God's laptop

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So? I knew this already. Its impact has already been "priced" into my words (so to say).
So? that post is to counter your point that majority of people that use Mac are artist type, know junk about computer, attracted to Mac and endure it 'complete trash' and all 'they care that it's shiny and makes them look cool.'
Hackers love Mac: http://www.paulgraham.com/mac.html
I agree with pg, beautiful machine running freebsd, what else does one need. Hell, even the old unix hackers from bell labs run osx nowadays. That should make some pause for a sec and wonder why.
I would like to stop you right here... Obama had nothing to do with it.
You are absolutely correct. He is really not at fault for anything because he is inexperienced and easily persuaded. The real democrats (Pelosi, Reed, ...) poison his mind and he just says yes to everything they say. You should not thank him for anything. The one thing I hold against him is that because of him our country has been leaderless for years now :(
Speaking of hackers using Macs, has anyone read the action packed Millennium series by Steig Larson in which Lisbeth Salander does all sorts of hacking with her Powerbook ( Macbook was called Powerbook back then)?
In my experience, the average user usually only needs a browser, a word processor and some sort of IM software. That's the reason I can switch them to Linux at anytime.

That's why average user has stopped buying PCs ( looking at jaw dropping plunge in PC sales (ex Macs) in last 2 quarters.) The average user now buys tablets, and more than 75% choose iPad.

The average user finds Linux tedious to use, for they have gotten used to WIndows, and you need a really easy UI to lure them away from Windows. Linux doesn't do that, and it shows ( it's market share has been stagnant at 2% for years). Mind you average user also plays games (most of sales are in Emerging markets where majority of the population is young).

My view: In 2 years time, once tablets become more mature and more powerful, tablet PC market will be far bigger than the Laptop/Desktop market. The PC (normal full fledged) market will cater to a niche population by then.

Why people like iPad: It is easy to use, and doesn't look like a giant brick in your hand. It looks cool. Unlike PCs, you cannot give up the cool factor that iPad gives for the simple purpose of utility. This is like buying clothes. Everyone sees you.
iPad is a lovely toy. I'm actually considering buying one. If they would include a Wacom digitizer and a real active stylus they would open up to a whole new market of artists, doctors, architects, etc.
iPad is a lovely toy.

Indeed it is.

If they would include a Wacom digitizer and a real active stylus they would open up to a whole new market of artists, doctors, architects, etc.

What are they?

I thanked god the day capacitive touch came to the market, for I thought using stylus sucked.

How is the active stylus better than the one we used in the past?
For playing games or typing touch is much better. For drawing/ designing/ writing it doesn't compare to active styluses. The two leading brands of active digitizers are Wacom and N-Trig. N-Trig is the newer of the two and was suppose to combine multi-touch and active stylus. The result? Awful. All of the good manufacturers have returned to Wacom (Lenovo, Motion,...)

I like handwriting notes so Wacom is king for me. Wish iPad had it.
What are they?

I thanked god the day capacitive touch came to the market, for I thought using stylus sucked.

How is the active stylus better than the one we used in the past?

Capacitive screens are not precise or acurate. The also suffer from the "hand" problem (you can't rest your hand on the display while writing). Not being able to write notes on the iPad is a real letdown :(. I was expecting a lot from Apple since I was used to the IBM Thinkpad Tablet.
But they are way better than the resistance touch; I used to tap the screen 2-3 times with my stylus until I got a response. They are also better in that only your hand can make it respond, in comparison the resistive screens in which a touch from any object makes it go crazy.

Accuracy is secondary, when it takes aeons for the device to respond.

I agree that touch screens have a long way to go, but bear in mind, they have come a long way from what they were in early 2000's.

P.S Apple's touch is still the best in the market IMO. No one still comes even close (the gap has closed, admittedly) to the responsiveness that Apple's screen offers, and I'm comparing it with other capacitive screens.

P.S Regarding writing notes, I think if a stylus (similar to a pencil) with a rubbery tip (similar to a hand's touch) is used- just my idea, you can actually write, provided you load an app for that.
They have special apps and pens for that; yet they do not compare to a proper active stylus. Night and day.
I haven't used an active stylus pen nor seen one, so I may not be able to appreciate their utility value.

Perhaps, when I use one, I may like it.
But they are way better than the resistance touch; I used to tap the screen 2-3 times with my stylus until I got a response. They are also better in that only your hand can make it respond, in comparison the resistive screens in which a touch from any object makes it go crazy.

Accuracy is secondary, when it takes aeons for the device to respond.

I agree that touch screens have a long way to go, but bear in mind, they have come a long way from what they were in early 2000's.

P.S Apple's touch is still the best in the market IMO. No one still comes even close (the gap has closed, admittedly) to the responsiveness that Apple's screen offers, and I'm comparing it with other capacitive screens.

P.S Regarding writing notes, I think if a stylus (similar to a pencil) with a rubbery tip (similar to a hand's touch) is used- just my idea, you can actually write, provided you load an app for that.

No, I haven't tried or seen a capacitance screen that is better than a Wacom. None whatsoever. Apple might be the best touchscreen out there (debatable) but it is light years away from a Wacom board. The IBM Thinkpad Tablet used to come with one and that was the best thing ever, responsive, precise and sturdy. My old tablet is still in use in my brother's medical practice. The Wacom boards are made to be used with its stylus. The finger won't work. It's not made for that type of interaction.

I have 2 rubbery "pencil" thinggies(http://amzn.to/rt18q0 and http://amzn.to/ri5ZRv). They are better than the finger but still garbage in comparison with the stylus and the Wacom combo.
I guess it is gas cooling. Most people do with fans. Some use giant fans. Very few use liquid cooling systems (water). Elite few/crazy people use gas cooling (usually liquid nitrogen). Liquid nitrogen is usually used to cool super computers. Some crazy over clockers also use it. Cooling usually speeds up your computer, but you have to be careful that you don't cool the processor too much; otherwise, it will freeze. ;)
Fans make a racket. My last graphics card had some sort of passive cooling system. Basically there was a huge metal vent attached to the card ( it was bigger than the actual card!) and it ventilatedhe air in a very efficient way... with no noise! Very cool stuff.
I would like to know your comments about this product


Digital Notepad Tablet Pad Pen
does the latest Lenovo make better note taking ?
Thnks in advance
Honestly I am not very happy with Lenovo's latest tablet. The laptop aspect of it is great but the awful resolution makes it a nightmare to take notes on. That's why I'm selling it.

I've seen a lot of these notepads and their specs are pretty weak but I might buy one just to try it out.

Still, nothing currently out beats the Motion LE1700 Ultraview.
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