New Quantnet forum software

Hi Andy,

I'm pretty sure it already exists but I can't find it:

I'm following some threads (through watch thread option) but I just can find them only if there are new posts... is there a specific page where I can find all the threads I'm following?

Right under the forum tab, there is a Watched Threads link (between Search Forums and What's New)
I can't find 'Mark all threads as read' button on the forum anymore (I remember I used it quite often in the past), is it removed?
I can't find 'Mark all threads as read' button on the forum anymore (I remember I used it quite often in the past), is it removed?
It's replaced by Mark Forums Read which allows you to mark all threads under a specific forum read.
Say if you are under Computer forum, click on that will allow you to mark all unread threads under the Computing forum read.
If you are on the forum home, that link will work for all forums.
It's more flexible than one in the past where it's all or nothing.
It's replaced by Mark Forums Read which allows you to mark all threads under a specific forum read.
Say if you are under Computer forum, click on that will allow you to mark all unread threads under the Computing forum read.
If you are on the forum home, that link will work for all forums.
It's more flexible than one in the past where it's all or nothing.

ahhh, in the upper left corner under the Forum tab, it used to be in the upper right corner, as far as I remember. I also just noticed that I can access my 'Watched Threads' from that tab, should've read the previous post before posting my question :D. Thanks Andy!
Yes, absolutely. The only other way to return to interesting posts right now is to google "quantnet <thread title>".
Yes, absolutely. The only other way to return to interesting posts right now is to google "quantnet <thread title>".
You speak, we listen and take action :)
We're pleased to introduce a Bookmark function to Quantnet members. At the bottom of each post/thread/profile post, there is a Bookmark link that you can click and save as your personal bookmarks. You can choose to make each bookmark public/private. You can make a note for self for each bookmark. When a bookmark is public, other members can see it on your profile page.
Once you bookmark one item, you will see a new Bookmark tab on the navigation menu as well as in your Account preference page.

Has anyone ever wished they can bookmark useful post/threads on Quantnet that they often go to?
Are you interested in seeing other members' public bookmarks?
I've wished for a shiny new car. But this will do :)
Anyone else think it would be useful to be able to 'reply' to a specific post, albeit privately to the poster? -- either that only the poster can see, or as a PM referencing the post.
We just pushed out a new update to the tagging feature. When you use @username, it will auto suggest username for you just like on Facebook. This will prevent people from tagging the wrong person.
I know @Andy was tagged numerous times when they were meant for me at @Andy Nguyen
We are testing and releasing each feature in phases but there is one feature I'd like to introduce and get people to use/test now.
  • NSFW (Not Safe For Work) mode
Problem: So you are at work and browse Quantnet. You want to hide all the avatars, smilies, images, etc so your boss/coworkers don't think you are looking at Facebook or some other social network sites.

Solution: Go to your Profile -> Preferences and adjust your NSFW options. Hide avatar is self explained. Hide smilies will display :) as :)
You can save this settings per machines so if you log in from work, it will hide avatars and when you log in from home, it will have the default settings to show avatars.

Have fun.

What happened to NSFW?
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