I have been following the Mac with Windows vs a IBM PC for some time, and I fell I can offer my views as I have expericened at first hand the mac vs PC debate.
After owning a Sony Vaio for 6 years and being very happy with it, it started to get cranky and the hard disk was very noisy. Not wanting to a risk a rebuild and leaving myself without a PC (I'm working abroad) I decided to look around for options. I had kept looking at Macs, and was persuded by the perceived quality and the build quality. Once the Intel Macs were able to boot into Windows XP, I was convinced and purchased a black Core 2 Duo Macbook with 2GB Ram and had XP loaded using bootcamp.
At first all was well, loved the quality of the webcam (Skype sessions back home were excellent, but hated the lack of right mosue click, the lack of dedicated delete / backspace keys (only one or the other) and frankly hated the feel of the keyboard, which I never got used to.
Once I had it, it developed a fault where if powered down, on power up the backlight would be off. Try navigating to the control panel without the backilight. After numerous power resets and hardware resets it may start working again, but after a power down, the whole thing would start again. After it let me down on 3 Asia and UK trips, I cried enough, and whilst in UK, brought a Z61T.
What a difference! Excellent keyboard, card reader, reasonable webcam, superb build quality. I love this machine.
In fact I love it so much, I went out and brought a X60 as well for travelling! (Just wish it had a webcam built in)
SO, in summary I realise now I am a Windows guy, and the Mac maybe a great OSX machine, but in my opinion it's a lousy PC.
(PS - rebuilt the Sony, which is now great again, so I could have avoided the whole pain! - But very happy to be a Thinkpad convert)