Customized Excel

Hey Everyone....just wanted to see what everyone's thoughts on Excel were. I know I often use excel as a starting and ending point for a lot of my analysis since its the only tool the traders and managers know how to use. I'd love to be do all my computing and calculations here too. My question to everyone is, if you could make Excel do whatever you wanted, what would that be??

Actually, I want the new Excel to be a one time app that makes Excel go up in smoke in such a way we don't even remember Excel ever existed.
Hey Everyone....just wanted to see what everyone's thoughts on Excel were. I know I often use excel as a starting and ending point for a lot of my analysis since its the only tool the traders and managers know how to use. I'd love to be do all my computing and calculations here too. My question to everyone is, if you could make Excel do whatever you wanted, what would that be??

You know you can make Excel do whatever you want, right?
In fact, that was my job last summer... familiarize yourself with the VSTO libary in .NET and enjoy :)
If you get excel smarter for your customized use by interacting with .NET library, C++ made functions it'll be really powerful tool. There are many free excel templates doing lots of things. Have you seen McDonald's Derivatives markets has attached CD containing excel templates for many calculations?

Actually, I want the new Excel to be a one time app that makes Excel go up in smoke in such a way we don't even remember Excel ever existed.

Perhaps Excel should go back in time and destroy itself in its infancy??? :eek:
I've seen a 3D rendering engine written in Excel in several articles on the net... it's powerful, or at least versatile. It's just also crappy ;)
Actually every programming languages have advantages and disadvantages over each other in terms of speed, flexibility, compatibility with various platforms, integration with each other, development time needed, etc. but what makes excel powerful tool is that it provides quick, dirty, flexible, easy to maintain solutions to almost all kinds of applications. Also, there are programming languages which are mainly targeted to one specific group of people for example MATLAB is mainly for mathematicians, engineers and for people involved in related field requiring numerical calculations. Functional languages have their target people but excel is universal in terms of use. It can be applied for numerous work whether it's numerical calculations or not. There are unlimited opportunities. I'm a frequent excel user but prefer to do my calculation in C based languages. Though what I don't like in excel is the kind of "dark marketing actions" meaning that, every new version has its own new feature added which could easily be added in previous ones too. For example, there are some kind of statistical distribution functions in excel 2007, and in 2010 inverses of discrete distributions have been added which could easily be added in 2007 too. It'd be better to make every new excel version better in terms of other features rather than adding formulas which required 5 more minutes to have been added in 2007 too.
... but what makes excel powerful tool is that it provides ... easy to maintain solutions to almost all kinds of applications.

I think you are blowing up smoke. Whatever you are smoking, send some in my direction. The rest of the post is just fluff.
As I said, I love Excel! I think it's one of many great tools at our disposal.
I love Excel!
I am not a supporter of Microsoft, but I must admit, I like Excel too. I don't think there is a comparable replacement of it out there... or maybe I'm just used to it... Excel is my only reason why i still have Windows image on my computer. too bad I still can't find any workable 2010 version.... :) w/o paying a fee.
the excel version of open office is cool and free. Resolver One also seems like a good option. I don't use Excel anymore at home and I'm trying to get rid of it at work.
the excel version of open office is cool and free. Resolver One also seems like a good option. I don't use Excel anymore at home and I'm trying to get rid of it at work.
yes, i tried it once.... but as i said i am so used to VBA (even though i hate it) ... like you said noone is perfect :-)
I think you are blowing up smoke. Whatever you are smoking, send some in my direction. The rest of the post is just fluff.

Why do you have such hatred of Excel??? My above reasoning is undoubtidly correct. Excel provides solutions for lots of problems much easily for non programmer and I have tons of examples that professors (statisticians, mathematicians) who are not keen on programming are using excel a lot!
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