COMPARE Columbia MSFE vs MSOR - Methods in Finance

  • Thread starter Thread starter Keni
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Columbia MSFE vs Columbia MSOR - Methods in Finance

M.S. Financial Engineering

MS in Operations Research - Methods in Finance

CVN - Columbia Video Network

The Columbia MSFE program is the formal FE prgoram at Columbia and the CVN program (Columbia Video Network) is pretty much the same program, the electives can be chosen so that it equals the MSFE with about two courses in difference. I live in CT and I would really enjoy the flexibilty the CVN offers, since I can attend class whenever I wish or I can just tune into the lectures which are posted after each class session.

What do the members here feel about the differences in the program. The only thing I really see is the designation of the degree at the end, MSFE vs MSOR - Methods in Finance.

Do you feel employers may view this degree in a different light than the MSFE degree ?
There are several threads on this topic. Please employ the search feature.
MSOR - Methods in Finance (CVN) is not the MSOR that everyone is talking about in other threads. The CVN programs are entirely separate from the programs offered here. In fact, we are not allowed to take CVN courses at all. If you're doing a degree at Columbia, it's always better to actually do it here, i.e. do not do CVN if you have the choice.
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