MFE after Phd?

The fact that you are already doing PhD in Mathematical Finance ... this would probably land you a good job as a Quant . On the job you ll be learning far more practical things that you cannot in academic MFE... doing MFE 1 year or so will give you skills a lot of it you must have gained in PhD research anyways. Getting a degree generally serves 2 purposes - structured learning environment and plus a paper proof of your degree. which you can show off to employers for job. but as you would have job on the basis of you pHd. you would gain no value of MFE for the second purpose (unless you want to boast your academic degrees). For the first could actually use your phd time to learn and diverify your skills ( one trick you could use is to check out the courses you learn in say berkeley mfe any other institutes and self learn those courses. ) Also considering your age you would be better off taking up job asap.

The opportunity cost of MFE outweigh its benefits... 1 and half year of work exp. after PhD would make you lot wiser as a quant and would be equivalent to MFE degree but without the degree...

Learning is in a process its a journey and not a state.. most successful quants are in a continual learning mode all their life...
it doesn't make sense to do MFE after PhD in financial math. You should know or be able to pick up simple portfolio stuff and other MFE stuff during your PhD studies. It is like asking whether to do a high school diploma from a top school once you have a BSc from an okay school
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