"MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

I have a question guys. I recently took the GRE and did not to so well on the Q (770), can a relatively high V (750) score offset somehow? Thanks.
something else ive noticed is a polarized stance of members against bu's program. i've read some of the threads started by members who attended the program briefly and then transferred to other programs and they dont have the best of things to say about the program. having said that, it is ranked (on the quantnet rankings) well above a lot of other schools that are favorably reviewed and talked about on the forums. i do understand that the algorithm used for the rankings is proprietary but what explains this paradox? the program at rutgers seems to be well regarded around these parts but ranks well below bu, gtech, ncsu and illinois. thoughts?

edit - i hope this post doesnt get taken as at attempt at forum trolling. i am fairly new to these boards so dont know if the issue has been addressed already. i genuinely would like to know as i was considering bu rather seriously.
Thanks Connor.

I don't really have money to waste so I don't want to end up in a situation where I go to a sub par school because of my credentials and then not be able to get a job afterwards. I'd rather just work next year and try to make myself more marketable. If I were to do that what would you suggest besides improving my gre scores?


I second what TraderJoe said. You are better off working for a short time while continuing applying to top programs.

- Improve your GRE score to say 800Q/600V/4.0 which you are already very close to so I think it won't be difficult for you.
- Read some of the books on the Quantnet reading list and do some self-study. Learn the basics and code some models on your own. Having and being able to show a real interest in this stuff on your admission essays or just when some is talking to you (think future interviews) is important.
- If you end up working before going into a MFE program, try to get a job that is as relevant as possible; this means something in finance or something technical/mathematical.
I second what TraderJoe said. You are better off working for a short time while continuing applying to top programs.

- Improve your GRE score to say 800Q/600V/4.0 which you are already very close to so I think it won't be difficult for you.
- Read some of the books on the Quantnet reading list and do some self-study. Learn the basics and code some models on your own. Having and being able to show a real interest in this stuff on your admission essays or just when some is talking to you (think future interviews) is important.
- If you end up working before going into a MFE program, try to get a job that is as relevant as possible; this means something in finance or something technical/mathematical.

Hey Connor. So what are the chances of someone with an 800Q/410V/4.5? I totally blanked out on the vocabulary words and it kind of killed my score. I have a 3.86 overall gpa and I'm a double major in actuarial science and economics. I'll be done with every prerequisite this semester and I will be taking some advanced classes like Stochastic Processes, Monte Carlo Simulations etc. I'm doing very well in my classes especially mathematics and economics and it isn't like I have bad verbal skills at all. I can write very well and I read the occasional book. How can I get around this low score of 410 on my verbal section? Thanks in advanced for the help Connor as you have helped me several times on this forum.
something else ive noticed is a polarized stance of members against bu's program. i've read some of the threads started by members who attended the program briefly and then transferred to other programs and they dont have the best of things to say about the program.
One member's opinion does not represent the true picture. Unfortunately, the unhappy members are those willing to voice their opinion. It's just fact of life.
Things change for better or worse so you can't read someone's opinion of the program several years ago and take it for granted. The best bet is to reach out to those currently taking the course or recently graduated.

Facebook and LinkedIn make it extremely easy to do so. Not everyone will take the hassle to voice their happiness or unhappiness on Quantnet or any forum so you have to hunt them down and ask them the right questions.

If you are local to those programs, you actually should go and meet them in person.
Hey Connor. So what are the chances of someone with an 800Q/410V/4.5? I totally blanked out on the vocabulary words and it kind of killed my score. I have a 3.86 overall gpa and I'm a double major in actuarial science and economics. I'll be done with every prerequisite this semester and I will be taking some advanced classes like Stochastic Processes, Monte Carlo Simulations etc. I'm doing very well in my classes especially mathematics and economics and it isn't like I have bad verbal skills at all. I can write very well and I read the occasional book. How can I get around this low score of 410 on my verbal section? Thanks in advanced for the help Connor as you have helped me several times on this forum.

I don't think anyone can give you very accurate chances based on a profile because it depends on other applicants. Somewhat related, I read an interview with I think the admissions director at HBS for their MBA program and they said that something like 80% of applicants are qualified.

GRE score is one of the easier ways to disqualify an applicant but also an easy area to correct in your profile because it is a quantified number that can be compared to maximums and averages. It is important to have completed the prerequisites but all the other applicants will have done the same.

800Q/410V/4.5 is a great score. It will be higher than some applicants and lower than others. I wouldn't recommend retaking the GRE unless you are absolutely positive that you can get 800Q again and above 410V. The best way to overcome your low verbal score is to write a very good essay and be strong in other areas of your application.

At the end of the day all we can do is our best, the rest is luck.

Good luck!
Hi Andy,
i wanted to know how much of a difference passing the F.R.M( financial risk management Level I&II) from GARP would make in the application for F.E programs.Once i get done with F.R.M i am planning to give C.F.A.
Also i am working with Accenture (I.T Services) on S.A.P development project( i am very well versed with C,C++ as a result) for the past 5 months. So would a 2yr experience in this field and a good L.O.R from the Project manager help me in my admission process or should i turn to a more finance oriented job profile???.
I want to apply for fall 2012 and want to secure admission in the top tier if possible.
My profile :
GRE: 1410( Q:800,V:610)
TOEFL :110
B.E( Electronics and Telecommunication- University Of Mumbai)
GPA: 62% (India), Math Aggregate: 75%
Finished quite a few financial modules from N.S.E( National Stock Exchange) and scored above 95% in each of them.
6 month part time intern at a stock broking and investment firm .

