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did anybody feel the earthquake?

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Older and Wiser
did anybody feel the earthquake?
I bounced up and down a little but I didn't think it was that bad. It was worse when the WTC got hit.
Building swayed for 15-20 seconds here on Wall St. I now have a sea-sickness thing going on in my head, time to go home.
Brooklyn represent
There should be no problem at all, I've some experience with 6.9 Earthquake, some broken windows at most.
7.0 is scary, do not forget this is not linear scale
I bounced up and down a little but I didn't think it was that bad. It was worse when the WTC got hit.
You were in the WTC on 9/11?

My family is in DC, they say a few dishes broke and a few books fell of the shelf, but nothing major.
From the people I spoke to it seems only the people indoors noticed.
I am in WTC7, and as you might imagine, people's first instinct wasn't an earthquake.We definitely felt it, the building started clearing out immediately, they botched it and didn't even sound the alarm.
Yep I felt it here, we have an older building as well (19thC) so they may explain it feeling a little worst here than other buildings.
Of course this weekend we the hurricane to content with.
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