L Lun Joined 3/1/07 Messages 74 Points 18 7/3/10 #1 in c++, polymorphism, it is implemented by v pointer & v table. For exception, how is it implemented ? is there any gd reference sources or books ? Thanks !
in c++, polymorphism, it is implemented by v pointer & v table. For exception, how is it implemented ? is there any gd reference sources or books ? Thanks !
D Dylan Joined 8/23/09 Messages 13 Points 13 7/3/10 #2 The C++ standard makes no stipulations about the exact implementation details of exceptions. but http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cpp/exceptionhandler.aspx has a pretty good explanation of one possible implementation. Many implementations will be somewhat similar.
The C++ standard makes no stipulations about the exact implementation details of exceptions. but http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cpp/exceptionhandler.aspx has a pretty good explanation of one possible implementation. Many implementations will be somewhat similar.