• C++ Programming for Financial Engineering
    Highly recommended by thousands of MFE students. Covers essential C++ topics with applications to financial engineering. Learn more Join!
    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
    Gain practical understanding of Python to read, understand, and write professional Python code for your first day on the job. Learn more Join!
    An Intuition-Based Options Primer for FE
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C++ Online Programming Cert Testimonials

Since I plan to apply for MFE programs in this fall, I want to enhance my programming skills. One of my friends recommended this course to me. The course is definitely great and I learned a lot. My favorite part is level 9, where i have to design a challenging option pricing mechanism.
Since I plan to apply for MFE programs in this fall, I want to enhance my programming skills. One of my friends recommended this course to me. The course is definitely great and I learned a lot. My favorite part is level 9, where i have to design a challenging option pricing mechanism.
I wrote several books related to that.

This course was definitely worth it. It provided a solid foundation in C++ and the principles of object-oriented programming. The concepts I learned here can easily be applied to other OOP languages, such as Python.

I'm extremely grateful to the TAs and the forum for their invaluable support. The course content has also proven to be helpful in quant interviews preparations—topics like smart pointers etc. Completing this course not only enhanced my programming skills but also made me more confident in applying them.
I had a wonderful experience throughout the course. It introduced me to a lot of core and fundamental C/C++ concepts. The assignments were involved and I really improved on few topics where I felt my knowledge was wanting. The forum is a great place for discussion about the pros and cons of various approaches to writing good code.
My reason to take the course was to get the certificate, but after having completed it with distinction, I am looking forward to enhance my C++ learning even more.