Georgia Institute of Technology - MS in Quantitative and Computational Finance

GaTech QCF Georgia Tech QCF Admission Results

Anyone headed to Georgia Tech Quantitative and Computational Finance Program for Fall 2015?

Let's connect before me take the next stride towards Atlanta! :)

Facebook/Whatsapp Anything is cool! :)
Hi everyone,

This post is to reach out to the students who'll be joining the QCF program this fall. We've a whatsapp group currently with 10 people. Would love to reach out to the others out there, and
1) get to know the other classmates in advance
2) decide on housing if not done so already and
3) start collaborating towards our ultimate goal.

Please post on my profile/start a conversation with me if you'd like to join our group.

A gentle reminder on this.
And for those who missed this post.
anyone still looking for housing in atl area please contact me, im in the OR program btw
Just got an interview invite...what kind of questions are they asking and how long does the interview last?
Hi guys,
I've seen very few data points for the GaTech QCF program in the Tracker, leading to the incorrect impression that few people apply there.
If you haven't done so, can you please add your timeline at that program and others so we can all share our timeline/result?
Tracker | QuantNet Community
Dear All,
I have not yet received an interview invite. But a friend of mine did a few days back. He received his admit too. Listed below are the questions that he got in his Skype interview.
1. Tell me about yourself.
2. What do you feel is the best thing about your work?
3. What is the worst experience that happened to you at workplace?
4. What is your opinion about teamwork?
5. Why QCF?
6. How will you add value to the class?
7. If your friends have to describe you in two words, what would those words be?

Hope this helps!
Hi did any one else get an invite for the interview in the past few days for gatech qcf?
Hi All,
I have received an interview invite from Ga tech for Fall20. Can anyone who was familiar with the interview or had given one this or past years share the type of questions in the interview.
Also, Out of curiosity Did everyone got an admit who had been interviewed?
Hi All,
I have received an interview invite from Ga tech for Fall20. Can anyone who was familiar with the interview or had given one this or past years share the type of questions in the interview.
Also, Out of curiosity Did everyone got an admit who had been interviewed?
Simple questions, nothing technical
And i was accepted
How many of you have got a decision from Georgia Tech for the early round ? I interviewed the first week of December but still haven't heard back. I reached out and they told all decisions have already been released to the Grad School. I've seen at least one positive decision on the tracker. I'm wondering if they've only sent out the admits so far and if it is pointless waiting anymore.
I recently got accepted. I had interviewed in November.
Did you send them an email asking about your decision? I know some people who have received no update yet - No admit/reject decision. Don't they usually send out the rejection emails as well?
I was asked to pay the non refundable deposit by 14th Jan,just before the regular round deadline.
Don't they usually send out the rejection emails as well?
In the past I think they've sent out the admits and rejects at once. At least that is what the forums here say.

I was asked to pay the non refundable deposit by 14th Jan,just before the regular round deadline.
If that is the case, it is possible the grad school prioritized sending out the admits and will send out the rejects slowly.
I recently got accepted. I had interviewed in November.
Did you send them an email asking about your decision? I know some people who have received no update yet - No admit/reject decision. Don't they usually send out the rejection emails as well?
I was asked to pay the non refundable deposit by 14th Jan,just before the regular round deadline.
Hey, I interviewed last week only. How soon can I expect to hear about the result?
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