Please evaluate my profile and as i m applying in 2012 and have time in hand ,please suggest me things to strengthen my application even more

I'm interested in applying for the MS in FE concentration ..i'd appreciate if people can give me suggestions on where I can use some improvement and what steps I can take since I'll be applying for 2012 -
B.Tech - ECE/VIT-Vellore- INDIA - Undergad Engg. Math courses - all As
M.S - Telecom/CU-Boulder - US - 3.5/4 - did 3 Business courses as well( decent grades)
GRE- 800/590/3.5 - 1390
Working as a Software/Business Consultant for a top-notch consulting firm for about an year now - mostly tying and streamlining Business Processes together - heavily into OO programming, data management, business process modelling, documenting and client walkthroughs.(so will have 2 yrs by the time I apply)
Hopefully be CFA Level 2(already have a level-1) by the time I apply. I'm planning to apply to the following universities -
Boston Univ

Sadly I have no real finance experience. What more certifications can I focus on other than CFA to better my profile? I have an amazing knack for anything math for some reason not that it matters but just to say that I'm very interested and would like to know if there are any certifications or exams in math that might give me a fighting chance.
Also, I travel around a lot and although I wouldn't mind taking a risk by quitting my job I much rather not.. so would doing the MSOR from Columbia's CVN be anything as good as getting an MFE degree. Thanks again and would love to read what others have to say.
Evaluate me!

Hey guys!

Long time reader but first time poster. So I wanna tell you a bit about myself. I'm History graduate with a 3.5GPA and a masters degree in Economic History with a pass. I have recently taken the GRE with 770V/700Q and am awaiting my written exercise results. My aim is to embark upon the Master of Finance course. I have narrowed down my choices to the following:

Duke (their MMS)
Claremont McKenna
LSE (Msc Economics/Finance)

Having been reading these forums quite religiously lately, I've gained some insight. However, ideally I wanted some perspective from those who have/or going to apply. What are my chances with MIT and Duke? These two are my first choices because of their ability to provide me with a loan, as I am an international student (I'm from the UK!!) and there arent a lot of financial aid opportunities. Any help would be great!

Thanks :)
MIT will be a tough one due to your low GRE quant score and history major (this is based on MIT's class profile), but not impossible.

I think you have a much better chance at Duke.

You should probably apply to at least 4-5 programs so go ahead and apply to MIT and Duke plus the others.

Good luck!
Do the proposed loans cover all of your expenses, or will there be significant out of pocket costs? Consider the state and city schools, and you might find that your out of pocket costs are lower, and as a bonus, you will have no loan obligation.
Do the proposed loans cover all of your expenses, or will there be significant out of pocket costs? Consider the state and city schools, and you might find that your out of pocket costs are lower, and as a bonus, you will have no loan obligation.

They would cover the costs of tuition, which is the main thing. General expenses are on me but easier to handle.
MIT will be a tough one due to your low GRE quant score and history major (this is based on MIT's class profile), but not impossible.

I think you have a much better chance at Duke.

You should probably apply to at least 4-5 programs so go ahead and apply to MIT and Duke plus the others.

Good luck!


Yep, I am applying to about 6 programs, maybe more depending on any recommendations on programs you may think I ought to check out.

MIT, yeah it does seem a distant hope but I have quite good recommendations and its all about the whole application right? My quant score may still look good, with killer essays and recs!
Hi Guys,
i wanted to know how much of a difference passing the F.R.M( financial risk management Level I&II) from GARP would make in the application for F.E programs.Once i get done with F.R.M i am planning to give C.F.A.
Also i am working with Accenture (I.T Services) on S.A.P development project( i am very well versed with C,C++ as a result) for the past 5 months. So would a 2yr experience in this field and a good L.O.R from the Project manager help me in my admission process or should i turn to a more finance oriented job profile???.
I want to apply for fall 2012 and want to secure admission in the top tier if possible.
My profile :
GRE: 1410( Q:800,V:610)
TOEFL :110
B.E( Electronics and Telecommunication- University Of Mumbai)
GPA: 62% (India), Math Aggregate: 75%
Finished quite a few financial modules from N.S.E( National Stock Exchange) and scored above 95% in each of them.
6 month part time intern at a stock broking and investment firm .

Please evaluate my profile and as i m applying in 2012 and have time in hand ,please suggest me things to strengthen my application even more
Rate my profile please


I am new here, and nice to meet you all. I am very interested in the MFE program and just want to know if I have a chance at it. I am currently a 4th year undergraduate student in Materials Engineering at the University of Toronto, graduating in April 2011.

Have taken 3 semesters of Calculus, 1 linear algebra, 1 statistics & probability, C and C++ programming, and 3 semesters of economics with some financial engineering concepts.

