Cornell University - Master in Financial Engineering

Cornell FE Cornell M.FinEng

Dear all,

I have attended the interview of Cornell MFE in early Feb. Now Cornell has sent many admissions but I did not hear from them for over 20 days after the interview. I am very anxious, does it mean a rejection?
Hi dude,

I am in the same boat! and I have already took granted as rejection based on so many admittees and waitlistees in the tracker
Any update on this, for the year 2017 ?
No communication received aftr the video interview and I see a lot of accepts and waitlists on the tracker.
I got an email about video interview before 10th Dec. Anyone else get that? I heard a rumor that it is randomly sent out to applicant(or non-native speaker) and does anyone know more about this interview? I submitted the application on 29th Nov.
Hi, it seems that everyone will get this interview. Have you done the interview?
I got an email about video interview before 10th Dec. Anyone else get that? I heard a rumor that it is randomly sent out to applicant(or non-native speaker) and does anyone know more about this interview? I submitted the application on 29th Nov.
Hi, it seems that everyone will get this interview. Have you done the interview?

While applying for Cornell Master of Engineering program in Operations Research and Information Engineering (Financial Engineering), instead fo fall 2019 I was seeing spring 2020 option. So I apply it choosing the same.

Today I got a mail from admissions school with the following message: "We regret to inform you that your application for admission to the Master of Engineering program in Operations Research and Information Engineering at Cornell University for the Spring 2020 term has been denied. We do not accept Spring term applicants to our degree program. ".

Now I a just perplexed that if they don't offer admission in this program for the spring term, why they have an option for applying the same in their portal.
Please help me, somebody.

Thanks in advance.
Hi fellow applicants,
Since it’s been quite a long wait since Dec 1st (the application deadline) for Cornell and most people are done with their interviews too in early December. Any speculations of when Cornell would be releasing their final decisions?
From the tracker, it seems that Cornell started to send out decisions since mid-January last year, but no one, as far as I know, has heard back for the fall 2020 term admissions yet. Does anyone know what happened? Are there too many applicants?
I suspect they would be releasing decisions between 18-22 Feb
also as per tracker data this is the first time Cornell had this much delay in atleast 3-4 years
maybe people who got admits are not updating on quantnet
Per the tracker data it seems they are still below the average wait time for Cornell? It has been 80 days since I submitted the application and it looks like it usually takes around 94. I agree that in previous years it looks like some students were admitted around the 60 day mark which does not seem to have happened this year
I don't think they have given out any admission yet, but the first wave of results should be released soon. Maybe mid or late Feb?
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