"MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

I would like to thank you all for your opinions.Well as mike said, I dont think there is anything i can do about my cgpa, but i do have the neccessary software skill set. Here goes my skill synopsis

Programming Languages : C, C++,
Scripting Languages : Perl, Shell, VBScripts, XML
Operating Systems : UNIX, Win32 Variants (Win 95/NT/2000/ XP)
Technologies : HTML
Tools : MS Office

Well i have not got the oppurtunity to work in any finance institution but i did have the oppurtunity to complete a few economic/commerce related projects back at College.They are mentioned below

- Impact of the WTO Treaty and globalization on selected sectors of the Indian Economy.
- Comparative Study of various E-Business Models and their application in the Indian Banking Sector & Analysis of Indian Internet Banking.

Thanks a lot Bridgett, for your response.I do hope that the adcom recognizes students based on the standard of UG education and the college they graduated from, especially for international students.

I hope the sofware skill set i have mentioned above would help me during the course of my MSFE program.

Thanks a bunch for your time.

Hey, It would be really helful if you could also pass on your opinions on my profile posted in the previous message.

gavi16 said:
Hey, It would be really helful if you could also pass on your opinions on my profile posted in the previous message.

I don't think we can evaluate profiles and I'm 100% sure that the admission committee won't issue any opinion on a given profile in this public Forum. We can only advise you on how good the program is (IT'S GREAT!!!! :smt006 ), and how to navigate life as a student in the program (it is a lot of work, sweat and no sleep/life) but it is a lot of fun.

My best advise is to apply to the program. You won't regret it.
I'd like to clarify what Alain posted:
It's irrelevant what we the students think of a prospective student's chance of admission into Baruch's MFE program. It's really awkward if we say someone has a great profile with 100% chance getting in and it turns out he can't make it. It's true vice versa.

The profile evaluating is best left to the admission committee and I personally think they shouldn't be commenting here either.

I realize that asking for comment on one's profile and a chance of admission into a program is a perfectly normal thing to do. Just look at all the posts on Global-Derivatives forum. The difference is that there, anyone can comment on anything. You can't really know why they can say with authority on many things. Here, we like to be more responsible and credible. After all, many of you will be our classmates.

In short, if you are certain that Baruch's MFE is the program you'd like to attend, the right question to be asked is :"I have this and this profile. What else can I do to improve it?"
Then, we can comment on what you should do based on what we think is good knowledge to have coming in.

As Alain said, just apply, you won't regret it. I'm really proud to be a student in this program.
Best of luck to all of you.
do i stand a chance to get in ??

do i really stand a chance of getting any admit ??

my profile :

Name :Amit
Qualifications:BE electronics (currently in 2nd last sem).
University Name :Univ of mumbai
GPA : 3.0
GRE: 770Q 470V
GMAT :not interested
TOEFL :277
Work Experience : 3 yrs of teaching in maths to junior coll students.No industry experience.
Evaluate my chances!!!

Hi ppl,

It is really a nice endeavour on the part of Baruch Students (current and past) to maintain such a nice Forum

I just wanted a few answers and my chances about getting admission.

My Profile

Education: BS and MS in Mathematics and Computing(Major) and B.Tech in Electronics and Electrical Comm (Minor) from IIT Kharagpur, India (among top 3 colleges in India and quite reputed in global front also) (graduated in 2006 itself).

GPA (Major): 3.22/4 (converting 10 point scale to 4 point scale ) (Among top 40% of class )
(Have done all required Maths courses with haviing 4/4 grade points in most of them)
Selected for National Maths Olympiad.

GRE: Taking next month.

Work Exp:Working for past 6 months in a core Networking company in India with major competences :C/C++ , Database , Networking. Working in their Banking Software division.

Financial Exp: Trading actively in Stock Markets (Cash + F&O) for last 2 years. Most probably giving CFA L1 in July,2007.

My queries are

1) Am i too late for this year's admission in Baruch(rathe FE/QCF programs of any top US school) and should I consider next year (the application fee is quite steep for all the colleges)

2) The ways of financing the education (Would like to know about the loans/scholariships etc. that are available)

Re: Evaluate my chances!!!

pranab.dc said:
My queries are

1) Am i too late for this year's admission in Baruch(rathe FE/QCF programs of any top US school) and should I consider next year (the application fee is quite steep for all the colleges)

2) The ways of financing the education (Would like to know about the loans/scholariships etc. that are available)


You are not too late

check out the website


Since I'm not an international student I cannot answer the financing question because I do not know if you can get loans/scholarships as an international. I'll let our international students reply to that effect.
Hi Pranab,

1) The deadline for Fall 2007 is April 30,2007 so you are not late. We will start evaluating applications in Jan 2007 so if you can send everything in by then, you would be in the earlier group. If you send after Jan 2007, it will be evaluated approx bi-monthly.

