GRE Test. Tips?

Also, are we allowed to write things on paper as soon as we get into the room?
For example, if I wrote out topic, scope, purpose, tone, Paragraph 1 idea, Paragraph 2 idea for the reading comprehension before I started the reading comprehension section would that be considered cheating?
Well, I got a 790/450. I'm not sure what looks worse to admissions, a 790Q or 450V. I'm an American who doesn't know a lot of words. I guess I have to take them again?
Just took the GRE and got 750Q/640V...i was getting 780 and 800 in powerprep..I am soooooo devastated...

[UPDATE] I don't know if I should take the GRE Math Subject test or take the New GRE. I am very good at math, i was just a little tensed.
Well, I got a 790/450. I'm not sure what looks worse to admissions, a 790Q or 450V. I'm an American who doesn't know a lot of words. I guess I have to take them again?

I'm in your boat as well, 780/490. I've heard the new GRE has less emphasis on just vocabulary however as Antonyms are being taken out, so we might have luck with that. It would also probably help if we properly studied verbal before going in and testing on it.
I'm taking the revised GRE August 29th, will let you guys know how it goes.
Yes, I am going to take the new one in October or November. Does anyone want to share any exp or books ?
I did quite an extensive problem set today in which I got nearly all the questions right. There are two however that stumped, so I will ask the geniuses on this board for your help.

1. In how many ways can Ann, Bea, Cam, Don, Ella and Fey be seated if Ann and Bea cannot be
seated next to each other?

(A) 240
(B) 360
(C) 480
(D) 600
(E) 72

2. I uploaded an image file (it's a geometry question), so it would be tough to describe).

Appreciate the help guys, happy studying.


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I did quite an extensive problem set today in which I got nearly all the questions right. There are two however that stumped, so I will ask the geniuses on this board for your help.

1. In how many ways can Ann, Bea, Cam, Don, Ella and Fey be seated if Ann and Bea cannot be
seated next to each other?

(A) 240
(B) 360
(C) 480
(D) 600
(E) 72

2. I uploaded an image file (it's a geometry question), so it would be tough to describe).

Appreciate the help guys, happy studying.

For 1. I believe it is (C) 480
No. of arrangements in total: 6! = 720 ways
No. of arrangements where Ann sits next to Bea = 2!*5! = 240 ways (2! to arrange Ann and Bea, 5! to arrange the 5 "groups" (the Ann/Bea group and the group of individuals).
Therefore, No. of arrangements where Ann does not sit next to Bea = 720 - 240 = 480

For 2. I believe it is (B) 30
Let O be the centre of the circle. Construct OA and OB. OA = OB (radii of circle) and AB = OB = OA (since AB is equal to radius of circle). Therefore triangle AOB is equilateral (equal sides). Therefore angle AOB = 60 (angle in equilateral triangle). Therefore x = 30 (Angle at the centre of a circle is twice the angle at the circumference subtended by the same arc).
Thanks a lot, I totally did not remember that last postulate from geometry.
I took the new GRE on Sept 19th and got my scores this past Friday. I scored 170/170 (99) on quantitative, 160/170 (86) on verbal and 5.5 (96) on AWA. I would recommend taking as many computer-based practice tests as possible. If you are trying to get perfect on quantitative, try to do a full section (20 questions, 35 minutes) with only high difficulty-level problems and try and get perfect. Companies like Kaplan and GRE Bible have great resources for preparing for the GRE.
Thanks for your recommendations, ddrolet. Regarding GRE Bible: do they really have hundreds of questions of the new GRE? I ask this because as far as I know they did have a very huge database but with old math and verbal questions. In case they do have new GRE questions: how they were able to create (or get them from people who took the test) GRE questions in such a small time?

Thanks again!!
Just got my quant score back, 165/170 (93rd percentile) :-\
I was planning on applying to top MFE programs. Should I retake it? I really don't want to spend a lot of time studying for the test if I don't have to...
I thought 170 was hard but after seeing many people got 170 on the test taking it for the first time, I would have to think "170 is the new 800".
Just take a look at the Tracker to see the profile of your competitors.
Hi All,

I came across this question in my GRE Quantitative test (or the likes thereof - there might be some difference in the phrasing of the question, though the concept and the values remain the same) and was wondering if anyone here would be able to solve it:

A game was played amongst 7 players in which no more than 2 players competed in each round of the game and each player played 3 games in total. Given that no 2 players played in more than 1 round together, how many rounds were played in the game?

Thanks for the suggestion.

However the question indicated that "each player played 3 games in total" (Quote: the post above), not 6 games, so the solution would not be what you have indicated above.
Not sure if I get the question right but if for every round only 2 people compete?(no more than 2 compete but could anyone compete alone?) then I think you got the question wrong because it is not possible for each player to have played 3 games each without playing in more than 1 round together?
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