C++ online certificate for MFE applicants

Exception handling isn't the part of the syllabus?

Thanks for pointing this out.
It is part of the course, although the essentials (try/catch, throw).
Design of user-defined exception hierarchies is outside scope; but we do discuss STL exception classes.
All signs are pointing to beginning of Sept :)

While there are always work behind the scene, you will see a new Quantnet.com design by then. I'll have the demo, FAQ page up by our grand opening.
Thanks for all the feedback. I will incorporate your suggestions into the course.
Thanks for all the feedback. I will incorporate your suggestions into the course.
I would suggest that when you create quizzes, think of what kind of C++ questions are usually asked in quant interviews. Some of these questions are to ensure people have the basic grasp of C++.
This way, you can kill two birds with one stone.
Just like ones you are posting on right now ;)
You can send your TA a PM and attach the files for HW. No need to check your emails and you can always have access to your codes 24/7 online.
I would suggest that when you create quizzes, think of what kind of C++ questions are usually asked in quant interviews. Some of these questions are to ensure people have the basic grasp of C++.
This way, you can kill two birds with one stone.

The 'quizzies' are ideal for these kinds of questions, indeed. They test what you have learned at the syntax level. Some quizzies can be tricky, and some inteviewers can ask tricky questions, so be prepared.

At the next level, we have the more in-depth progamming exercises to convince yourself (and us:)) that you can compile and run a program. Having done that, the next stage is to start writing small quant apps.
hi Andy

where to register for this program, as i am international student, will it be possible to take this online.
Hi Andy,
Has the pre-registration for the C++ course started? Is there an URL for the course website already?
I'm glad you are eager to give us your money :) but we should have the pre-registration link up shortly before the course opens. Please signup for our newsletter to receive the announcement before everyone else.
hi Andy
where to register for this program, as i am international student, will it be possible to take this online.
Of course, anyone can register for the course, regardless of where you live.
Please signup for our newsletter to get the announcement when the sign up is open.
Hi Andy,
how long can will it be possible to register for the course?
is there a course website whose link you can send?

I don't imagine that its a surprise to Daniel that C++ for interviews is really not the same thing as teaching you to program.
As I recall he came to my talk on that subject a few years ago, which for political reasons got called "C++ with confidence".

I had the best seat in the house, unusual for a lecturer, because it was midly fun to watch people's eyes change shape.
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