Columbia University - Masters in Financial Engineering

Columbia MFE Columbia MFE admissions results

  • Thread starter Thread starter Vixus
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  • Alex Ng does not have a Tracker for this program.
Some people received offer today. Probably a very small batch again since I didn't see any discussions in the forum or any updates on the tracker.
  • rjp does not have a Tracker for this program.
  • USQUANT does not have a Tracker for this program.
  • drakaron does not have a Tracker for this program.
  • joe_boy does not have a Tracker for this program.
  • LemonWei does not have a Tracker for this program.
Got offer just now and the current status disappeared yesterday. I was super nervous cuz others said offer will come after few minutes. I was waiting the whole day but nothing happened. Turns out they didn’t send any offers yesterday.
  • joe_boy does not have a Tracker for this program.
  • quantape does not have a Tracker for this program.
  • vicc does not have a Tracker for this program.
Just got an offer, got the status update a month after submitting the application.
  • quantape does not have a Tracker for this program.
  • sahars does not have a Tracker for this program.
  • Andy Nguyen does not have a Tracker for this program.
  • strattb does not have a Tracker for this program.
  • Alex Ng does not have a Tracker for this program.

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