C++ Prequisites

Hello all,

Almost all MFE programs mention a prerequisite of C++. Is this normally a strict prerequisite, or could other programing languages satisfy the requirement? I took Java in undergrad and I have 1.5 yrs of work experience where I self-taught and have used Python. My question is, should I be concerned about missing C++ or do you think my experience in programming is sufficient?
The reason why C++ is used as a filter for MFE admission is because it's a hard language and it will prepare you well for interviews and actual work on Wall Street. Lot of programs on Wall Street is still used C++ and that's why C++ knowledge is valuable.
Some programs might accept Java/Python but they would likely want to see a certificate or course transcript. Or some solid experience in professional coding.
You probably should reach out to the programs of interest to inquire specifics about your case. Or you can do better and take C++ certificate online that we offer.
We have the C++ online certificate since 2011 and thousands of students have successfully completed. They used it to gain admission to top MFE programs and get top jobs. It's pretty well-known among MFE admission officers.
We also have a Python course if you want to gain a formal certificate.
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