Joined Michigan, now UCB.. what to do?

Hi All,

I am in a strange situation. I was in waitlisted status in UC, Berkeley MFE 2012 program. I joined U-Michigan this July and now have got offer from UCB. The program will start in March 2012. Can I take a University transfer after doing few courses in U-Michigan? As I know that people take transfer and the credits already covered in previous univ. are adjusted in next univ.

In worst case, I can leave U-Michigan > and join UCB in March. Is UCB *really* worth taking that much pain? I mean does job opportunities and brand name for UCB is really that bigger than U-Michigan?

I am so confused :(
If there is any truth in the placements of UCB (especially in 2008), I believe that it is worth it, given the massive lay-offs that have begun in major banks.
If brand comes at not too much of a cost, take it. I have heard and felt it over and over again, brand helps in short run especially when you are trying to get started.

Of course 5 years from now it would not really matter but it is nice to have a great start.
In this market you DO NEED the Berkeley degree. If you can afford it, go!.

Long term, indeed work-experience matters more.
In this market you DO NEED the Berkeley degree. If you can afford it, go!.

You are looking at a job market a year later. Keep that in mind when you make your decision.
Thanks for all inputs. My profile:
B.Tech from IIT, India
Work exp - 5 years in core programming: C++(1 year), Java(4 years)

I mean to say I wont be entering job market as fresher so probably getting a job from UCB *might* not increase my chances of getting a job as compared to that from Michigan(though m not sure, thats why put my question here). Anyways, as people mentioned here, in long run, UCB and UMich will gimme kinda similar brand name or is it that UCB will really outshine UMich forever? :confused: :confused:
Some MFEs don't allow you to transfer-in credits. Also, you need to figure out which one ( Michigan FE+network or UCB FE+network) will help you get to where you want to go. What do you plan to do after graduation? S&T, Quant Dev, etc Where do you want to work? Midwest, East Coast, West Coast, International, etc
atreides: I plan to enter Quant dev kinda positions. Wanna gain good work exp and brand name while job and then move back to India after 4-5 years. No US location preference as such during job.
UCB vs UMich is more a question of location difference for me(U-Mich's poor location), probably more than brand name comparison, as in India, both will have almost similar brand values.
atreides: I plan to enter Quant dev kinda positions. Wanna gain good work exp and brand name while job and then move back to India after 4-5 years. No US location preference as such during job.
UCB vs UMich is more a question of location difference for me(U-Mich's poor location), probably more than brand name comparison, as in India, both will have almost similar brand values.

This might be helpful The Big Switch: Reasons I Chose Baruch MFE
I think, given you high work-ex, UCB will fit you even more as the average age of the class is around 28-29, and average work-ex is around 3-4 years. Also, majority of the graduates have job profile as Associates.

In, UMichigan - I'm maybe wrong- the class would probably be younger, and most of the graduates maybe fresh out of college. You will,also, most likely get an analyst position after graduating from UMichigan.

From what I hear and see on UCB placement stats, its graduates generally have no problem in finding job anywhere in the world, because of the UCB brand name - I can't comment on UMichigan.

However, I have definitely heard that job placements were NOT good at UMichigan, particularly in the US in 2008 and 2009. So, if you do intend on working in the US - even 4/5 years- it does make a difference, especially as the economy in US has already started weakening and bank lay-offs have picked up. If you were anyway gonna do job in India after graduating from US, I guess it wouldn't have mattered whether you go to UCB or to U Michigan.

However, it all boils down to cost and how important UCB is to you.

I would join UCB over UMichigan. Then again, you are NOT me, and I am NOT you. We can have different opinions.
@rishabh: Thanks for your points dude.
I agree with all ur logic. Yes UCB is v imp for me as well. The major concern is cost. As I have already paid good amount of fees in UMich, if I need to pay much extra in case of moving to UCB, it might be a hurdle, else m not gonna leave UCB.
Your points were really logical n helpful. :)
I am talking to my frds and then will try to transfer credits. Will let all know once I finalize it. Thanks for help.

If I were you, I will switch to UCB in a heartbeat.
The UCB program is similar to MBA when getting the first job, graduates usually start at the Associate level. UMich will most likely get you an Analyst level position (that is if you can find a job at all). There may be sunk cost but you can easily break even within the first couple of years (difference between associate and analyst).
IMO the job prospect alone makes the switch worthwhile. Plus you will get the brand name and alumni network (important).
Good luck and let us know how it goes.
in present scenario, go for umich, if ur looking for job prospective
best of luck
I am talking to my frds and then will try to transfer credits. Will let all know once I finalize it. Thanks for help.
Have you talked to any current UCB MFE students there to get their insights? I thought that would be much more helpful than getting opinion on here where it's unclear if any of the posters in this thread has first hand experience with either UCB MFE or Michigan MFE.
Yes Andy.
I talked to my friends who graduated from UCB and other experienced friends in industry. Finally I have decided to remain in UMich only. The difference *to me* doesnt look very great considering the compromises I need to make. On absolute scale UCB is better than UMich.
Again, this is my decision considering my financial status/work exp/long term vision etc, and the decision should not be generalized based on opinions of the people I contacted.

Many Thanks for help.
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