Baruch MFE

I was wondering if people can tell me about the Baruch MFE and there experience there. I took a pre mfe in math there and I really didn’t like my experience. Maybe it was the lack of response due to the fact it was a non important class for the instructor, but I felt that I didn’t have a lot of help when I went there. The ta’s didn’t have office hours and neither did the professor, so I felt that I had no help when I needed it. So I’m looking for a reason to apply. Maybe someone can change my view, @Andy Nguyen?? Thanks for the response in advanced.
I dont have first hand experience with Baruch other pre-mfe courses that are offered at their campus.
I run the C++ courses online here that is part of the pre-mfe program and I am responsible for many aspect of c++ courses. I am often the first person who students contact for any porblem.
I take very seriously making sure evereyone is happy with their experience here.
I am sure that it is as true for the people teaching the on site courses. I guess reaching out to the right people there and provide constructive input would be hugely appreciated.
Let me know if you want help directing your feedback to the approriate channels.
At far as the QN/Baruch C++ courses (of which I am the originator), I find the TAs here and Andy's support second to none.
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