Columbia University - MS in Operations Research

Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

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Andy beat me to it on the pics :)

Glad you are joining us ishant! I think we have a good group of folks going into the program, and I am definitely looking forward to it. When the time gets closer and we are all in place in NY, I will set something up for us all to meet and greet.

In the mean time, if you have specify questions, just e-mailed them to me on here and I will try to get some answers for you.
@witha can you please tell me where are you from.

@ Forza - Is there a way that international students who can't attend this open house can benefit from it.

Hi ishant

I am coming from Korea and looking forward to seeing you all
fyi, letter is AVAILABLE online now, via a link they send you. The amount required for a deposit is, staggering to say the least.
I also got the mail last night but the last date to accept along with $2500 is 28.4.2011. This is not done as when i inquired them about the delay in process they mailed that we will get time till 15th may. What kind of management is this. Is there anyone else who will be facing problem because of such a short deadline.

I have seen courses in concentration area of Columbia FE and some of the courses are really interesting like
IEOR E4722: Algorithmic Trading
IEOR E4731: Credit Risk Modeling and Credit Derivatives
IEOR E4720: Commodity Derivatives
IEOR E4500: Applications Programming for FE

Can we also take these subjects (MSOR). If one intends to be a derivative trader or go into quant side what are the subjects one should think of opting. As per my understanding we have only 4 mandatory courses and rest are optional. Please comment:-
Hi i need an urgent information---
i got a mail stating-
Dear abc,


Let me be among the first to inform you that you have been admitted to the Masters of Science in Operations Research at Columbia University, pending the verification of your admissions documents. My colleagues and I hope you will join us this fall.

You have every reason to be proud of this accomplishment. The admissions process was very competitive; you were selected amongst the most talented individuals from prestigious institutions all over the world.

We look forward to meeting you in late August during orientation, which begins on Monday, August 29th. In the next week you will receive instructions on how to secure your space in the class, which will be followed by information about housing, applying for a visa, etc. If you do receive this notification by Friday, April 22nd, please email In the meantime, feel free to contact our Admissions Coordinator Ms. Adina Brooks at (212) 854-1934, or email with any questions you may have.

Again, congratulations, and hope to see you in August!
I have not replied to them please tell what should i reply and what is notification being referred to in bold lines
@Forza , Andy please
Haha, ishant, you don't need to panic. You are already accepted, you just got to do what they are asking you (as weird as it sounds in this case), which is simply e-mail them back saying you received the notification. If they want something else, I am sure they will let you know. And of course, you can always call them directly if you have urgent questions.
Forza ,

1. Please look at my above queries.
2.Have you accepted the letter and paid them $2500. (Is the deadline for all students April 28 - my case yes)
3. As i am an international student so do i need submit financial documents also till April 28 - (Any international candidate can ans.)

1. I did
2. No I have not received the letter nor have I paid - great that you paid
3. I have no idea - why don't you call or email to ask them...

We are all here to help, but there are certain questions you should really ask admissions....
Personally I didn't email them back on that email. It just seems silly and if you did not read what I posted earlier, I said that I believe they just made a typo and omitted a "not". As in If you do NOT receive this notification(the housing, space in class, etc info which we DID NOT received with that email) by Friday, April 22nd, please email"

It is better safe than not I suppose. And I second @Forza....
I called admission department and they said yes April 28 is the last date but i should contact ieor department for any queries related deadline of offer acceptance. There was also an error in my admission letter which they corrected after my phone call.
2.I have not yet paid my fee.
@onthesc have you paid the fee - what is the deadline for you to accept the offer.
I really appreciated you guys for resolving my queries
you can take IEOR 4500 without restriction, but I doubt you'd be able to take 4731 and other FE classes unless you are willing to go over 30-unit minimum requirement because there are tons of pre-reqs such as ieor 4701/4703/4706/4707, and you have to have good grades before your advisor allows you take harder FE classes like 4731 and 4709.... (Normally classes with number 47xx are open only to MSFE, but if you have good grades, your advisor may let you take those classes, but you have to seek your advisor's approval first.)
@ coolharvard thank you .
ohk thats cool i just wanted to know the possibility
@All - what is the deadline for you guys to accept the offer letter
I received the email on4/11/2011 but my deadline is different from you @ishant.
"It is extremely important that you complete and submit our Admission Response Form by 12:00 a.m. on 5/15/2011, indicating if you accept or decline our offer of admission."

Also, @ishant in my file there is no place they indicating the deadline for financial documents. They just told me that it should be completed as fast as possible. Where did you read that ?
@ Descendents i was confused about when to send them financial documents i called admission department yesterday there the lady i talked with once said it is April 28 than i said it is impossible for me to prepare documents. After hearing this she said you can ask for an extension with the concerned department.
This is pretty weird that you received offer on 4/11/2011 and you have time till 15th may whereas i received letter on 4/18/2011 and i have to accept till 4/28/2011.Have you accepted the offer. If yes then how did you pay the fee i assume its $2500 for everyone
@ishant I accidentally accept the offer because I thought if I still did not pay they would not cause anything but when I click accept they sent me some email like confirming or congratulations that I accept the offer blah blah blah (that kind of email.). By the way $2500 can be paid by credit card.

some 47xx courses begin in fall such as
IEOR E4707: Financial Engineering: Continuous Time Models
IEOR E4709: Data Analysis for Financial Engineering
how can I demonstrate my capability, show good grades to my advisor and take these courses ? or is it also available in spring ? I mean MSOR first semester is in fall how can we take the courses then ?
@ descendents when do we get an option to pay the fee is it on the same link after we accept the offer.
Also, can this fee be paid by 3 credit cards because i dont have any card who's limit is $2500. Have you submitted the fee
@ishant you will be asked to pay $2500 after you accept the offer. I do not know would 3 credit cards is possible or any other that possible but in my view I think it must have other options because $2500 is a large amount of money to pay by credit card (at least for my country).you should ask admission coordinator. They might let you pay by bank draft. I guess.
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