NCSU MFM NCSU awaiting decision

Has anyone received decision for NCSU MFM program?
I submitted on 12/12/23.
Submitted mine on Dec 2. My application status changed into Decided yesterday, but I don't see any decision posted, not sure what's with that...
I see some people who applied in Jan getting an admit, and some who've applied since December haven't heard back. Does anybody have an idea about why this is happening?
Best bet is to ask the dept. But depts. with rolling admissions tend to sit on applications that they aren’t sure about. They’re likely waiting to see if they receive more competitive applications or for admitted students to enroll so they can determine how many spaces they have available in their class. Normally depts. have a targeted number of enrolled students each year and they want to fill as many spots as they can, but never more than their capacity.
I emailed the dept asking when i might expect to get a decision from them and this is what they said-
"Once applications are marked as complete, our program can begin the review process. If you have indicated on your application that you will provide GRE scores, however, then we will await those official results. Our internal review process can take a few days for each application, after which decisions are submitted to the Graduate School for their review and final approval. As such, we cannot provide comment on the status of one's application. We do anticipate that all decisions will be posted by the end of March. "
I submitted in November and heard back around the 12th of December. I don’t think scholarship notifications have been released yet though.
They just mentioned in the info session today that they have not sent out fellowship awards yet and will in the coming weeks.
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