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How would being an under grad for 7 years affect me when applying to MFE programs?

Francis, this is called a flame war. You should let it go. If you stop, they'll stop, and everyone can move on with their lives. Sure it's plenty annoying to let the injustices stand, but you'll get over it.

Good for you, but there's a difference between bluntness and being an arrogant prick. This shouldn't matter here, but its usually people like you and cw202 who won't be too 'blunt' in people's faces (I promise people like you won't get too far acting like cw202 in my face).

You told me I was not getting the picture before? There's a difference between criticizing someone and completely trashing them regarding matters such as this (ie telling someone their IQ and work ethic isn't good enough without knowing much about them). If your telling me I had no right to get mad at cw202's first post in this thread, well then there's nothing to discuss with you. Especially since you think being 'blunt' in this situation makes you better.