinches to cover. However, there's a long history of home underdogs covering on Monday night, even when you least expect it (Cp. the Buffalo Bills last week), so I'll go with history, grit my teeth, and take the Falcons +4.
Bob, seems the NE-DAL odds may not match the payoff. Opportunity?
I'm a Giants and Yankees fan so I loathe anything New England.

Andy, your use of loathe reminds me of something my grandmother once said. She was a very kind and demure woman who emigrate from Ireland in the early 1900's. She never had a bad word to say about anyone. And she was a huge Red Sox fan. We used to go to her house in Newton, MA, just a short ride from Fenway Park, every Sunday for dinner. I remember one sad Sunday in the Fall of 1978 when our hero Carl Yastrzemski took the last swing of the season. This loving, quiet woman blurted out "I #!*%$ abhor everyone from that #*!?& filthy, rat-infested city!!! I *%$# wish they'd all %$#* die a long, slow, painful death in #$%*& Hades!!!".

Needless to say, the room went slient. My grandmother was caught up in the emotion. I do not think she meant all of what she said. For example, there must be some parts of NYC that are not rat-infested, right? But I am pretty sure she meant the rest of it.

And yes, the Sox did lose by a touchdown in overtime last night. Fortunately I fell asleep before the end of the game. We (I am speaking for all "short-suffering" Red Sox fans. Yankees fans are now "long-suffering") are not worried. The offense is back and the pitching will be good enough.

And the Giants-Falcons game tomorrow night. Luckily, both games are via CBS, Fox respectively.

The Giants game is on ESPN, not Fox. If you do not have cable, there is still time. Simply go buy one of those vibrating football games, plug it in, and stare at it for 3 hrs. This will be the same as the Giants offense.
The Giants game is on ESPN, not Fox. If you do not have cable, there is still time. Simply go buy one of those vibrating football games, plug it in, and stare at it for 3 hrs. This will be the same as the Giants offense.
I misspoke. It's on 5.2 not 5.1 which is Fox. 5.2 is a simulcast of 9.1.
I saw that the game is on ESPN but in a desperate man's attempt, I check out the local listing on Yahoo's TV page. It shows that the game is available in NYC area. Other part of the country may only see it on ESPN. Since I have no class on Monday (rescheduled), I will just stay home, have a beer and watch the game. I enjoy watching Jacobs, Ward running over people and Burress doing his things. GO GIANTS GO !

Here is the pic of the TV listing


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