C++ course (community college)?

I just noticed my local community college has a 5 week program this summer in the evenings. It's OOP C++ and runs for 3 hours an evening, 3 days a week.

It's been about 10 years since I last touched the language, so thought a refresher course might be a good idea, it is also only $480 which seems very reasonable.

Has anyone used community colleges for anything similar and what what is the standard generally like? This is in CT btw.

I took a C++ course at Community College to refresh my C++ skills. It was OOP C++ (second is series of C++ courses) and was pretty good for a refresher. I was impressed. I'm sure the quality of teaching varies at different colleges.

Make sure you look closely at what they teach before signing up. The course I took did not waste time introducing the elementary stuff like for loops, if statements etc as it was covered in part 1. Part 2 focused on other stuff like vectors, arrays, pointers, classes, inheritance, templates etc. Now for the assignments we did use for loops, if statements etc, but that knowledge was assumed.
Also, compare C++ courses offered in a few colleges / universities in your area before you select one. Time is money!

FYI: The instructor that was teaching the C++ course at the community college had more than 10 years of industry experience programming in C++. He was good.
Would you guys be interested on an online C++ course that is tailored to MFE students instead of generic material? Say, we will learn C++ with a financial application bend in mind.
If just generic C++, you can as well pick up any book from amazon and learn the system. Learning how C++ is used in quant finance, and how to write building blocks such as Black-Scholes, option pricers, greeks would be more useful for prospective MFE students, I believe.
Hey Andy,

I would be interested in something like this, since I have only taken generic C/C++ courses.
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