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Compile Errors != Linker Errors, BTW why do I get Linker errors?

Here's a nice feature? I typed it by accident and you know what, the compiler did not complain.

class C
     class C() { std::cout << "eek"; }
Preprocessor macros in C++


  • Preprocessor.jpg
    197 KB · Views: 27
There was a time when these examples of multiple inheritance were considered good (not by me of course)

template<class InputIt, class UnaryFunction>
UnaryFunction for_each(InputIt first, InputIt last, UnaryFunction f)
    for (; first != last; ++first) {
    return f;
Understanding what's really going on in STL algorithms is not always easy .. you want to know what's going on 'underneath' .. a good way to understand is to consult www.cppreference.com, for example std::for_each to see the algo/pseudo code.
Solving a known problem for non-English version of Excel

I changed: GetItem("Sheet1") to GetItem(1), in the code line (ExcelDriver.cpp):
Excel::_WorksheetPtr pSheet = pWorkbook->Worksheets->GetItem(1);
Question: can someone give me the link to the current version of Visual Studio 2015/2017 Community that is being used in the QN C++ course?

