C++ course June enrollment

Enrollment for C++ Programming for Financial Engineering online course is now open. To enroll, please following these simple steps
  1. Sign up or Log in to our website
  2. Go to your Account and click on the Purchase link
  3. Once the tuition payment is completed, you will be redirected back to our website. If you see a countdown clock on the right side showing time you have left in our course, you are officially enrolled. You can proceed to the Getting Started Guide to get a quick overview of how the course works. More info about the course can be found on our FAQ
Your assigned TA will contact you to introduce himself and provide you with everything you need to succeed in our challenging course.

As always, I'm here to help with any problem or question.
Hi Scott,
Our goal is to provide all students a chance to take part in our course, so we will do our best to work with everyone's schedule to meet their goal. If I can do anything to help you, please let me know. Send me a message or email me.

When is registration open until?
The June 1 enrollment for C++ Programming for Financial Engineering online course is now officially open. To enroll, please following these simple steps
  1. Sign up or Log in to our website
  2. Go to your Account and click on the Purchase link
  3. Once the tuition payment is completed, you will be redirected back to our website. If you see a countdown clock on the right side showing time you have left in our course, you are officially enrolled. You can proceed to the Getting Started Guide to get a quick overview of how the course works.
Your assigned TA will contact you to introduce himself and provide you with everything you need to succeedin our challenging course.

As always, I'm here to help with any problem or question.

Hi Andy,

Is there a capacity limit on the number of students that can enroll? From what I recall the first course was capped at around 60 students.
What's the deadline for enrolling?

Hi Ohad
We would expect all the spots will be filled up by the end of the month, if not much sooner. If you have plan to join the course at a specific time to fit your own schedule, be sure to let me know so I can you can enroll at your earliest time.
Hello Andy, I might be wrong but did i read somewhere in quantnet that materials for C++ programming level I and level 2 are open to any users. If so do you think I can go through the material by any chance? I plan to join the next session of C++ programming due to some personal reasons.
Hi Saurab
Yes, you can get full access to level 1 and 2. They are listed under here
Give it a try, download the materials and work on the homework. Join the discussion on our forum if you have any question about the hw.
Hi Andy, I already sent the payment but still have one question. Is it like that once you complete all 10 levels' requirement, you get done? Since I need to complete the course before August 19th to fulfill the requirement of MSCF CMU admission, I want to complete it as soon as possible. Thank you!
Welcome to the course. You are automatically enrolled after the payment as evident by the little badge under your avatar (C++ Level 1). Check your Inbox here, you should get a message from your TA.
You can get started right away and complete it as soon as you want. You need to complete all 10 levels (homework and quizzes). Once you pass quiz 10, you will schedule and take the final exam with your TA.
If you obtain an average of 70% or more on the course, you will receive a certificate from the Baruch MFE program.
Hey, I would like to start the course after completing my university exams on the 22nd June, can I still enrol on this course?
Hello Andy
As I didn't have programming experience before, can I take this course? I mean will this course be too hard for me?
Hello Andy
As I didn't have programming experience before, can I take this course? I mean will this course be too hard for me?
Hi Paul,
What would you be using this course for?
We have some students who completed our course without prior programming. The only way to learn is to sit down and code everyday, make mistakes, ask questions and improve on it. If you are really determined to learn, we are here to help.

You can always see others are doing the first set of hw right now https://www.quantnet.com/forum/forums/level-1.62/
Try your hand on a few problems. It can be fun once you get a hang of it.
Sure thing.
Please make sure to sign up here so that we can have a record for your future enrollment.

Thank you for your prompt response. I have already done that but since I have not made any deposits, should I enroll now to secure a place? I read that the countdown timer will initiate once the payment has been made.
Thank you for your prompt response. I have already done that but since I have not made any deposits, should I enroll now to secure a place? I read that the countdown timer will initiate once the payment has been made.
No. You should only pay the tuition when you are ready to enroll so that you won't waste any time.
Hi Paul,
What would you be using this course for?
We have some students who completed our course without prior programming. The only way to learn is to sit down and code everyday, make mistakes, ask questions and improve on it. If you are really determined to learn, we are here to help.

You can always see others are doing the first set of hw right now https://www.quantnet.com/forum/forums/level-1.62/
Try your hand on a few problems. It can be fun once you get a hang of it.
Andy, thank u so much!
I wanna use this course as a supplement of my application package.
I have another question, will this be helpful if I wanna to apply for the MFE program of Baruch college?

Hi Andy,

I understand that the max time length for this course is 16 weeks. Do you have any stats on how many weeks do students finish the course on average? My concern is that I may get busy with work in the latter part of the 16 week time frame. Thanks.
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