2) We have no financial aid for international students but since the tuition is low (very low), the quality is high, you can think of that as having financial aid already. To get a comparable education, you have to pay anywhere from 40K-70K from other programs. At Baruch, you pay 18K. Check out the website for exact numbers.

Best of luck.
Please evaluate my chances for 2007

I currently work as a senior developer with a top investment bank and have over 5+ years overall as a programmer.My stats are as follows-

a) B.E.(Computer Engg)(India- decent school) 1993 GPA 2.7
b) Post-grad diploma in Com. Science at a respected research institute in India.
c) M.S.(Computer Sc.) Temple Univ- Philadelphia GPA 3.4

GRE(1998) Q:780, V:570
GRE(2006) Q:700, V:700

I have good professional recommendations.Currently I'm pursuing a similar course at a local school and am on target for a 4.0 GPA in the first semester.

Now I'm aware my quant scores for the recent GRE attempt are poor and intend taking it again.Question is, what are my chances and would taking the GRE again help?

Hi there,
Welcome to Quantnet. I hope you have good reasons to plan to join Baruch from another program.
Your GRE verbal is good, you should not have any problem with any program with that score. Your GRE quant score is a problem however. For Baruch, I suggest you retake it and spend time on the quant section. Aim for 780-800. It's not impossible.

You can transfer courses from the other program to our program provided you have good grades and the courses are relevant.

What are your math and finance background ? I take it that you have good C++ background. If you have time, you can improve on that. Let's take care of the first thing first, the GRE quant. With that score, people may questions your math skills.

Let us know if you have further questions.
Best of luck.
Hi everyone,

Thanks for taking time out and replying. I really liked the helpful attitude of the Baruch people.

As far as standardised tests go, I will have their scores by next month itself so hope to have my application completed by the first deadline.

Thanks for your careful inputs.


profile improment


Thanks for the reply; as I'd said before, I'm planning on taking the GRE again; my math abilities are rusty since its been some time since I graduated and grad school in Computer Science did not expose me to as much core mathematics as I'd probably need for a quant course.Hopefully that doesnt hurt me too much- I'm certainly willing to undertake refresher courses.I'm not really concerned about transferring courses, just trying to improve my overall profile when I cited that- I'm more concerned about admission.As you said, I'll concentrate on the GRE for now and take it from there.

Please evaluate my chances for FE 2007

I have been a frequent visitor to this forum for quite some time now. Frankly, I am kind of
intimidated with the kind of profile, this year's applicant's pool has. Would you guys please have a
look at my profile and assess my chances to have a shot at Baruch FE for Fall 2007.

Education: Civil (Structural) Engineering (Dual Degree : Btech+Mtech)
Additional Courses done in Financial Management, Financial Accounting & Economics.
University Name : Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (IITB)
GPA : 3.40/4; Maths GPA : 3.22/4 (Converted on a scale of 4)
-Department Rank 2 in the Dual Degree batch of Civil Engineering, IITB 2004.
GRE: 2040/2400 (800 Q, 680 Analytical, 560 V- (taken in 2002)); TOEFL IBT : 113/120 (taken in 2006)

Professional Experience:
Currently working as a Business Analyst into an Analytics company,Gurgaon,India. Mar2006-Present
-Involved in sales forecasting and trend analysis using various statistical models to enable the client improve effectiveness within and across key sales and marketing areas. The work requires extensive use of statistical tools such as SAS, VBA and MS Excel.

IBM Global Services India, India Aug 2004-Mar 2006
Software Engineer
-Analyzed business flows, designed and developed modules in Java to automate testing procedures for the Selectica based configurator.

Maths Courses :
4 in total (Probability theory, Partial Differential equations, Linear Algebra,Numerical Methods, Power Series). A few elective courses which I took during my graduation were very maths intensive.

-Advanced certificate course in C++ organized by Continuing Education Program (CEP), IIT Bombay.
-Worked extensively on C++ during my engineering on various projects.
-developed modules in Java during my employment at IBM.
-Highly Conversant with programming & statitical tools such as SAS, VBA & MS Excel.