GPA is 3.73/4.0
GRE: 800/660/4.0

However, I don't have any professional working experiences, except a couple of research internships. Please evaluate my profile.

Thank you all!
If you have done some research on different MFE programs, it would give people a better sense of what you are looking for and sequentially, can provide better suggestion.
If you have done some research on different MFE programs, it would give people a better sense of what you are looking for and sequentially, can provide better suggestion.
Thanks for the reply. I have already looked at some of the programs. I am currently thinking about Baruch's program. However, from its student profile, most of the accepted students have higher degrees and/or relevant working experiences. Without any work experiences, I am wondering if my profile is strong enough? I do have good math background though, as I got grades of A in all my math courses. Thanks.
Profile Evaluation


I am currently applying for 2011 admission...Need some help in choosing the programs

Bachelors in Engineering from Osmania University, India
81% overall, Math Aggregate: over 90%...typical engg courses like multivariate calculus, PDE, linear algebra.
completed a course in C++, but no professional programming exp
stood 3rd in class of 60

Post graduate diploma in Management from Indian Institute of Management, Indore (One of the top B schools in India)
GPA: 3.35 (Our school follows an absolute scale)
Stood in the top 5% overall and was awarded a gold medal for scholastic achievement

Close to 2 years work exp as credit analyst in project finance/working capital loan division at the third largest private bank in India. I quit this febraury since I moved to the United States and have been unemployed since.

Completed CFA level 1, candidate for lvl 2 in 2011
Passed the FRM exam

GRE: 800 Q, 710 V, 4.5 AWA
GMAT: 760/800, 50 Q, 44 V, 4.5 AWA
TOefl: 118 ibt

Post MFE, I would like to work in non-trading positions like research analyst pertaining to Fixed income markets or risk management.

Would receive lors from two former professors and former employer, two of them being very good.

The schools I am keen on are Baruch, CMU and Chicago...Please evaluate my chances

I am currently applying for 2011 admission...Need some help in choosing the programs

Bachelors in Engineering from Osmania University, India
81% overall, Math Aggregate: over 90%...typical engg courses like multivariate calculus, PDE, linear algebra.
completed a course in C++, but no professional programming exp
stood 3rd in class of 60

Post graduate diploma in Management from Indian Institute of Management, Indore (One of the top B schools in India)
GPA: 3.35 (Our school follows an absolute scale)
Stood in the top 5% overall and was awarded a gold medal for scholastic achievement

Close to 2 years work exp as credit analyst in project finance/working capital loan division at the third largest private bank in India. I quit this febraury since I moved to the United States and have been unemployed since.

Completed CFA level 1, candidate for lvl 2 in 2011
Passed the FRM exam

GRE: 800 Q, 710 V, 4.5 AWA
GMAT: 760/800, 50 Q, 44 V, 4.5 AWA
TOefl: 118 ibt

Post MFE, I would like to work in non-trading positions like research analyst pertaining to Fixed income markets or risk management.

Would receive lors from two former professors and former employer, two of them being very good.

The schools I am keen on are Baruch, CMU and Chicago...Please evaluate my chances

The profile you posted is strong, but I have seen a number of strong profiles from India lately. The key will be to differentiate yourself through LORs and personal essay.

Just from reading your profile, things you may want to consider addressing in your essay (also could come up in an interview) are: Why an MFE after doing the post grad diploma? Why did you quit your job and move to the US?

You may want to strengthen your C++ skills, including trying a finance-related programming project. Check out the master reading list for book suggestions on C++ and finance.

I am currently applying for 2011 admission...Need some help in choosing the programs

Bachelors in Engineering from Osmania University, India
81% overall, Math Aggregate: over 90%...typical engg courses like multivariate calculus, PDE, linear algebra.
completed a course in C++, but no professional programming exp
stood 3rd in class of 60

Post graduate diploma in Management from Indian Institute of Management, Indore (One of the top B schools in India)
GPA: 3.35 (Our school follows an absolute scale)
Stood in the top 5% overall and was awarded a gold medal for scholastic achievement

Close to 2 years work exp as credit analyst in project finance/working capital loan division at the third largest private bank in India. I quit this febraury since I moved to the United States and have been unemployed since.

Completed CFA level 1, candidate for lvl 2 in 2011
Passed the FRM exam

GRE: 800 Q, 710 V, 4.5 AWA
GMAT: 760/800, 50 Q, 44 V, 4.5 AWA
TOefl: 118 ibt

Post MFE, I would like to work in non-trading positions like research analyst pertaining to Fixed income markets or risk management.

Would receive lors from two former professors and former employer, two of them being very good.

The schools I am keen on are Baruch, CMU and Chicago...Please evaluate my chances

CMU and Baruch have good placement record. Chicago is an extremely high quality academic program, but I believe that the students are having placement problems.

You have almost perfect profile for Harvard / Stanford / Wharton MBA. International, female, 760 GMAT, 2 years finance work experience. The main problem is you have to explain why you did not take a job for past 10 months. I assume that you got married, quit your previous job and moved to USA.The long-term payoff from Top 10 MBA is infinitely greater than the payoff from MFE.
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