Cornell University - Master in Financial Engineering

Cornell FE Cornell M.FinEng

I haven't received a response yet from Cornell Financial Engineering. It seems like a lot of people have gotten responses according to the tracker. On March 10, Cornell sent me an email stating that I should not call them to inquire about my application. However, since it seems like they are already telling many people their decision, I'm thinking about calling them and asking if there is something wrong with my application or if it has been misplaced. What do you guys think?
I had called them a few days back they said they are still evaluating
Nope i Havent.. well you can go and try your luck calling cornell.. they wont be of any assistance
Would you mind posting your stats Jaih? I want to compare my stats with people who haven't received a response yet.
Here are my stats:
GPA: 3.92/4.00
GRE: 800/670/5.0
Three internships. Two finance related.
People be patient! I see applicants wanting to call their future universities all the time ( in this forum including). If they said you should wait the best thing to do is ... guess what WAIT. Keep the positive mood and try to be prepared for both answers. Getting or not in a top program would not change your life ultimately. It always depends on you in the end. Good Luck ;)
I did apply and I did get in. However, my application process was very smooth and Cornell people have been keeping in touch with me and helping me with all kind of questions. My idea is that they do their job, there are just too many applicants. I talked to one of the students in the program and he told me that as far as he knows there are more than 900 people this year. Patience young Skywalker ;)
Nuttavutj, I still haven't heard anything from them. I emailed Kathy King today and she said gave me the generic high number of applicants so please wait line. I saw on the tracker that someone was accepted today. I hope they send me something by tomorrow or at the very least by the end of the week. I would really like to confirm my result.
I am sorry to hear that you are still waiting. I know it's painful.
Cornell is 95% my final destination as of now...unless I hear back from NYU soon. I dont remember from our last converstaion but what other school choices do you have now? You can pm me or just reply here.

Good luck man!
I have thus far been accepted to Boston University, Waitlisted Columbia, and still haven't heard from Cornell or Berkeley.
I received an interview invitation from Cornell. Anyone here had such experience before? I heard there might be some technical questions, but not sure if it's true.
When did you receive that? Was it an email?
I have read about Cornell interviewing some, but I don't think it is common.
I received an interview invitation from Cornell. Anyone here had such experience before? I heard there might be some technical questions, but not sure if it's true.
Were you initially waitlisted? Could you share your profile? I don't recall Cornell interviewing anyone else on quantnet.
Were you initially waitlisted? Could you share your profile? I don't recall Cornell interviewing anyone else on quantnet.

They never mentioned wl to me before.
My background is CS, and one internship in major bank.
They never mentioned wl to me before.
My background is CS, and one internship in major bank.
Did you take all of their recommended prerequisite classes during your undergraduate years? Otherwise, I can't think of a reason why they would request an interview. My hunch is that it will be a technical interview.
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