How much would it matter, for my non financial background? Although i have started thoroughly reading on Finance (read HULL) to compensate my non financial workex. I would appreciate if you guys could provide some inputs as to how to strengthen my profile in finance.
Long time lurker, first time poster ? Welcome to Quantnet :)
I'm sure everyone of us here has been in your situation before and we are here to help prospective students with tips that we wish we knew coming in.

You have a good profile. A degree from IIT, Bombay is a good thing to have.
Your GRE score is good. Please double check if it will be valid when you submit application. If not, I'm sure you can retake and still do well.
Your C++ skill will be very useful and a strong selling point. Make sure you have great LOR and SOP. They are important. Reading Hull is a really good way to prepare for the Financial Engineering program.

Keep up with the news we have here. We will have another online chat in Dec for prospective students organized by Director of the program. Check our Dept website http://math.baruch.cuny.edu/masters.html They have been updated recently and are loaded with new information. Any remaining questions, feel free to post here.

Thanks for your interest in the Baruch MFE program and goodluck with your application.
Hi Sandeep ..
Your profile looks good ... You have the necessary math skills and programming experience. I think GRE scores are valid for 5 years .. but i thinnk you need to check with Professor Stefanica if you need to give it again. if yes then take the date asap as there is always a shortage of dates in india.

Just make one thing sure that while you are aplying for this program you should b serious and not using this application as a fall back application.

Wish you good luck with the applicaton.
Classes to take to strengthen my application

I'm not asking to evaluate my chances for admission but rather I would like to get some feedback on how I can strengthen my application.
I was thinking of taking some classes in January and I would appreciate recommendations on which classes from which school would prove to be useful. Would taking classes at a community college carry the same weight as taking same classes at a big university?
Thank you.

My Background:
B.S. Engineering from Cooper Union
7 years of experience in IT consulting in financial industry
GPA 3.0 (downward trend which I realize is my weakness)
GMAT 740 (95% Q, 90%V, 73% Writing)

Math classes I took as an undergraduate:
Calculus I (4 credits) : got credit from AP Calculus BC
Calculus II (4 credits) : A
Vector Calculus (2 credits) : C
Intro to Linear Algebra (2 credits) : A
Probability and Statistics (2 credits) : A
Orinary and Partial Differential Equations (3 credits) : B
Math Seminar (1 credit) : B

I also took Principles of Finance and Corporate Finance at Baruch Continuing Education and got A.
Hi there,
Cooper Union is a good engineering school. One of our senior students is a CU grad. I'm not sure if what I suggest is applicable to you since I don't have all the info.
1) Take courses at CUNY community or senior colleges. Save money. If you get an A, then it's good enough.
2) When did you graduate ? If it's been a while, I believe it's better for you to retake or do some more advanced classes. Cal 3, LA, Prob, ODE and PDE are very useful. Also, C++ is heavily used in our program so make sure you are up to it.
3) When did you take GMAT ? We prefer GRE but if your score is current, you can use it.
4) All MFE program are different so you should make sure Baruch MFE has what you want.

Thanks Andy.
Is it possible to take regular math classes as a non-degree student at Baruch?
Thanks Andy.
Is it possible to take regular math classes as a non-degree student at Baruch?
Yes, as a non-degree student, you are not required to follow any degree structure so you can take any class you want, provided that you're willing to pay for it and you can secure permission from the course instructors.
As for regular math courses at Baruch, i believe you should take the upper level courses. If you narrow down to the list of courses you like to take, please post it here so other members can comment if they are rigorious enough for our program.

Here is some good news for anyone looking to apply to Baruch MFE program

For Undergrads interested in a career in quant:

To prepare for these careers, the Mathematics Department is offering a new concentration within the mathematics major, the mathematics of finance. This concentration is the best way for undergraduates to get a head start on their careers in quant, as this major "will prepare you above and beyond what the MS program requires for admission" said Dan Stefanica, director of the MS in applied mathematics for finance. The mathematics of finance concentration has a different set of electives than the other mathematics concentrations. Students should take the following five electives:

MTH 4110 Ordinary Differential Equations
MTH 4120 Introduction to Probability
MTH 4125 Stochastic Process
MTH 4135 Methods of Monte Carlo Simulation
MTH 4500 Introduction to Financial Mathematics

A mathematics minor will allow you to take some of these classes, but the major will fully prepare you for the MS program, and ultimately a career in quant.
Read the original article here
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