[Aug 11, 2012] QuantNet NYC August Meetup (new york)

Hi Nathalie,

Would love to have an informal quant type thing on Aug 11th...where in nyc are you going to be?
Great timing. I was about to ask you my events organizer to set up something. :) We haven't got a get together for a while. Can you set up a date and place? I'm down to meet up with everyone.
Sure Andy! Sounds awesome!

How does Aug 11th at 5pm sound?

Location: 15 Gold Street.
I am not in NY, I am willing to fly there, if I know the date in advance
Sure Andy! Sounds awesome!
How does Aug 11th at 5pm sound?
Location: 15 Gold Street.
As long as the place is accessible by train, it's fine. Is this a bar inside a hotel? I just had some quick google and found mostly pics of hotel rooms, not the bar.
We have an Events section here that would be a good use for this.
Yes it is actually a really cool library lounge in the hotel...it is very very close to the WTC path....so everyone in jersey city and hoboken is also welcome to come.

If you guys have other locations in mind go ahead--I am not tied to this one...
Hi Nathalie,

Would love to have an informal quant type thing on Aug 11th...where in nyc are you going to be?

Aug 11-th is fine. I should be in LaGuardia at 9am provided the plane is on schedule. Aug 11-th and 12-th are very flexible. During the week only late evenings would be available for me (just in case).

Andy: I would be happy to give you my cell phone number if we actually get serious about this. It is nice to have means to be in touch.
and other location suggestions are always welcome!
I'm cool with that as well. Of course I have to make sure it does not conflict with class...
From memory I should be free after 9pm on any of the weekdays. I'll edit this if needed.
Possibly somewhat later on Wednesday.
Still in hopes to get together with you guys :).

The idea is to pick a date that gets the max # of votes. Then we can do another poll for the time slot.
As it's been my experience, the more options you give, the less chance it will happen. The poll result is indicative of that.
I say we stick with the original plan, time and place.
Aug 11th, 5PM at that lobby bar.

The sooner we set this date, the more time we have to promote it.
I know a few MFE students from out of town interning in NYC right now and it's a good time to get together before the summer is over.
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Awesome Andy! Will definitely make it if finalized.....
Ok, guys. The table has been set. Let make this happen first. We can organize other events later in the month.
If you are coming, please RSVP and invite your friends. I expect to have a good mix of students and professionals so it's going to be a good chance to network and get to know other QN members in person.
Em, Im from India. Is there a possibility this could be streamed over the web/recorded ?
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