MFE Suitability

Dear All,
I am new member to Quantnet.I have done my BTECH in Computer Science(2004-2008).Then pursued my MBA(2009-2011).Post that I worked with a financial services company for two years.Lately I got married and had to leave my current job due to relocation issues. I am interested in pursuing MFE degree from US in 2014 but I have concerns regarding suitability of my application. I was hoping if somebody could help me out with these.
1.Most likely I might have to face a career gap from 2013 to 2014.Would that affect my chances of getting admission to a good university?
2.Since I already have MBA degree, I was wondering whether my Graduate GPA would also be considered along with undergraduate GPA for screening of the applications for MFE.

Waiting to hear from somebody very soon..
1) You should be fine as long as you have a good reason for the gap
2) I believe most schools request transcripts of all institutions attended, whether undergraduate or graduate. So yes, they would see all of your grades.
Even I have a concern on suitability front. I am B.Tech mechanical and MBA Finance from one of the premier institutes in India. I have worked for 2 years pre MBA and 1 year post MBA experience. Currently I am working with financial technology company. I am very strong in maths and dream to become a quant. I am sure that they will ask me.... Why MFE after MBA? Issue is in India if you want to get into finance all you can do is MBA. Are there any more people in sch dilemma?
can you code? quant is about coding. A CS + MBA Finance can get you in.
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