C++, what else?

Not to go far away, let's take one popular website announced here on quantnet. That is:

Displaying 219 jobs

Displaying 62 jobs

from http://www.quantcode.com/quantfinancejobs/cplus-plus
Search results for keywords [ c+] found 615 match(es)

Search results for keywords [ java] found 241 match(es)

Make sure you counted properly. I know about your experience which is clear from your previous posts which I really liked and remember, but I think we missed each other's point. I said Java is popular but not that much and should have mentioned in what field. I generalized in finance which was not correct. Ilya mentioned the fields where each language rules. That was the case with us. Take a look at the above job listings and tell me is this correct: 219 > 62, 615 > 241
I said Java is popular but not that much and should have mentioned in what field. I generalized in finance which was not correct. Ilya mentioned the fields where each language rules.

The only things that beat Java and only in FO are C++ and VBA as it was mentioned above. This is pretty clear and there is no need to prove the obvious thing.

The whole point of our discussion is the following:

Tsotne said:
Java and it is quite popular but it cannot beat other C based languages in terms of applicability in finance

Java beats all other C based languages except C++ in terms of popularity and looses only on FO field (whether it's good or bad is another story):

1. Java is the king in BO and MO. Trade capture and order management, parameters, instruments and positions management, feeds from vendors, almost everything that requires distributed computing from exotics pricing to risk management to models calibration to autoquoting for market makers etc - of course core logic is usually in C++ but the rest and the whole infstructure is in Java. Banks are intersted in Java and there should be something why GS and CS are parts of the JCP committee.

2. Java has almost the same niche as C# in FO but just on another side:
Java - some utilities to run on Unix boxes and wrappers for C++ libs.
C# - some utilities to run on Windows machines and GUI prototyping.
Wow, seems like a good discussion came out. =)

Thx for the input guys!
2. Java has almost the same niche as C# in FO but just on another side:
Java - some utilities to run on Unix boxes and wrappers for C++ libs.
C# - some utilities to run on Windows machines and GUI prototyping.
For some weird reason, Java is used on Windows machines as well.
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