Cornell University - Master in Financial Engineering

Cornell FE Cornell M.FinEng

It seems that Cornell MFE does not maintain a big wait list so far. am I right?
@All....i guess they have given 1 april as deadline for the those who havent heard anything(like me!)...any hope left or not?
Called Kathy King and the Main Office, nobody answered the phone. Then wrote a couple of emails, no replies...So just curious if there are anyone in this forum still waiting for a dicision (not WL) ? I mean, I have heard no news at all except that App complete email and the High volume email...
Unless u have exceptionally stong news means bad news :(
All you need to do is wait another 2 days :-)
Looking at all the "pending" applications for Cornell in the Tracker for this year. I assume most of those did not hear back yet.
Looking at all the "pending" applications for Cornell in the Tracker for this year. I assume most of those did not hear back yet.

Hopefully it's not because they are too happy to forget they have an oblication to update the tracker...
Hopefully it's not because they are too happy to forget they have an oblication to update the tracker...
That shows immaturity. I you want to take advantage of the tracker benefits, you need to participate whether accepted or not. The value is in the # of applications tracked and it will be useless if only accepted students update theirs. Remember that there is the option to keep the application private!!!
I wrote emails too but no response. All I can do is just waiting for the result.....:(
Me too.
waiting with not strong credential that is equal to rejection.:(

You still have a chance to get in. All the people whose first choice is not Cornell may leave an empty seat and you could get in.
Wait and see
Good Luck
I saw on the tracker that someone was interviewed by Cornell. Does anyone have an idea of what type of interview Cornell FE conducts? Technical or non-technical?
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