How correct is this article?

Are you being sarcastic? I'm confused. I had an understanding that you weren't in it for the

Also, how do you quote people?
Ganglandnews is hilarious!

Going off-topic, but it used to be free a decade back. I've corrected Jerry Capeci's articles on the site two or three times (grammatical or spelling errors). I've also told him that big-money crime has moved to other ethnicities (e.g., Colombians). But he never responded to this.
Haha, I just can't believe something like that is out there. But I guess I shouldn't be, since even The Onion has it's own news network.
Again off-topic but Jerry Capeci is known among the goombahs, wise-guys and "made men" in NYC. He's also authored The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Mafia. There used to be a time when this, er, organisation, had a stranglehold on well-paid blue-collar work in NYC like garbage hauling and unloading ships (longshoremen), but perhaps these days are only in the past. Those were the days. Which reminds me I've got to buy and read Bill Bonanno's (possibly self-serving) Bound by Honor. I've seen the film adaptation and I've seen Bonanno interviewed on television a few times.
I bet those days would have been interesting times to live in. Didn't one of the bosses testified against his family couple days ago? I scanned through the article and it talked about how it was the first time someone in that kind of position went against the family/mafia business.

Screw finance, I should just go work for the mob. But I guess Goldman is just as big and bad....
I bet those days would have been interesting times to live in. Didn't one of the bosses testified against his family couple days ago? I scanned through the article and it talked about how it was the first time someone in that kind of position went against the family/mafia business.

My memory fails but wasn't Joe Valachi the first ("The Valachi Papers")? Ah, but he wasn't a boss of any sort. My bad.

Screw finance, I should just go work for the mob. But I guess Goldman is just as big and bad....

Bigger and worse. The American mafia was/is stupid and backward (note that I'm not talking about the 23 Sicilian families in Sicily, which are a very different lot). As Bonanno pointed out in a TV interview, the American mafia had its 15 minutes in the sun. Those days are over. The Apalachin Meeting in 1957 was maybe the writing on the wall.
I am definitely impressed with your grasp of the Mafia's history. Maybe when I get to NY, we can have a Mafia night, and you can tell us all these stories. Did you grow up knowing people in the mob? :)
As a friend of the friends, there's only so much I can reveal about "this thing of ours" (Cosa Nostra). Omerta must be respected. Otherwise my padrone will be seriously displeased.
Copy that! You can just tell us stories that you can share.
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